Vol. 24 May Ranch Family Newsletter
Week of February 10th, 2025
Upcoming Events
Weekly Happenings
Monday February 10th
- No School in observance of Lincoln Day
Tuesday February 11th
- PTA Valentines Day shop opens during lunch recess
- Double Point and Letter Day for Attendance
- Wear your Chicken Gear!!
- 100 Mile Club 7:25-7:50 am
- Chicken Club 2:30-3:30
- 4th/5th Grade Flag Football Practice 2:30-3:30
- Soccer practice 2:30-3:30
- Art Academy 2:30-4:00
- Cheer Practice 2:30-3:30
Wednesday February 12th
100 Mile Club 7:25-7:50 am
PTA Valentines Day shop open during lunch recess
Color Run Assemblies 8:15-9:30
Yogurtland Fundraiser 11am -9pm
- Minimum Day (Dismissal 12:40/12:45)
- Esports Permission Slips Due
- Cooking Club Make-Up Day 12:45pm-1:45pm
- Happy Birthday Shavonne Herrera!!
Thursday February 13th
- 100 Mile Club 7:25-7:50 am
- PTA Valentine Shop open during lunch
- Robotics Kinder/1st Grade 2:20-3:20
- Garden Club 2:30-3:30 rm. 406
- ASB Meeting 2:30
Soccer practice 2:30-3:30
Cheer practice 2:30-3:30
2nd/3rd grade Flag Football practice
Cooking Club 2:30-3:45
School Site Council Meeting @3 pm (607)
Friday February 14th
- Wear your Wrangler Gear!
- PTA Valentine Shop during lunch
- 100 Mile Club 7:25-7:50 am
Drama Club 2:30-4:00
- 2nd/3rd Flag Football Practice
- Esports Tryouts 2:30-3:30
Weekend Happenings
Upcoming Events
- 2/17 Presidents Day- No School
- 2/18 GATE Testing
- 2/19 ELAC @ 8:15 in rm. 607
- 2/20 Early Literacy Afternoon
- 2/20 GATE Testing
- 2/21 SOTM
- 2/21 GATE Testing
- 2/22 Saturday STEAM
- 2/22 Soccer Tournament
- 2/26 Fire Drill
- 2/28 3rd Grade GLUCK
- 4/26/25 Esports Tournament
Info coming home Wednesday!
Thank you to our Student ASB Crew!
CA Healthy Kids Survey- 5th Graders Only
The California Healthy Kids Survey is a requirement for our 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th graders with parental consent. The survey is completely anonymous, no personally identifiable information is collected or shared.
We understand that this survey may be a sensitive issue with some of our families. Some of the questions ask about substance use at elementary. During the parent data confirmation process, you gave consent or denial for this. The survey will be given to 5th graders only who gave consent this month. You may review the surveys for more details.
25-26 TK and Kindergarten Registration
May Ranch is an AVID School!
Be Through the Gate by 8:00!
🏆The GOAT Attendance Challenge🏆
Expanded Learning Opportunities
Thank you for having your Taxi in your Window!
100 Mile Club Going Strong!
May Ranch School Goals Highlights
Goal 1: Math: Number sense
Goal 3: Family Partnership
Thank you families for a successful Boots and Beauties Dance!
Goal 2: School Connectedness
We want our students to WANT to come to school, feel safe and connected to other students and adults.
1st Grade Peter Diem inspired art
K Things that Grow
5th Maria Ana Maria Edulescu inspired art
3rd Grade learning about weather!
Goal 4: Literacy
Kindergarten working on writing!
Congratulations to our Positive Office Referrals!
Congrats on GO WRANGLERS this Week!
Every day that the class has perfect attendance they earn a letter. When the class has spelled out "GO WRANGLERS" the class receives a prize! On double and quadruple letter days they earn multiple letters. Thank you for your support in making sure your student attends school daily!
Mrs. Rodriguez's 1st Grade
Mrs. Rodriguez's Later Gators Kinder
Wrangler Ready! Attendance Matters!
Thank you May Ranch Families!
Let's get back on track!
4th Grade Remains in the Lead STILL!!!!!
4th has the lowest chronic absenteeism.
First Week In February
94.2 Attendance Rate Currently
GREAT JOB May Ranch Families!!
We are FIRST for all Elementary Schools!!!
Parking/Dismissal Reminders
- Parking Reminders: Please do not park or leave your car along the red curb. This area is for drop off and pick up only. Thank you for prioritizing the safety and accessibility of our designated areas. Please refer to our Parking Lot Flow below for arrival/dismissal expectations.
Reminder Picking up Students Early/Emergency Contacts
To limit disruptions, we do not call out scholars within 20 mins. of dismissal!
- Please try to plan appointments outside of the school day to avoid your child missing valuable instruction.
- Any individual picking up a scholar early from school needs to provide a Photo ID and be listed on the emergency contact list.
- For your child's safety, we cannot release a scholar to someone who does not have an ID or who is not listed in the emergency contacts.
- Parents can update emergency contact information through Parent Portal or by presenting identification to update their contact information in person. Phone requests to update contact information will not be permitted.
- To limit disruptions to classroom dismissals, we do not call out scholars within 20 minutes of dismissal.
District Events! 🎉
Community Resource & Learning Center (Eng.)
Community Resource & Learning Center (Span.)
Healing & Wellness
Family Engagement Course & Service Offerings
Special Education Informational Session (Eng.)
Special Education Informational Session (Spn.)
Follow Us on Social Media!
May Ranch Website
Contact Us
Principal- Mrs. Heather Campbell
Assistant Principal- Mrs. Rebecca Hackworth
May Ranch Office
Call us at 951-490-4670