The Lion Letter
Weekly Update - 9.6.24 - Issue 5
Attendance Awareness Month
Last week we celebrated Attendance Awareness Month with a Laurel Spirit Week! We had students and staff dress up as a story book character, wear silly socks, show off their athletic wear, and show their school colors all to promote school attendance. Attending school every day on time is a foundational element to build successful habits. Go Laurel Lions!
Attendance Awareness Tips - September 6th
- Plan ahead the night before.
- Do your children know what they will wear?
- Any snacks or lunches to be prepared?
- This helps the family unit save time during the busy mornings.
Back to School Night - September 11th!
This Wednesday, September 11 we invite you to join us for our Back to School Night.
5:00 - 5:30 p.m. Title 1 Meeting (All parents invited)
Title I Budget
Data review: Needs Assessment Discussion
LCAP review
SPSA review
Parent Engagement Policy and School Compact input
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Classrooms Open
The classroom presentation is at 5:30 pm and then repeated at 6 p.m. for those families that have siblings.
The counselor's office will be open for families to explore and meet Ms. Guiterrez.
There will be resource tables with fun give-aways for your family as well. Join us next Wednesday at 5 pm!
Introducing our Laurel School Counselor!
Hello Families -
I’m Mrs. Gutierrez, your school counselor. Let’s review how an elementary school counseling program can serve you.
Students can see a school counselor for…
Feelings - sadness, anger, worries
Peer conflict and/or friendship skills
Study skills - organization, test taking tips
Life changes - sometimes students could use 1-2 visits to help them cope with events that they’re going through
All students will see me in their classrooms for monthly lessons. Other available supports are below. I’m here full-time and you can reach me by phone (760-966-4248) or email (
Direct Contact
Indirect Support
Peer Mediation
Social-emotional check-ins
Small Support Groups
Individual Short-term Counseling
Referrals to Palomar Family Counseling and off-site counseling
Calls/meetings with family
Support staff for school/family conferences
Fall Picture Day Coming Up Soon!
Fall Picture Day is on Friday, September 20.
All students will be photographed.
Picture Make-Up Day is September 30.
Friendship Presentations
This week, students in grades 3-5th have classroom presentations from our District office staff that focuses on building a sense of belonging to create communities where students feel safe, valued, and affirmed.
Invitation to Join Our School Site Council
There are just a few spots available, so please contact Maggie in the school office as soon as possible so we can sign you up to join. We meet every Third Tuesday of the month.
A+ Mobile Dentist
A+ dental is scheduled to be on our campus the week of Sep 9- 13th.
Consent packets were sent home last week and were due on September 5th. In order for your student to have an appointment, they must turn in a permission slip.
Any students turning in a form after the 5th, please call the health office to see if there is a spot available.
Upcoming Events
Back to School Night
Fall Picture Day
Fall Picture Day is on Friday, September 20.
All students will be photographed.
Picture Make-Up Day is September 30.