SSD First Days of Kindergarten
Schedule and Information to Start the 24-25 School Year
Welcome New Kindergarten Families
In this newsletter, you will find the information you will need for a successful start to the 2024-25 school year for your soon-to-be Kindergarten student. Information includes the beginning of the year schedule, registration information, supply lists, and more.
Please note that the beginning of the year schedule looks different than it has in the past. Along with some other minor changes, Kindergarten families will be invited to a "Family Conversation" with their child's teacher. The schedule in its entirety can be found below.
Whether you are attending Archer Glen, Hawks View, Middleton, or Ridges, welcome to the Sherwood School District!
First Days of Kindergarten Schedule
August 27 | Kindergarten Orientation
Kindergarten students and their families will be invited to attend a 90-minute visit at their elementary school. This will be a time for students and their families to meet staff, tour the school, learn about key rules and procedures, and drop off school supplies.
- Visits will be 90 minutes during one of the following three times. Times are assigned by last name alpha order. See below for your time.
- 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
- Archer Glen last names starting with A-D
- Hawks View last names starting with A-G
- Hawks View DLI last names starting with A-F
- Middleton last names starting with A-J
- Ridges last names starting with A-J
- 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
- Archer Glen last names starting with E-N
- Hawks View last names starting with H-M
- Hawks View last names starting with G-L
- Middleton last names starting with K-R
- Ridges last names starting with K-Q
- 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
- Archer Glen last names starting with O-Z
- Hawks View last names starting with N-Z
- Hawks View DLI last names starting with M-Z
- Middleton last names starting with S-Z
- Ridges last names starting with R-Z
- Childcare is available for siblings of incoming Kindergarten students for the duration of the 90-minute session. If childcare is needed, use this form to register.
- Grades 1-5 will not attend school on August 27th. Each school will also be hosting a Meet & Greet on the 27th from 4-6 PM for 1st - 5th grade students to meet their teacher and drop off supplies.
August 28 - 29 | All Students Attend Full Day
On Wednesday, August 28 & Thursday, August 29, all students attend the full school day (7:55am - 2:15pm). During these two days, Kindergarten students will spend time in different Kindergarten classrooms and with a variety of students and staff. This helps teachers determine class placement for the year.
- Grades 1-5 start attending school on August 28th.
- Hawks View DLI: K students will have Family Conversations on these two days. More information to come.
August 30 | No School for Kindergarten Students
On Friday, August 30, there is no school for Kindergarten students. Teachers place students into their permanent classrooms. Parents/guardians will receive a welcome email and a link to signup for a 20-minute family conversation.
- Grades 1-5 attend school like normal.
September 2 | No School for All Students / Labor Day
September 3 - 4 | Kindergarten Family Conversation (NEW!)
On Tuesday, September 3 & Wednesday, September 4, Kindergarten students and their families attend a 20-minute "Family Conversation." This is a new component of our Kindergarten transition and will give families and teachers an opportunity to get to know one another. There will be no school for kindergarten students on these two days, aside from joining for their 20 minute family conversation.
- Sign up will be sent to families on Friday, August 30.
- Time slots will be 20 minutes.
- No school for Kindergarten students aside from them joining the family conversation.
- More information about Family Conversations below.
- Hawks View DLI: K students will attend one of these two days. More information to come.
September 5 | Kindergarten Students Begin Attending Full Days in Permanent Classrooms
- The school day runs from 7:55am to 2:15pm.
Family Conversation Information
Family Conversations will be held on September 3 and 4 (August 28 and 29 for the DLI Kindergarten class). Conversations will be 20 minutes. The goal is to connect with you and get to know your child, learn about your child's experiences before Kindergarten, and answer any questions you have. A sign up will be sent on August 30th following your child's assignment to their permanent classroom.
Register for Kindergarten
Registration for Kindergarten is available online using the link below. Incoming Kindergarten students must turn 5 on or before September 1. Registering early helps schools and the district plan for the fall. During online registration, new families will create a Sherwood ParentVUE account. Parents of current and former Sherwood students will log in with their existing ParentVUE account.
Online Kindergarten Registration
Paper Registration
Families are also welcome to register using paper registration. Paper registration packets can be picked from the front office of your elementary school.
*If you are unsure which elementary school your kindergarten student will attend, please see the "School Boundaries" section below.
Kinder Summer Playdates in July and August
This summer, incoming Kindergarten families will have more opportunities to meet staff and other families at Kinder Playdates. Kinder Playdates are 1-hour play times at each school's playground. They include arts and crafts and an introduction to the Kindergarten teachers and school principal. No registration required. You are welcome to attend either or both of your school's playdate. This summer's playdates will be held on:
Archer Glen Kinder Playdates
- July 16, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
- August 13, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Hawks View Kinder Playdates
- July 2, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
- August 14, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Middleton Kinder Playdates
- July 23, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
- August 7, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Ridges Kinder Playdates
- July 17, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
- August 8, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to schools or, in the summer, to the District Office.
- Archer Glen Front Office: 503-825-5100
- Hawks View Front Office: 503-825-5400
Middleton Front Office: 503-825-5300
Ridges Front Office: 503-825-5700
Sherwood SD District Office: 503-825-5300
School Supplies
Each of the four elementary schools have their own unique supply lists for incoming students. Select the list below that matches your school.
Archer Glen Supply List for 24-25 School Year / Lista de Utiles Escolares - Espanol
Hawks View Supply List for 24-25 School Year / Lista de Utiles Escolares - Espanol
Middleton Supply List for 24-25 School Year / Lista de Utiles Escolares - Espanol
Ridges Supply List for 24-25 School Year / List de Utiles Escolares - Espanol
As a reminder, Kindergarten students will bring their supplies to school on the August 27th Orientation Day. Grades 1-5 will bring school supplies during the Meet & Greet event on August 27th between 4:00 - 6:00pm. If you pre-ordered school supplies, the supply boxes will be waiting for you.
School Day Schedule
The school day begins at 7:55 a.m. with doors opening at 7:45 for general arrival. Students eating breakfast at school may arrive as early as 7:30 a.m. The school day ends at 2:15 p.m., with the exception of Wednesdays when school dismisses at 1:15 p.m..
2024-25 & 2025-26 District Calendars
Sherwood School District calendars are now available for the 24-25 and 25-26 school years.
Free and Reduced Priced Meals Applications
Free Meals Application
School Boundaries
If you’re enrolling your student or looking to move to Sherwood, you may locate the schools for a home address using our online Boundary Map. Enter your address in the upper left corner to search. Contact Kami Golden at kgolden@sherwood.k12.or.us or 503-825-5011 with boundary questions.