Updates from the Primrose Library
June 2020
Hello Primrose Families!
The members of the News Committee from our 3rd Grade Library Council recently met virtually. The students reported library news to classrooms through video and helped to write the following updates for families.
Happy Reading!
Miss O'Kane
Library by the Numbers
The total checkouts we had before Remote Learning in our library was 15,539 books! One of our 3rd graders, Lila T., was our top reader who checked out the most books during the first part of our year. She read 137 books! Outside of class lots of people checked out books. Students visited the library 655 extra times! The most popular book was "Dog Man." It was check out by students 73 times this year!
Miss O'Kane works with everybody in the school. Prior to Remote Learning this year, she helped staff with 314 tech questions and 148 book requests. She also collaborated on 73 lessons with classroom teachers.
A Look Back
We did a lot of learning this year! Below are some of the highlights.
1st Grade: Growth Mindsets, Technology Skills, Text Features, Online Safety, Research, Sharing Information
2nd Grade: Internet Privacy, Digital Footprints, Online Communication, Reading Habits, Group Dynamics, Books as Windows, Power of Readers, RI Latino Book Month Awards
3rd Grade: RI Children's Book Awards, Analyzing & Developing Questions, Evaluating Resources, Online Identity, Handling Cyberbullying, Media Literacy, Online Communication
Favorite Library Memories
Some of our 3rd Grade Library Reporters shared their favorite memories from the PHS Library.
Owen: My favorite memory from library was when we were allowed to check out more than one book!
Anna: One of my favorite memories from library was the first time I went to library class in Kindergarten because I was really curious.
Alice: I really liked when we did research projects.
Otto: When we got to make some new friends in library class.
We're going to miss our (almost) 4th graders in the library!
Happy Summer!
Find more about the Primrose Library at . . .
Email: okanek@barringtonschools.org
Website: www.missokane.com
Twitter: @primroselibrary