LES/OSC Family Newsletter
Lodi Elementary School & Ouisconsing School of Collaboration
Website: lodi.k12.wi.us
Phone: 608-592-3842
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LodiSchoolsWI/
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Dear LES/OSC Student and Family,
My name is Eric Scheunemann and I am very proud to be the principal of your child’s school. This is my third year in Lodi and my 20th year in education. It is an honor to lead a team of staff that are dedicated to helping your child learn and grow. We believe that the partnership between home and school is paramount. We are committed to supporting your child’s growth academically, behaviorally, and socially. Staff have been working hard in preparation for the start of the school year and are looking forward to having students back.
We have had a busy two weeks with our pre-session for new teachers the week of August 19th and then all staff were back this week. Below are some information I wanted to make sure you have:
- Sneak-a-Peek: We will have our Sneak-a-Peek Thursday from 3:30-5:30. We hope to see you there!
- After School Plans: Please fill out the form attached HERE. We requested to have this information by Wednesday, August 28 at 3:30 pm but are still accepting responses to help us have information necessary on the first day of school.
- Arrival and Dismissal: Please be sure to review our arrival and dismissal plans so that you know how to support your child. That information can be found later in this newsletter.
As the start of the school year approaches I want to make it clear that I am here for your child, for your family, and for my staff. I look forward to building connections with you and your child as we get to collaborate this year for the good of your child's education.
Eric Scheunemann
Lodi Elementary School/OSC Charter School Principal
(608) 592-3842 ext. 2102
"No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship." ~ James Comer
Important Dates to Remember
Thursday, August 29 3:30-5:30 pm: LES/OSC Sneak-a-Peek
Monday, September 2: No School - Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3: First Day
Wednesday, September 4: Picture Retake Day
Friday, September 27: No School - Collaboration Day
Arrival, Dismissal, and Attendance
After School Plans: Please fill out the form attached HERE. We requested it to be filled out by Wednesday, August 28 at 3:30 pm but we are still accepting responses.
- 7:45 am: Supervision begins
- 8:05 am: Start of School Day
- 3:05 pm: End of School Day
This is a reminder of the importance of reporting an absence if a student is going to be missing from school. Families can complete the Absence Form (button below) instead of calling school or emailing the office; however, if you have questions or are unable to complete this form you can still call the attendance line: (608) 592-3842 ext 2100 or email the school office: lesoscoffice@lodischoolswi.org.
The form is also accessible through the Lodi Elementary School page and the Ouisconsing School of Collaboration page with a link that says “Report an Absence” on the main page.
WIN - "What I Need" - Starting September 9th
As a way to support your child, all students in grades 3rd-5th have a 30 minute WIN time each day. During this time students work with different staff to focus on skills that will support them in their learning throughout the coming year. All of the grade level teachers work together with our reading specialists (Katie Greer and Erin Hoeft), educational assistants, special education teachers, and school counselor (Keri Bahr) to determine how to best meet your child's needs during that time. Last year, staff helped to pre-plan these groups and areas of focus to help students get started this year. We will make adjustments as needed and reassess student need and progress throught the school year. New groups will then start mid-October. Below is a chart that explains our process for support in the School District of Lodi in regards to our Multi-Tiered System of Supports. If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
How Can I Help My Child at Home?
Last spring the School District of Lodi sent out a perception survey to all families in our schools. We were able to see areas of strength and areas of growth for the School District of Lodi as well as specifically for LES/OSC.
Some of the areas of celebration for LES/OSC include:
- My child feels safe at school.
- School staff treat my child with dignity and respect.
- I feel welcome in my child's school.
- If my child breaks a rule at school, they are treated fairly.
- The school provides opportunities for parental involvement.
One area our families indicated they would like to know more about is how they can support their child with their learning at home. In an effort to provide that you will notice we provide some resources, guidance, and information in our communications throughout this school year.
As we start the school year, here are some suggestions that we would recommend:
- Visit the school - We have our Sneak-a-Peek on tonight (August 29th) and this is a great time to show your child the school and their classroom to help them get comfortable.
- Create routines - Establish routines at home for things like waking up, meals, reading, play, and bedtime. This can help your child feel more comfortable with the new routine at school.
- Adjust schedules - Gradually adjust your family schedule to help everyone transition into the school routine. For example, you can start getting back into the school bedtime routine a week before school starts.
- Prepare the night before - Have clothes picked out and lunches packed the evening before. In addition make sure they have a snack and their backpack.
- Talk to your child - Find out what they are excited about and worried about. Allow them to share their feelings and accept that some fear/worry is normal.
Nurse Notes
Hello Everyone,
I hope that your families were able to enjoy the summer. I am excited to announce that Nisha Rai will be joining the team as a health assistant. Nisha had done an outstanding job in helping during the pandemic for the district. I am grateful that she has returned and she will be a tremendous asset to the team. She will be working in the health offices throughout the district and will work Monday thru Friday 8:45am-3:00pm. Please give her a warm welcome!
Health Services play an important role to help promote wellness and remove or reduce health related barriers to learning. Here are a few reminders to make sure your student is ready for the school year.
- Prescription Medication Form
Any over the counter medication will need the parent to complete the over the counter medication form. Medication must be in the original container for the school to accept. The school must follow the directions on the container. If the dosage is out of the therapeutic range then we would need a physician order.
Immunizations: As of May 2024 the State of Wisconsin has implemented new vaccine requirements which include:
Varicella (Chickenpox)
Any new enterer in early childhood, 4K, or students K-12 (including from out of state) who are claiming an exemption to the varicella vaccination requirement because they had chickenpox disease will have a verification requirement of such disease from the student’s healthcare provider.
Please update the immunization form if your child has received any vaccines over the summer and turn it into the office at the start of the school year.
Illness/Injury at School
Healthroom staff will assist with taking care of students who report to the office with injuries. Students will be encouraged to take care of minor scratches or bumps themselves. For more significant health issues a phone call will be made. A few examples are a significant head injury, contagious disease, possible ear infection, fever (temperature over 100 degrees), or the student being unable to participate in class effectively due to illness.
Guidelines to Return to School After Illness: Weant to to keep all of our students in school healthy and ready to learn. Your help is needed in this process. If your student has an illness that is contagious and can easily spread to other students, it would be best for them to stay home until they feel better. Here are some resources: Quick Guide to Returning to School and When to Keep Your Student Home.
Please reach out to any changes in your students' health or if you have any questions or concerns.
Janelle Sivam RN, BSN
District Nurse
High School: 608-592-3853 ext: 4484
Middle School: 608-592-3854 ext: 3484
ES/OSC: 608-592-3842 ext: 2103
Primary School: 608-592-3855 ext:1004
Cell: 608-573-1851
Fax: 608-592-1045
Welcome back everyone!
Boy how fast the summer went!
Some reminders from Lodi Taher Foodservice:
We will have HOM (harvest of the month) again this year. We will feature a vegetable, fruit and spice
every month for you to try. This month is zucchini, tomato and marjoram. If you were at picture night we served zucchini chocolate chip cookies. Watch the menu for our featured items!
We will also have our healthy to a “T” newsletter from our dieticians every month with tips on healthy eating and fun facts. We will have some new items on the menu for you to try also like Country Fried Chicken and Gravy, A warm Chicken Breakfast Biscuit and lots more. Please try them and let us know what you think! Our foodservice campaign this year will be called UNITED TASTES OF AMERICA to coincide with all of the elections happening.
Also please download our Food4Life app as there you will find menus and all of the nutritionals. We will continue to offer two hot meal choices and our fruit and vegetable bar every day. Please come down and say hi to Kerry, Stephanie and Ann and enjoy our food!
Let’s have a great year!
Taher and Diane Lueck FSD
Food Service: Breakfast and lunch will be available for students. Please take a look at the important information below:
- For information on determining free and reduced meal eligibility, see this information from the Department of Public Instruction.
- Breakfast: Students will have the option to have breakfast in the cafeteria when they arrive at school. Breakfast will be served from 7:45 am -8:00 am daily
- Costs:
- K-5 Breakfast is $1.85
- K-5 Lunch is $3.10
- Milk is $0.85
- Here is the link to the Food Service Website where you can learn how to check your account balance, make a payment or view the monthly lunch menu.
Smart Snacks Letter and Resources
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As you may be aware, childhood obesity is one of our nation’s most serious health problems. Another concern is students with life threatening food allergies. It is our priority to keep our students safe and teach them healthy habits at an early age. We know you play an integral part in making sure we are able to accomplish our priorities in this area.
Please keep in mind that students have only a short time to have a snack, and it should generally be limited to one serving and easily opened by the student. The list below contains some suggestions on healthy snack choices. Be aware that some of our students have life threatening food allergies toward particular food products (i.e. peanuts). In this case, the classes impacted will be given notification regarding this so that everyone remains healthy and safe.
Smart Snack Ideas:
Raw Vegetables or Fruits
100% Fruit Juices that are Shelf Stable
Dried Fruits and Trail Mix
Dry Roasted Peanuts (no coconut/palm nuts)
Party Mix (whole grain cereal, nuts, pretzels)
Low Sodium and Whole Grain Crackers
Baked Corn or Multigrain Chips
Low Fat Muffins, Angel Food, Sponge Cakes
Granola or Whole Grain Snack Bars
Gelatin and Low Fat Pudding (shelf stable)
We all know that birthdays and celebrations in general are important to every child and that kids like to celebrate with their classmates. However, sending in food treats to the classroom can exclude those children who have food allergies, medical or other dietary restrictions. Instead of bringing in treats for your child’s birthday let’s focus on the fun while making him/her feel special. Below is the letter about Fun-Focused Festivities along with some other resources..
We encourage families not to send your child with snacks or drinks that are considered to have minimal nutritional value or with items listing sugar as their first ingredient. Listed below are some examples that we encourage NOT to be brought to school: Candy, Soda, Doughnuts, Cake Brownies, Twinkies or Any Kind of Snack Cakes, Chocolate and Marshmallow Granola Bars
Resource Links:
Healthier Generation Smart Snacks in School
LES/OSC Fun-Focused Festivities Letter
We appreciate your cooperation!
Eric Scheunemann - LES/OSC Principal
Janelle Sivam - RN, BSN School Nurse
K-5 Adventurer's Hiking Club
Join us for some fun hiking experiences. This club is open to K-5 kids who want to meet new people, hang out with friends, exercise, and enjoy nature. To sign-up click on the sign-up button below and we'll be in touch! We may have to limit registration if we receive too many applicants so be sure to sign-up today! We will be hiking once in September and 2 times per month after that for the duration of the 2023-24 school year. Hikers can join as they are able. The days of the week may change from hike to hike based on our availability. We will send an email with dates ahead of time. Our first hike will be after school Thursday, September 26th. To learn more about this opportunity click on the K-5 Adventurer's Hiking Club Info button below.