College Heights Connection
November 14, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Families,
I hope you are having a great week. Here are a few quick notes regarding enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year. Students currently enrolled in our 0-3 tuition paying program will receive 2025-2026 enrollment packets in January. This includes Pre-K enrollment and Pre-K after school program enrollment. Students transitioning to Kindergarten will automatically be enrolled. However, I do encourage parents who will need after school care for kindergarten to reach out to their home school in January/February.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Principal Garland
School News and Announcements
Current Pre-K Families - Kindergarten Home School Information Needed
In preparation for the 2025-2026 school year, City Schools of Decatur needs accurate information on your child's Kindergarten home school placement. Please complete this quick survey by December 1. If you have already completed the survey there is no need to resubmit.
College Heights Fall Parent Conferences
Monday, December 2 through Friday, December 13
Teachers are looking forward to partnering with you at our fall conferences! They will discuss your child's social-emotional development, classroom transition, and set learning goals for the second semester. Your input is invaluable as we work together to support your child's success. Please see teacher and classroom communications for conference sign-ups.
Support our Annual Service Project
Please help support our school-wide service project. Students love to help, and service projects can teach them about their role in their community and the importance of helping others as well as compassion and a sense of social responsibility.
Details are included below. We will collect items through December 6.
Library News
Pre-K students checked out books for the first time this past Monday. For the next few weeks, they will practice checking out books to read in their classrooms so that they will be ready to bring their books home in late January.
This Week's Books
Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett, illustrated by Jon Klassen
Today is Monday by Eric Carle
The Cars and Trucks Book by Todd Parr
Duck & Goose: Goose Needs a Hug by Tad Hills
Sometimes You Get What You Want by Meredith Gary, illustrated by Lisa Brown
Little Free Library
The College Heights Little Free Library is empty! Do you have any books to share? Please help us restock this resource.
Digital Wellness - Join the Conversation
Date: Friday, February 7
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Location: College Heights Library
SAVE THE DATE to join Ilene Zeff, Media Specialist at Winnona Park Elementary School, and other families from our school community as we start a conversation about digital wellness. After sharing information about digital wellness and the impact of screen use on young children’s brains, we will reflect on screen use within our own families and discuss strategies to begin to better manage the technology in our lives. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Zeff at izeff@csdecatur.net.
From Lita, our Spanish teacher
¡Hola families! The students and I are having a lot of fun in Spanish and, hopefully, they come home and "teach" you what they have learned that day (at least that is their assignment!). You may have noticed them singing snippets of songs and playfully using Spanish. Their Spanish vocabulary is growing as new topics are introduced. Our current unit is Mi cara y mi cuerpo. In addition to learning the Spanish words for some colors, numbers 1 to 15, basic greetings, and common actions, the kids are studying body parts this month. Our fun songs include a silly monster face song ¿Qué es?, Mi cuerpo hace música and Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies (head and shoulders).
The December Spanish unit is La familia. We will learn about families and family seasonal celebrations. We plan to learn the Mi hombre de nieve song (Frosty the Snowman in español). Feliz día de acción de gracia!
Gracias, for your support!
Linda Duque, aka Lita
Seen around College Heights
Pre-K friends Petra, Tristian, and Darcy enjoy some social time after breakfast
We had Thanksgiving lunch today and it was yummy!
PTO News and Announcements
Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 7 p.m. for the College Heights Auction!
In addition to marking your calendar, the auction committee is seeking donations from our community. We have an ambitious fundraising goal this year, and each company sponsorship, in-kind donation and item will make a difference for our school.
If you respond 'yes' to any of the following questions, we hope you'll consider supporting the auction!
- Do you own or work at a company that would sponsor our event at any level?
- Do you have a personal or professional skill or service that could be donated to the silent auction like photographer, landscape architect, interior design etc.?
- Do you know a person, business or organization that you'd be willing to connect us to for the auction?
Feel free to email collegeheightsauction@gmail.com and thank you in advance!
Your 2024-2025 Auction Committee,
Stephanie & Daniel Cho, Lauren Baker, Kat L, Chris Warfield, Amber Womble
College Heights Mission
College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center cultivates an atmosphere where children take their first steps in building an authentic love of learning through developmentally appropriate practices in an environment that fosters family and community involvement.
Important Dates
November 11 - December 6 - College Heights Service Project item collection
November 22 - Early Release Day (Pre-K)
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break (Pre-K/Preschool special education)
November 27 - School closed at noon (0-3 program)
November 28-29 - Thanksgiving Break (0-3 program)
December 2-13 - Fall Parent Conferences