Southwood School News
February 2024
In This Edition...
-Valentines Day Info
-Winter Fun Day
-Utensils for Lunches
-Chocolate Fundraiser - February 21 - March 8th
-Kindergarten Registration
-Seesaw App
-Nutrition Bits and Bites
February is Literacy Month!
At Southwood School we focus on literacy every month. However, the month of February is known as “Literacy Month”,
We will be kicking off literacy month with an assembly featuring Corny Rempel on Monday, February 5th, at 9:08am in the gym. We invite parents to attend if they can!
Each class will take part in a literacy scavenger hunt sometime during the month of February. The literacy team has created these to hopefully cover every literacy level. Students will be looking for signs, letters, words and items that begin or end with letters!
Students will also have an opportunity to complete a home challenge to be submitted for a chance to win a prize. A sheet outlining the challenge will be sent home on February 5th along with a message explaining the challenge. Every student who completes this challenge and returns the paper (signed by a parent or guardian) by Feb. 22nd will be entered to win a booster juice. One student from every class will be a winner!
Valentines Day Info
Please feel free to send Valentines with your child to distribute in class. If you wish to bring treats for your child's class, please contact your child's teacher who will organize and arrange the number and amount of treats for the class. Our priority is to celebrate in moderation and in a healthy manner.
Winter Fun Day (Weather Dependent)
Wednesday, February 21 is Southwood’s Winter Fun Day. (Alternate date is: Wednesday, February 29th). If this spring weather continues, we may shift plans to a Spring Fun Day... but here are the tentative details
Wednesday, February 21st, is Southwood’s Winter Fun Day. (Alternate date is: Thursday, Feb. 29th.) The Kindergarten and grade 1 classes will be sledding on the nature hill in the school playground during their scheduled phys. ed. time, while Grades 2-4 will be taking the bus to Abe’s Hill to go sledding. Students going to Abe’s Hill will need permission forms signed and an email will be sent out letting you know when this will be available on the parent portal.
Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for the weather that day as we will be outside more than usual: winter hat, mittens, (no finger gloves), as well as face protection from windchill (no loose scarves), and ski pants. Please do not send sleds from home. Students are encouraged (however not required) to wear a properly fitted CSA approved hockey helmet or a properly fitted snow sport helmet. The grades 2-4 students will be given hot chocolate after their scheduled time sledding, while the K and grade 1 students will enjoy a juice box.
We are looking forward to a fun and engaging day enjoying the outdoors, being physically active while building community as a school!
Lunch Time Reminders...
Utensils for Lunches
Southwood School --- Chocolate Fundraiser - February 22 - March 7th
We are excited to hold Chocolate Fundraiser before Spring Break to generate funds for upgrading our Playground and to be able to host special student events such as the Grade 4 Farewell.
We are offering complete cases for sale to ensure that the product is sealed and safe until it reaches your home. This means parents will need to pre-order each case of chocolates they want to buy. You will need to bring in the money for chocolates sold or the left over chocolates at the cost of $90.00 per case. Cases will be ready for Pick Up on February 22nd at the school. After you receive your chocolates you are able to sell them as you see fit. An email link to reserve your Chocolates will arrive in your mailbox soon... Stay tuned.
To keep things simple we have 2 case options available:
Option 1
World’s Finest Chocolate Covered Almonds – 30 boxes/case
Option 2
Variety Pack -- Details to follow soon
Prizes for selling cases are based on the number of cases you sell. Anyone selling 1 or more cases will be entered into the draw for the prizes. Each additional case sold allows the student to enter another ticket for the draw to increase the chances of winning! Prizes will be displayed in the front display case.
Kindergarten Registration - 2024 - 2025 School Year
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year has opened. The registration process will take place online at If you do not have access to the internet, please visit our school (after registration has opened), and we will assist you in completing the registration form on a school computer.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to register their children as soon as possible. Registering early assists our school in preparation and planning for the upcoming school year. Early registration also provides parents/guardians with the opportunity to participate in upcoming 2024-2025 orientation activities.
Children must be five years of age on or before December 31, 2024 to be eligible for 2024/25 registration, and are required to attend the school within the catchment area in which they reside.
Please use the link below to register or visit the Southwood website and click on the link there... you will then be asked to complete the registration for you child online. Once this is complete, your child's information will be collected at the school and you will be contacted in spring with details about Kindergarten orientation.
Seesaw App
Nutrition Bits and Bites
Upcoming Events
February 2 - Admin Day - No school for students
February 5 - Assembly at 9:08 a.m. I Love to Read Month Kick-off - Parents Welcome
February 19 - Louis Riel Day - No school
February 21 - Winter Fun Day - Special outdoor events for students
February 23 - Teacher Professional Development Day - No school for students
March 7 -- Chocolate Sales End
March 8 - Admin Day - NO Classes
March 10 - Daylight Savings Time begins
March 11 -- Celebration of Learning Assembly 3:00 - 3:25 p.m.
March 19 -- K - 4 Report Cards on Parent Portal
March 21 -- Learning Expo -- Students showcase their learning -- 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
March 22 -- Last Day of classes prior to the Spring Break
April 1 -- First Day of Classes after the Spring Break
155 Barkman Ave.
Steinbach, MB 204-326-3518