Book Fair
September 17-20
What is the Book Fair
Basically, a travelling book store set up in your Oak Grove Library. It is an opportunity for your child to select and purchase books for keeps!
Please send an extra dollar!
If you send your child with $10, please consider adding a single dollar bill to that to cover taxes. It is so difficult for our baby birds to understand they can't purchase a $9.99 book with $10 because of the 7% sales tax.
Book Fair Schedule
Volunteers Needed
When is Your Child Coming
Family Night is Tuesday - see more below.
The direct link to the class schedule is HERE
The Book Fair runs Wednesday through Friday. Teachers bring their classes to the library to shop during these days. The schedule is linked on www.oges.org > Brave News > Book Fair. This includes the time each teacher has signed up to come.
Family Night
Tuesday, Sept. 17th, 4-6pm. Park in the bus loop and enter from the side of the building - the same as during Summer Open Library. There will be a big OPEN sign at the entrance door.
How to Pay
We can accept
- cash
- check
- credit cards
- e-wallet.
If you send your child with a check, please make it out to Oak Grove Elementary School. We will provide change from any transaction in cash.
eWallet Info Video * Creating and Adding Funds to eWallet
e-Wallet is available. You can put funds into a Scholastic account, print the barcode, and send it in with your child. Please note: e-wallet funds are non-refundable. Funds stay in the account until your family uses all the money in a Book Fair or online Scholastic shopping.
Book Fair is a Fund Raiser
The Book Fair is a fundraiser for the school. Where does the money go?
- Books for the library
- Books for teachers' classroom
- Stage equipment: lights and sound
- Audio and video equipment for student production