Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, November 1, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
It's hard to believe Halloween has passed us and we welcomed in November today! The leaves have changed colors on our campus and with our beautiful sunny days, the school's grounds are ablaze with color. The children settled back in this week after several days off. I want to thank all of our families who came out for their child's fall conference. I also appreciate the feedback I received from our parent forms and over the next few weeks, I hope to address as many of the comments and suggestions I received as possible. The first suggestion I received was for more information regarding our community activities for children. Our district publishes a weekly resource list for families and you can click here to view for opportunities for your child to get engaged in activities and sports.
The children enjoyed team jersey day today! Wearing a jersey on the eve of the big Penn State-Ohio State game has been a special tradition for our school for many years at Roundtown! Years ago, our beloved health room assistant, Mrs. Nancy Mapes was a HUGE Buckeyes Fan and that sparked a friendly, but oh so competitive opportunity to "rub it in" when the other team lost. Mrs. Mapes was a special and caring lady whom the children loved. We lost Mrs. Mapes 9 years ago now and I still think of her often. Pictured below is a memory from one of our big jersey days. This year the game is extra special since our Roundtown Buddy and alumni, Beau Pribula, may actually get the start at QB for the big game. When he visited us last winter, I gifted him a Roundtown PROUD T-shirt and told him to wear it under his jersey for THIS game for a little luck. Let's GO PSU!
Enjoy the weekend! I have 1 priority this weekend-cheer on Penn State to a victory! As always, may the best team win! Enjoy your weekend!
Dr. Miller
Roundtown Principal
This past week....
Thank you to everyone who came out to MOD Pizza on Monday to help support our Roundtown PTO! We will have another special "Night Out" later in November at Pizza al Bacio!
The second graders from Mrs. Hower's and Mrs. Smith's Classes will started their round of swimming on Tuesday and enjoyed 4 days of swimming this week!
Thank you to everyone who donated a special item for our Panther Pantry Holiday Collection Drive! We collected so many canned veggies, fruit, and canned cranberry sauce! Pictured below is the bounty we collected! We collected 260 items!
Kindergarten celebrated its "WHITE" Day on Wednesday, October 30 and thanks to everyone who wore white to celebrate. Only 1 more color week coming next week!
The school held team jersey day today. There was so much team spirit and many kiddos are excited for the big PSU-OSU game tomorrow!
I hope many of you can come out to our exciting Roundtown Family Bowling Night tonight at Lazer Alley in East York! Check out the flyer above and the fun starts at 6PM! Unfortunately, the big Fabie/Miller bowl-off will need to be postponed until our next family bowling night in early May. Mrs. Fabie and I apologize but we both had our own family commitments that popped up unexpectedly.
Coming next week…
Next week is our Fall Fest Spirit Week! Please see the flyer below for our daily special dress days!
Next week our Panther Pantry Holiday Service Project will continue. We will collect, pasta, canned pasta sauce and baking mixes (cake, muffin, brownie).
Our second grade swimming will wrap up on Monday, November 4 and I am so proud of our second graders who did a tremendous job during the experience!
Also on Monday, kindergarteners from Mrs. Hart's, Mrs. Ogelsby's, and Mrs. Plymire's Classes will take their field trip to Flinchbaugh's Orchard!
Kindergarten will celebrate its final color day on Wednesday, November 6. Wear pink and/or gray to participate in the final color day!
Picture Retake day is set for Thursday, November 7 in the AM.
Roundtown will honor its family veterans on Thursday as well during a special celebration. We are PROUD of our veterans and thank them for their service!
Friday, November 8 is set for our annual fall festival! We will have Steven Courtney in the morning for an awesome concert and then our PTO parties will take place later in the day.
The students have now had several cycles of library class, and they are enjoying choosing and checking out books. Library books are always DUE on the first day back in library (usually Mondays). Your student may then check out a new book. That book will not be due back until the next library cycle, however, your student may enjoy exchanging books throughout their library week. It is a good idea to keep the book in the backpack at all times, that way it is always with your child at school if it is needed. If you enjoy reading the book at home in the evening, just tuck it back in the backpack when you are done. Watch out for those water bottles too! We have had several books ruined already this year. If you have any questions at all, please reach out at hdusich@cysd.k12.pa.us. Happy reading! Mrs. Dusich
English Language Learners Night
The Central York School District English Language Development Department is hosting an informational Title III Night for ELL/ESL families. Join us on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at North Hills Elementary School from 6:00 - 7:30 PM to learn more about our programs, Skyward and Schoology, qualifying for services, graduation requirements and more!
PTO Volunteer Happenings
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please check out the PTO Newsletter below from PTO President, Khelsea Borror!
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
11/4-11/8 - Fall Fest Spirit Week (Refer to flyer for special dress days)
11/4 - Kindergarten Field Trip (Hart/Ogelsby/Plymire)
11/6 - Kindergarten's "GRAY/PINK" Day-wear something gray and/or pink
11/7 - Picture Retake Day-AM
11/7 - Roundtown Veteran's Day Celebration
11/8 - Fall Activity Day/Steven Courtney Concert/PTO-Sponsored Fall Parties
11/11 - NO SCHOOL-Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you for your service!