January 2025
Message From the Principal
Dear RHHS Families,
Happy New Year! We have officially reached the 20-week mark of the school year, and it's hard to believe how quickly time has flown. As we close out the second quarter and the first semester, I want to take a moment to reflect on all of the hard work our students and staff have put in so far. This is a time for celebration of the progress made and a time to look ahead to the opportunities and challenges of the second half of the year.
As we approach the end of the semester, please note that students will begin their exams this Friday. It's essential that students are prepared, so I encourage you to review the exam schedule with your child. Make sure to take note of the length of the exams as well as the guidelines for taking them, which are outlined in the attached exam schedule. Being prepared and knowing what to expect will help ease any exam-related stress and set students up for success.
I also want to remind you to check your child’s grades and academic standing before the semester wraps up. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teachers or to our counseling team for support.
Thank you for your continued partnership in making this school year a success. I wish all our students the best of luck as they finish up the semester and take their exams!
Mr. John Fote, Principal
Rocky Hill High School Schedules
Daily Bell Schedule
January Schedule
1. All students must be on time for their exams. Students will not be admitted once the exam has begun, and will not be allowed to take a make-up exam unless the student has approval from a school administrator.
2. Parents /guardians are to call the school by 7:45 A.M. if their teenager is going to miss an exam.
3. Exams will be given in all courses except physical education and chorus. Students are not required to report to school when they are scheduled for these courses or for study hall.
4. A supervised study hall will be held in the cafeteria during all exam periods. Students are not allowed to walk around in school or go to their lockers during exams.
5. Bus transportation will be provided as usual in the morning for all students as well as at the end of exams (11:40 A.M.). Students who only have a 9:45 A.M. exam on a given day must provide their own transportation to school if they do not take the morning bus. Also, please note Friday, January 17 end of period 2 exam transportation will be at 11:30 A.M.
6. Students who do not have a 9:45 A.M. exam on any given day may leave school after their first exam. However, they must provide their own transportation or remain in the cafeteria study until 11:45 A.M.
7. All scheduled team practices will start after 2:25 P.M. Team members are to consult with their coach for time of practice.
8. All exams count for twenty percent (20%) of the semester average.
SEMESTER AVERAGE 1st quarter grade . . . . 40%
FORMULA: 2nd quarter grade . . . 40%
Exam . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%
If school is canceled on an examination day, the exams scheduled for that day will be held the next day that school is in session.
If there is a delayed opening on an exam day, both of the scheduled exams for that day will be held. Students are to report at 9:35 A.M. for the first exam scheduled for that day. There will be a 45-minute break between exams for lunch. Grab & Go lunch will be available. The second exam will begin at 12:25 P.M.
Dates to Remember
January Student Of The Month
Art: Emma Fargnoli
Business: Alyssa Alamo
English: Mackenzie Holzmiller
Family & Consumer Science: Fabienne Keliesius
Math: Kylie Anderson
Music: Jahnavi Keelu
P.E./ Health:
Science: Jenniah Wong
Social Studies: Julio Martinez Briceno
Technology Education: Jaydrian Pagan
World Languages: Evans Boateng
R.O.C.K: Angelina Daley
What's Happening at RHHS
Entrepreneurship Presentations
On January 3rd, our Entrepreneurship students presented their business plans as the final exam for the semester. After months of learning about starting a business and refining their public speaking skills, students dressed professionally and used visual aids for their presentations. They presented to a panel of three business professionals and participated in a brief Q&A session. Following the presentations, the professionals shared insights into their career journeys, highlighting the importance of networking and the non-linear paths to success. Several students stayed afterward to network with the guests.
Seal of Biliteracy
World Language students had the opportunity in the Fall to take the Seal of Biliteracy exam. The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, district, or state in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation.
The following students earned the Seal in the Fall:
Michela Dinunzio (Latin)
Marielis Ramirez (Spanish)
Anthony Torres-Tobon (Spanish)
Students in Mr. Bobrow and Dr. Rosenberg's Law & Order classes held their mock trial on Thursday, December 20. They took on the roles of attorneys, witnesses, courtroom employees, and members of the jury for a murder trial. Both classes successfully argued their sides and the defense came away with the acquittal after lengthy jury deliberations. Students learned about the roles in a trial, how to prepare a court case, and how a trial works. Great job to everyone involved!
Advanced Culinary Class Visits East Haven High School's Culinary Program
Ms. Monaco and her Principles of Baking students had a wonderful day making over 12 dozen bagels and working in EHHS's student run restaurant.
Chef instructors mingled our students with their Culinary classes to make bagels for the four sandwiches offered for lunch that day.
Some of our students worked the front of house, welcoming staff, taking orders, and running food; while the rest of the students were back of house prepping food and assembling orders.
Ms. Monaco was extremely proud of how quickly her students jumped in, showed confidence, showcased their skills, and positively interacted with their peers, all while out of their comfort zone.
Math Team
On January 8th the RHHS Math Team competed in their 4th meet of the season. We are currently in third place in the Capital Area Math League! The competition this year is as fierce as ever. Next month they compete again in Berlin. The season breakdown is below:
The Nurse Says...
Emergency Medications- Please make sure all emergency medications and emergency health care plans are up to date in the Health Office. If you have not picked up your plan, please stop by the Health Office. If you carry medication, it must be approved by the school nurse. This needs to be done annually.
MEDICATIONS SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN IN THE CLASSROOM UNLESS APPROVED BY THE SCHOOL NURSE. THIS INCLUDES OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS SUCH AS TYLENOL OR ADVIL. If your student needs to take medication during school, please contact the Health Office for the correct process and forms.
In School Illness-If a student becomes ill during the school day, they should report to the Health Office and be evaluated by a nurse. The nurse will then contact parents/guardians for proper dismissal from school.
Mandatory Physicals -10th graders, please be on the lookout for a notification from the nurse regarding your mandatory school physical. Students must submit a health assessment in either 9th or 10th grade per state requirements. If you are in need of one, a letter will be mailed home. Please submit it ASAP if you were notified.
Sports Physicals - Athletes, please make sure your sports physicals are up to date with the school nurse. The State of Connecticut Health Assessment Health Assessment Record record is used for the form. You are not eligible for participation if your physical has expired. Physicals can be submitted by email to garrahyr@rockyhillps.com or staggersa@rockyhillps.com or faxed to 860-258-7646. Also, please make sure you are registered for the sport well in advance of the season starting.
If you have any questions, please contact the nurse Renee Garrahy, RN or Aimee Staggers, RN at 860-258-7620.
Absence Information
If your child will be absent from school, please use the following Google Form to submit the absence to the school office. No follow up note is needed if this form is submitted for your child's first 9 absences of the school year. Please use the password that was sent to you from the principal's office in August in order to access the Google Form. Keep in mind credit loss is determined by the attendance committee.
Absence Form: https://forms.gle/uDtwLJqKoev2QGYJA
Loss of Credit
Attendance regulations for full and half year classes and credit information.
Counseling Corner
School Counseling Office
We recommend you getting to know your school counselor as they are important to your academic journey at RHHS. The counselors names and assignments are as follows. Any question please contact the school counseling department at 860-258-7724.
Students with the last names ending:
Class of 2025 - 2027, Mrs. Notarangelo A - D
Class of 2025 - 2027, Mrs. Carbutti E - K
Class of 2025 - 2027, Mrs. Bikowski L - Rf
Class of 2025 - 2027, Mrs. Russell Rg - Z
Class of 2028, Mrs. Notarangelo A - F
Class of 2028, Mrs. Carbutti G - L
Class of 2028, Mrs. Bikowski M - Per
Class of 2028, Mrs. Russell Pet - Z
School Counseling Instagram: rhhs_schoolcounseling
Graduation Requirements
Graduation takes place every year for all students that are able to satisfy all RHBOE requirements over the duration of their high school career. In order to meet graduation requirements, students will need 25 course credits and 50 hours of community service by the end of their senior year.
Course Selection Process
Near the end of January (after midterm exams), students will receive information about choosing courses for the 2025-2026 school-year. The PowerSchool portal will be opened after January 31, 2025. The deadline to choose classes and submit a Course Level Change Request form will be February 13, 2025 (NO EXCEPTIONS).
Naviance and College, Trade, Technical School Visits
Naviance is continuously being updated as representatives from community colleges, technical and trade schools schedule time to visit RHHS. Students should take advantage of this opportunity to talk directly to admissions representatives while learning more about available programs. Please check Naviance (Colleges > College Visits) to register for upcoming visits.
Naviance and Summer Enrichment Programs
Naviance is continuously being updated with summer enrichment programs. Students can log into Naviance and go to Colleges > Enrichment Programs to view opportunities.
Seniors- Scholarships
Please continue to check Naviance and Google Classroom to view scholarship opportunities.
Post Secondary Fair
A post-secondary fair is scheduled during the advisory on March 13th. This is a great opportunity for sophomores, juniors, and seniors (who do not have post-secondary plans) to meet with organizations to explore post-secondary options.
During the course selection process, Juniors will receive more information about post-secondary planning such as researching and visiting colleges, starting the college essay, creating a resume, and requesting letters of recommendation from teachers and counselors. More information will be provided, but please note the following important dates:
3/13/25: Post-Secondary Career Fair
3/19/25: NACAC Hartford College Fair
3/20/25: Junior College Planning Night
4/2/25: Juniors Free School-Day SAT
5/21/25: NGSS Testing
Community Service
As a reminder, students need 50 community service hours to meet graduation requirements. These hours can be completed starting the summer prior to entering freshman year and must be completed by senior year. Please return the completed form to Guidance for hours to be entered into PowerSchool. A maximum of five hours can be for helping family members.
The FAFSA for the 2025-2026 academic year is available. Information can be found on the FAFSA website. Additional resources include:
FAFSA help information released by the U.S. Department of Education.
2024 Federal Student Aid Webinar Series: On Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024, a live webinar series will guide you through submitting the 2025–26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form and is tailored for both independent and dependent students. This event is for students, parents, and college/career professionals, and will feature the following:
A live demonstration of the 2025–26 FAFSA form
An overview of the financial aid process, available federal student aid programs, and funding sources
Key facts and common myths about financial aid
A guide on creating and accessing your StudentAid.gov account
A demonstration on where to find certain information on StudentAid.gov
Register using the attached link.
RHHS Academic and Mental Health Supports
Please refer to the RHHS Academic and Mental Health Supports handout for resources for students.
Rocky Hill High School Athletics
Winter Sports Underway
Our winter sports season began on December 2nd and will conclude in late March, depending on the success of our programs. We were excited to have about 50 athletes come out for our boys and girls basketball programs, 18 wrestlers, 24 hockey players for our co--op program, 30 swimmers and divers, 18 cheerleaders, 70 indoor track athletes for our boys and girls programs and 19 athletes in our Unified Sports program.
Parent, Athlete Reminders
Sports physicals are valid for 13 months. If the student’s physical expires during the season, he/she will not be allowed to practice or play until and updated physical exam form is submitted to the nurse’s office. Be sure to check your child’s physical date.
First quarter grades have determined your child’s initial eligibility for their winter sport and second quarter grades will determine their continuance in winter sports and their initial eligibility for spring sports. According to the CIAC, “a student can not, at any time, represent a school in interscholastic sports unless passing at least four quarter Carnegie units of work or the equivalent.”
Without Officials, It’s Just Practice
In recent years, there has been a concerning decline in the number of officials across various sports. This has resulted in limited availability of game days during the week and in some cases, less freshmen or junior varsity level contests. The shortage has become a pressing issue that threatens the future of sports. Our officials are essential. Sports officials promote fairness, ensure safety and encourage good sportsmanship. They play a crucial role in maintaining fairness, upholding rules and ensuring the integrity of the game.
Please keep in mind that officials, just like our players and coaches, are part of the game. Additionally, no one can get it right each and every time, but we can always do our best. We ask our parents, fans and student sections to support the game and make it a positive environment for everyone. Your passion is admired, your support is needed and so is your self-control. Keep in mind…without officials, it’s just practice. #NoRefsNoPlay
Registration Athletics
RHHS Athletics has a strong history and tradition. Moreover, we know the value athletics has one one's high school experience and we encourage students to participate every season. The first step in being eligible to play includes meeting academic requirements, follow the student code of conduct and be willing to put the time and effort in to be a Terrier athlete.
Registration information is below:
Here are important reminders that must be completed to participate in any sport:
All sports tryouts will be published before each season on the Athletics Page of Rocky Hill High School Website. Individual sport practice times and locations will be determined and communicated by our head coaches.
All student-athletes must have a current valid physical and it must be on file with the health office prior to the first tryout date. Physicals are valid for 13 months after the examination date.
All players may be required to complete neurocognitive concussion testing, which will be coordinated with each head coach by our Athletic Trainer.
Athletic registration can be found on our Rocky Hill High School website. You may register for all three seasons at once. To register, find the link entitled “Athletic Registration” which is located halfway down the RHHS website https://rhhs.rockyhillps.com
There will be further meetings with our coaches, who will be able to give a more in-depth overview of their programs and answer any questions that may arise. Contact information for fall head coaches can be found below on this page. It is the responsibility of the parents and student-athletes to check the school website and their personal school email throughout the summer for information in regards to their sport.
Clubs and Activities
RHHS is proud of the selection of clubs and extracurricular activities it has to offer students. With over 30+ clubs and activities opportunities students are able to be part of the RHHS school community through their interests, hobbies and activities. Student participation is strongly encouraged as RHHS clubs and activities remain a vital part of RHHS overall experience and meeting new friends. Students who have a strong desire to start up a new club or activity are encouraged to do as long as they complete an application and have a staff member who is willing to supervise the club or activity.
Click HERE to see a list of clubs offered at the high school.
Class Information
Please pay attention to the following information about class dues. All students owe $160 for class dues, which are used to help defray activity expenses, such as Class Night and Senior Picnic. Since dues are applied to Senior activities, all students, regardless of when they enter RHHS, are required to pay the full amount. All students are afforded the opportunity to fundraise to reduce these dues to avoid any financial burdens that may occur. All money is placed in the Student Activity Fund, and receipts are issued upon payment of dues. Receipts are required as proof of payment. Information regarding the collection of dues and each year’s activities will be sent home by the class advisors during the first quarter.
Students will not be able to attend events such as Class Night and Senior Picnic if their dues are not paid for by the end of Quarter 3 in their senior year. While class dues total $160 for senior year activities, a payment plan of $40 per year is required. Students who are not up to date on their due payments can not participate in certain class events, such as running for a class office. Please note that dues will not be applied towards proms, and there will be additional ticket costs to cover prom expenses.
Class dues are a total of $160. To make dues more affordable, we ask that you pay $40 each year and not wait until your Senior year to pay your dues in full. However, you are more than welcome to pay them in full at any time. Cash or checks can be given to your homeroom teachers or directly to one of your advisors. Please make checks payable to RHHS SAF (your student's graduation year). You may also pay online via My Payment Plus.
Remember, to help offset class expenses, you may choose to participate in one or more of the two school-wide fundraisers held each year. The more we sell as a whole school, the more individual profit you make.
More information on fundraisers will be coming out soon.
Class Google Classroom Codes:
Seniors: 5kqlhdj
Sophomores: cgyzyj7
Freshman: jf3ez3j
Trivia Night
The Class of 2026 is hosting a team Trivia Night on Thursday, February 6 at 6:00 P.M. in the RHHS Cafeteria. Compete against one another to see who is the RHHS Trivia Champion! Registration is open to students, families, and the Rocky Hill community. Registration is $5/students, $10/adults, payable at the door.
Tutoring Services
RHHS Writing Center
Rocky Hill High School's peer-led Writing Center is now open! The Writing Center is staffed by 37 Writing Collaborators. The Writing Center is located in the library mezzanine and is open every day, periods 2-9. Students can access the Writing Center Appointment Request Form via their English Google Classrooms to book appointments.
RHHS Peer Tutoring Lab
Rocky Hill High School's Peer Tutoring Lab is now open! The Peer Tutoring Lab is staffed by 48 National Honor Society members. The Peer Tutoring Lab is located in the library mezzanine and is open every day, periods 2-9. Students can access the Peer Tutoring Lab Appointment Request Form via their Google Classrooms to book appointments.
New in the Library
**Important Technology Information**
This is a reminder that any time a student signs into their Rocky Hill school account using their district issued email address, our filtering software, GoGuardian, begins monitoring computer use. Thus, if students are logging in at home on a personal device, it is imperative that when they are finished, they log out of their account. Please see below for where to look to make sure that students have logged out. If they do not log out of their account, the monitoring and filtering will continue on personal devices and Rocky Hill Public Schools does not want to be monitoring personal devices. If you have any questions, please reach out to Danielle Galligan, District Instructional Technology Facilitator, at galligand@rockyhillps.com, or Chris Guay, Technology Director, at guayc@rockyhillps.com.
Terrier Talk
PAC Information
The first meeting of the Parent Advisory Council is back in action! Meetings are scheduled for the second Monday of each month virtually. Parents will be able to sign up for virtual meetings by emailing Mr. Fote. The purpose of the RHHS PAC is to create and maintain a strong school to family/community partnership. Please email any questions regarding PAC to fotej@rockyhillps.com.
Google meet information. All virtual meetings start at 6:00PM.
Link: meet.google.com/kaf-ovhb-xzu
Meeting Dates:
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
Food Services
This school year Sodexo is working to partner with local farms to bring in local products to the school menu. Please reach out to Lianne Xenophontos if you have any questions regarding the School Lunch Program.
Email: Xenophontosl@rockyhillps.com
RHHS Vision of the Graduate
Rocky Hill High School's promise is to deliver the very best education that prepares students to achieve their own individual excellence. Within an emotionally safe environment, educators will foster students' academic, social and personal growth. We believe Rocky Hill graduates are:
Life Long Learners
Civic minded citizens
During the school year, teachers will be incorporating the Vison of the Graduate attributes in the courses they teach.
PowerSchool is an important mode of communication at RHHS and it allows parents/guardians access to real time information regarding their child. For first-time users, you will need to create an account. For returning users, school administration recommends viewing and updating household information, contact information and cellphone/text options. Detailed instructions can be accessed on the district website, Powerschool Information.
Notice of Non Discrimination:
The Rocky Hill Board of Education prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, marital status, military or veteran’s status, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation and past or present learning disability, physical disability, or mental disorder. The Rocky Hill Board of Education provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The Rocky Hill Board of Education guarantees compliance under Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments Acts of 1973, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991, and Connecticut General Statutes 46a-60. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Amy K. Stevenson, Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services, 761 Old Main St., Rocky Hill, CT 06067, 860-258-7705. For further information on non-discrimination, please visit:
https://www.hhs.gov/ for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.