May Announcements
School Nutrition Program
ESC6 CN Specialists will be at MegaCon in Austin the week of May 13th. You may experience a delayed response in emails. Please know that we will respond as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience. Hope to see you there!
Summer Workshop Registration ends May 24!
*Expect an additional Food Production Record class on July 10! Registration announcement coming as soon as it's released.
- There is a fee of $6 a day which includes lunch. Be prepared to have a PO when registering for sessions.
- Need help with your ESC6 account?
Kathy Cook
Staff Development Registrar
Important Dates
- USDA's Final Rule on Meal Pattern Standards released ~ April 25
- WBSCM Catalogs Open (Round 2) ~ May 1-24
- Summer Workshop registration ENDS ~ May 24
- Summer Meal Service Outreach ~ Now - May 31
- SSO Summer Meal Application ~ Due May 31
- SSO One Age/Grade Waiver ~ Available May 1 - 31
- SY 24-25 CEP Application ~ Due June 30
- Run Year-to-Date DC Report ~ During June 5-26
- SY 24-25 SNP Application ~ Due July 1
- WBSCM Users transition from eAuth to Login.gov ~ By the end of September
- June 30, 2023 SNP fund balance required for PLE Exemption
- PY Ends June 30 ~ If you have a Sole Source such as the POS system submit the
On April 25, 2024, USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) published the final rule titled, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which is the next step in continuing the science-based improvement of school meals and other USDA Child Nutrition Programs (CNP), as well as advancing USDA’s commitment to nutrition security. The changes are based on a comprehensive review of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025, robust stakeholder input on the CNP meal patterns, and lessons learned from prior rulemakings. While this rulemaking is effective July 1, 2024, USDA is gradually phasing in required changes over time.
May was the last meeting for this SY!
Did you miss the May meeting?
View the presentation in the Livebinder.
Contact us with any questions you may have.
Join us for a virtual Directors Day in June!
This is where we talk about wrapping up the SY, summer meals operations, and preparing for the upcoming SY.
Upcoming Sessions
Upcoming Sessions Calendar
Child Nutrition Webpages
Cindy Scott
CN Program Specialist
Dina Herrick
CN Program Specialist
Julie A. Smith
CN Program Specialist
Tona Holcombe
CN Program Administrative Assistant
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. This program is funded by the USDA.
May 9, 2024