Anglo European School
Bulletin w/c 11th November 2024 - Week 2
Norman Thomas Andrew Pitt 1928-2024
On Thursday 24th October, Mrs Gee together with Miss Jessop who was appointed by Norman Pitt 40 years ago this year, represented Anglo European School at Norman’s funeral to celebrate a life very well lived.
We were joined by the previous Headteacher, David Barrs, previous Deputy Head, Judith O’Shea and former colleagues of the school to pay our respects for the incredible gift this man, who was our founder Headteacher, afforded generations of Anglo students, including Ben, his grandson who is in our current Lower Sixth.
Norman served for 17 years and laid the foundations of this distinctly international comprehensive school. He was appointed in 1972 and effectively established the new Anglo European School.
He gifted us our flag that is on every blazer worn today. The Council of Europe had to approve the use of their flag and as a result, we had permission to use the flag before the European Union! He oversaw four new buildings including a new language laboratory and established partner schools in France, Norway, the USA and Germany, including Goethe Gymnasium in Frankfurt, who made their 48th exchange visit this year. He also chose the new school uniform, inspired by the colours of the flag, so it is Norman we have to thank for those distinctive yellow blouses!
In 1977 he opened the new Sixth Form which unusually offered the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, which was a first for a state school, and which is still very much a jewel in the Anglo’s crown. Norman was an internationalist and a European. It was therefore symbolic that his funeral took place on United Nations Day.
Since we posted our own memories of Norman on social media, many of you have posted your own memories and tributes which I know we and his family have really enjoyed reading.
One ex-student wrote, “Mr. Pitt was tall in stature and certainly had a presence as he strode down the corridors, but it is surely a special quality to earn the respect and affection in equal measure as he did”.
He was a special, inspirational and visionary man and it was an honour to represent the school in bidding him a final farewell. Thank you, Mr Pitt, for our amazing school.
Sixth Form English Literature students and some gifted and talented Year 11 students had the opportunity to watch "Antigone". It was a great experience for Sixth Form students to see how a play which they had studied has been interpreted and produced. For some of the Year 11s it proved to be a valuable opportunity to apply what they have learned about tragedy to a different text and to be enriched with a cultural experience which prepares them for Sixth Form.
One student said "I really liked it. It helped me understand a classical tragedy and how it was meant to be acted." Another commented "I really enjoyed how they took an older play from 2500 years ago and modernised it." "It was a really enjoyable experience about corrupt leaders and law. It made you think if law is something above our leaders", noted another.
BAE Systems Roadshow
BAE (joint with Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy) presented a Schools Roadshow, with the aim of opening the eyes of our students to the broad and diverse range of career opportunities that can be achieved from studying STEM. The theme this year was electricity. The interactive assembly for Year 8s explored what electricity is and how we generate it. Students created a simple circuit, explored the pros and cons of different energy sources and created an electrostatic charge with a Van de Graaff generator. For the finale, Mr Kamper used his pedal power to turn on an LED windmill with it's colourful light display.
School Charities
The student body have now agreed which charities we will be supporting this year. For our local charity, we have chosen the charity that Mr Marshall is swimming the English channel for; Farleigh Hospice, which provides amazing care to those with life-limiting illnesses across mid-Essex. For our national charity, 71% of the student body supported the Child Poverty Action Group. This charity prioritises working on behalf of one in four children growing up in poverty in the UK by campaigning and raising awareness of the issue to gather the help of others. And lastly, for our international charity, the majority vote of 44% of the student body has chosen the Action Against Hunger charity which works to educate parents and healthcare workers to spot early signs of malnutrition and tackle the underlying causes to prevent the hunger of those in need.
We are pleased to report that the total amounts raised last year for our three charities has been distributed and we have received lovely letters of thanks. This was broken down into:
- £1,965.60 for Alzheimer’s Society
- £1,696.61 for Farleigh Hospice
- £1696.60 for Save the Children
Thank you to all the Anglo Family for making a difference to these charities and we look forward to being able to support our new three charities as much as we can this year.
Senior Citizens' Christmas Tea Party
Students are busy organising this annual event for our senior residents but need your support.
We would be grateful for any donations towards this event, such as cakes, scones, biscuits, mince pies etc. We would also like any items for our raffle prizes. All donations will be gratefully received and we thank you in advance for helping to make this event a very special memory for all those who attend.
If you know of any senior citizen who would like to attend this event, please contact us to secure a place at enquiries@aesessex.co.uk
Advance Warning: Road Closure
Please see below from Essex Streetworks Team:
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of New Road, Ingatestone. Please click on the following link https://one.network/?tm=140623483 to find details of the intended closure of New Road, due to commence on 2nd December 2024 for 3 days. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while UK Power Networks undertakes pole replacement works.
We look forward to seeing as many students and parents from Year 9 upwards at our next annual Careers Convention, where companies, educational institutions and industry experts will be on hand to provide information and advice for students to explore different career pathways. Put this date in your diary as this is one not to be missed!
Green Apprenticeships
What is a green apprenticeship? All apprenticeship job roles have the potential to develop skills to help contribute to Net Zero. A green apprenticeship is where all, or part of the job role, includes tasks that contribute towards helping to achieve Net Zero. There are a wide variety of apprenticeships that support this ambition, ranging from environmental practitioners to countryside rangers and smart home technicians. Please see the document below for more top tips on how to find a green apprenticeship.
Route 621
You may recall that we sent a plea to parents to consider using the new bus route 621 from Roxwell to Ingatestone to travel to school. A report on this service is attached once again for you to consider. We are delighted that First Buses are offering this route as we know that this is beneficial for many parents. We are also aware that if there is a high chance that if they do not receive the amount of customers that is needed to ensure this is viable, then this will sadly be removed.
Spend some time over half term thinking about engaging in one of the school's extra-curricular clubs. Be courageous, take the leap and step out of your comfort zone - which activity will you try next half term? GET INVOLVED!
We are always sharing the great things our students do outside of school and now it is the turn of the staff.
The Fastest Growing Fitness Sport in the World - Hyrox!
On 29th November, Miss Revett will be competing in an event called Hyrox. New to the fitness scene, this event combines running, strength and endurance and is paving the way in crowning the 'Fittest person on Earth', as you can now compete in over 11 different countries in over 30 different cities!
The race format is the same each time - the race starts with a 1 km run, followed by 1 functional movement, which repeats 8 times, taking place in large indoor venues, creating a unique stadium like atmosphere for all participants.
Last November, Miss Revett competed at The London Excel in the doubles category (both athletes run together, but the functional exercises are shared), sealing a completion time of 1hr, 4mins and 57 seconds, which secured Miss Revett and her partner, a place at The Hyrox World Championships in Nice, France, in June. This would also mean competing with 'Pro-weights' - an increase in the weight for the sled push, sled pull, farmers carries, sandbag lunges and wall balls!
Fast forward 7 months later, and some minor injuries along the way, Miss Revett and her partner secured a time at The Hyrox World Championships of 1hr, 8mins and 30seconds. 55th out of 131 in their age group and 112th out of 362 overall (in the Women's Pro Division), in the world.
Miss Revett will now be competing in the Singles Division which means the whole course will be completed by her and ONLY her - no sharing! Stay tuned to see how she gets on! We are very proud of Miss Revett and look forward to hearing more about her achievements in this very unusual sport. If you would like to learn more about Hyrox feel free to ask Miss Revett.
Mr Wilson, one of our SEND assistants recently undertook the Nuclear Races Fallout 2024 7km Obstacle Race in Brentwood. His efforts have raised £400 for the charity Mind which is close to his heart.
Can you support our local school garden?
If you have leftover seeds from recent gardening projects, why not let them bring new life to our students' green space? Let’s work together to make the school garden a blooming success! Please hand any donations to Student Services. Any donations would be most appreciated.
U6 Gardening CAS Club
Christmas Present Donations
Tickets are selling fast, grab your team members and join in the fun!
This event is for adults and children who are 16 years and above. All monies raised on the evening will be used to support the school. Last year's Quiz Night raised over £1400!
Friday 22nd November at 7pm - to book your place use this link https://forms.office.com/e/E9BkFQGTZy
Year 7 Inter-form Football Competition
Year 7 boys held their inter-form football competition this week. All teams played with grit and determination as the competition heated up. The winners of the A Team were 7S and 7A were runners up and the winners of the B Team was 7A with 7N as runners up. Well done to all the boys who played brilliantly with great sportsmanship.
Year 7 Basketball
Year 10 Rugby
Year 11 Rugby
Key Dates
22nd September to 16th November - Year 10 Long Term Exchange to Frankfurt
Monday 11th November - Remembrance Service
Monday 11th November - Brentwood Boys' Swimming Gala
Monday 11th November - Year 9 Girls' Brentwood Futsal
Tuesday 12th November - Confucius Classroom Hub Enrichment Day
Tuesday 12th November - MESSSA Cross Country Championships - Hylands Park
Tuesday 12th November at 6pm - Year 8 Information Evening for Parents
Wednesday 13th November - Year 9 Enterprise Day
Thursday 14th November - L6 Tycoon Award and PJEA Event
Thursday 14th November - Year 8 Girls' Brentwood Futsal
Monday 18th November - L6 Visit to ARU
Monday 18th November - Brentwood Girls' Swimming Gala
Tuesday 19th November - Year 11 and Upper Sixth Form and Panoramic Photographs
Tuesday 19th November - ESU Debate Mace, The Campion School
Wednesday 20th November - L6 Geography Fieldwork
Key Dates for each Year Group can be found https://www.aesessex.co.uk/home/parents/key-dates-and-term-dates/ and here for Sixth Form https://www.aesessex.co.uk/sixth-form/student-and-parents-information/key-dates-and-term-dates/
Term Dates 2024-2026 - https://www.aesessex.co.uk/assets/Documents/Attachments/Term-dates-2024-2026-1.pdf
Anglo Communication
Finance - finance@aesessex.co.uk
Admissions - admissions@aesessex.co.uk
Visits - visits@aesessex.co.uk
Attendance - use Edulink
Email: enquiries@aesessex.co.uk
Website: aesessex.co.uk
Location: Anglo European School, CM4 0DJ, Willow Green, Ingatestone, UK
Phone: 01277 354018
Anglo European School is a distinctive, comprehensive school which seeks to develop ambitious, resilient and principled young people through inter-cultural understanding and a broad balanced, inclusive curriculum enriched by a strong international dimension informed by the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate.