Longfellow Elementary Weekly Update
Thursday, September 5, 2024
The mission of Longfellow Elementary School
4th & 5th Grade Extra Curricular Music Opportunties
Choir meets Monday & Wednesdays from 7:30-8:00 AM in Room 31.
The first rehearsal/organizational meeting for students will be Monday, Sept. 9
Chimes will meet Tuesdays from 2:45 -3:15 PM in Room 31
The first rehearsal/organizational meeting for students will be Tuesday, Sept. 10
Please feel free to contact Mrs. Jones with questions or concerns at 446-5044 or jonesj@fargo.k12.nd.us.
4th & 5th Grade Cross Country
Cross Country Opportunity for 4th and 5th Graders! I wanted to let all of you know about an after school opportunity for the 4th and 5th graders. We will be having a SHORT cross country season, complete with two cross country meets both at Elephant Park. Please see the details below.
1. Practices will be Mondays and Thursdays right after school until about 3:40.
2. Our season will start on Thursday, September 5th and will be done after the race on Tuesday, October 1st.
3. If your student wants to join, please fill out the google form below.
4. If there are conflicts during the practice time, it is fine if they miss. It's a VERY laid back practice. Just trying to introduce the sport and have some fun.
5. The meet dates are Thursday, Sept 12th and Tuesday Oct 1st. Both races start at 4:30 and are at Elephant Park. The Sept 12th race is a 1/2 mile. The October 1st race is a mile.
6. There is no practice on the days of the meets.
7. There is no transportation to the meets. Parents are responsible for getting their child to and from Elephant Park.
Cross country is not required. It is a choice for the students but is a great opportunity for them to be active outside the school day. Please let me know if you have any questions. Mrs. Kaldor kaldora@fargo.k12.nd.us 701-446-5047
Mark Your Calendars for School Pictures: September 24
Students & Staff will be having pictures on Tuesday, September 24th. A flyer will be sent home in the next few days for ordering. You may also place your picture orders online. Please note that online ordering ends on September 25th and the link is deactivated. See attached form below if you misplace your form.
School Lunch Menus- Available online
School Menus (both breakfast and lunch) are available on the school website and/or the district website under Nutrition Services. While menus are subject to change on occasion, this is your best resource to check and help your students plan for each day. Make sure on the left hand side at the top, you are selecting breakfast or lunch (whichever one you are seeking) and on the right top that you use the drop down list to select Longfellow Elementary as daily menus can vary from school to school. Bon Appetit!
Walk-A-Thon Note:
On the take home sheet, it is accidentally listed that the Den Meeting will be October 12. The correct date is October 11th.
New Lost & Found Policy
Due to the volume of items we collect in the Lost and Found, we will now be donating all useable items and discarding non-useable items at the close of the day (2:37) on the last day of class for each month. Please be checking the table outside of the office regularly.
Attendance Line Numbers
Text Line: 701-446-8546
Phone: 701-446-5006
Email: Edlundp@fargo.k12.nd.us
Events for Your Calendars
- Tuesday, Sept. 12 - 4th & 5th Grade Cross Country Meet @ Elephant Park
- Monday, September 16 - PTO Meeting
- Wednesday, September 18- Kindergarten Breakfast Buddies
- Thursday, September 19- Papa Murphy's Pizza Fundraiser Night
- Tuesday, September 24 -School Picture Day
- Wednesday, September 25 & Thursday, September 26 -Walk-A-Thon
- Thursday, September 26 - Family Code Camp
- Thursday, October 10 - Early Out Day
- Friday, October 11/Monday, October 14 - No School
Field Trip /Special Presentation Dates for 2024-2025
Your child(ren) will take field trips throughout the year. Here is a link that contains a list of all field trips for elementary students:
Longfellow Elementary
Email: henrice@fargo.k12.nd.us
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/Longfellow
Location: Longfellow Elementary School, 29th Avenue Northeast, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-5000