News at EWMMS
Message from Administration Team
Dear Families,
As we wrap up the first month of school, we want to take a moment to remind you of a few key points that will help ensure a successful school year:
Stay in Communication: If you have any concerns about your child's progress, please don’t hesitate to contact their teachers.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal: Regularly log in to monitor your child's academic performance.
Stay Connected: We encourage you to join the APTC (Amityville Parent-Teacher Council). Your involvement is vital to building a strong and supportive school community.
Additionally, we are excited to announce that Veterans appreciation day will be held on November 7. If you are a veteran and interested in being a guest speaker please email Dgraham@amityvilleufsd.org
Thank you for your continued support!
Unit Day
Unity Day was held on September 20th to promote kindness, teamwork, and collaboration. The day gave students and teachers the opportunity to learn more about each other by engaging in team building and leadership activities.
On Saturday, September 28th, Amityville School District celebrated our Homecoming event!
The rain did not prevent the school's cheerleaders, marching band, faculty, and administrators from walking the parade route to the high school. Many community members and local businesses cheered on as students from EWMMS walked alongside their float, representing the FALL SEASON!
Important Reminders
We want your child to have a productive and great experience at Edmund W. Miles Middle School. Please remind your child of the following policies:
- Attendance
- Be on time- school day 7:10 am-2:10 pm
- Prepared for learning with materials and a charged Chromebook
- Follow Cell Phone Policy
- Follow Head Gear and Dress Code Policy
- Reach out to your child's teacher(s) with academic concerns
- Extra Help is Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday
Parent Square
We are excited about Parent Square, our communication platform that will help you stay updated on events, school closing and more.
If you do not have the app, please download it, sign up with your email. You will find everything you need to stay engaged and informed.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the school office.
Also, if you have not signed up for the parent portal on Infinite Campus, please contact the guidance department for assistance. The district is going paperless- report cards and progress reports will no longer be mailed home. We encourage you access the portal to obtain your child's academic reports.
Progress reports will no longer be mailed home. We encourage you to access the portal to obtain your child's academic reports.
October 3 and 4- Rosh Hashanah No School
October 11- Hispanic Heritage Assembly
October 11- Progress Reports
October 24-25- Picture Day
November 5-Election Day No School
November 11 -Veterans Day No School
November 19- Parent Teacher Conference
November 27- No School
November 28- Thanksgiving No School
November 29- No School