BCSC Public Statement
re: School Board Meeting
BCSC Public Statement re: School Board Meeting
Due to a number of unfortunate factors, the BCSC Board of Trustees will conduct its next regularly scheduled meeting, and public hearing on the proposed 2022 budget, virtually. The meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 27, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
This change to a virtual format is driven by episodes of threatening behavior, profanities used during meetings, personal attacks directed toward various individuals, non-compliance to meeting protocols that include maintaining appropriate physical distancing, wearing masks, and following public comment guidelines, and a substantial interference with the ability to conduct necessary business.
The meeting, and public hearing, will be live streamed on the BCSC YouTube channel. You can subscribe to this channel here.
Although not required by Indiana Code, the BCSC Board of Trustees will continue to offer an opportunity for public comment for its regular meeting. Given this virtual setting, comments must be specifically related to the agenda for the meeting and submitted electronically via a Google Form. Information about the meeting and links to submit public comment can be found at this link. Public comments for the regular School Board meeting will be accepted until 12:00 p.m. on the date of the meeting (Monday, September 27, 2021). These comments will not be read aloud at the meeting, but will be shared with each Board member prior to the start of the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
In regard to the public hearing on the proposed 2022 budget, members of the public wishing to provide comments may do so by using this link. Anyone accessing the provided link will initially be muted and have video disabled, but will be unmuted for public comment according to procedures announced by the School Board President.