St. Jude Catholic Elementary
December Newsletter 2024
St. Jude Separate School
175 Nahani Way, Mississauga, ON L4Z 3J6
Phone: 905 568 3720
Fax: 905 568 0631
Catholic School Trustee
Thomas Thomas - Ward Mississauga Ward 5
Superintendent of Schools - ME
Dulcie Belchior - Mississauga East Family of Schools.
Parish Leaders
School Parish
St. Francis Xavier
Pastor - Fr. Andrew Cyruk
December marks both the end of the 2024 calendar year and, with the season of Advent, the beginning of a new liturgical year and the Gospel of Luke. On December 24, Pope Francis will open the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica to usher in the beginning of the Jubilee Year. The Jubilee of Hope will take place from December 24, 2024 - Christmas Eve to January 6, 2026, the feast of the Epiphany. The Jubilee Year is especially connected to the Holy Doors in all of the papal basilicas in Rome, which are bricked up in between jubilee years and only opened for these special periods, when prayerful pilgrims have the opportunity to gain special blessings (called indulgences) for themselves and their loved ones. In total, there are seven Holy Doors around the world. Four in Rome, one in Spain, one in France and one in Quebec City at Notre-Dame de Québec Cathedral-Basilica. In keeping with our promotion of our Catholic identity, Pope Francis encourages us to place Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Catholic church at the centre of our Pilgrims of Hope journey during this Jubilee Year. To be pilgrims, represents our journey in this life as we connect to our faith and relationship with Christ. We are called to “pilgrim” with one another building relationships of love, peace, and our solidarity towards each other. Hope is found through the actions of those who Pilgrim following Jesus’ example. God’s Pilgrims bring communities hope, peace and strengthened faith.
The Virtue of the month is Hope
December Virtue of Hope
In December –we celebrate the virtue of Hope. God helps us to keep on working for a more peaceful world even when we feel discouraged.
A hopeful person is…
- Inspired and inspires others.
- Optimistic.
- One who seeks good things from life.
- One who sees the good in the world.
Principal's Advent Message
We begin the season of Advent, the beginning of the new liturgical year. This is a time of patient and prayerful waiting. As Catholics, we know that the Advent season is about preparing our hearts and
souls for the birth of Jesus our Saviour. During the month of December, students and staff will be preparing for the coming of the Lord Jesus through prayer , acts of kindness and outreach. We pray that you and your family are able to hold onto the true spirit of Christmas: to work together to prepare for the coming of the Light of the World and to make it a season of love, joy, and hope.
On behalf of all of the staff of St. Jude, we extend warmest wishes for a peaceful and joyous
Christmas. May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace and the warmth of Christmas grant you love.
We look forward to seeing your child back at school, ready to learn on Monday, January 6, 2025.
God Bless,
Mr. C. Daniel
Living Our Faith Virtue Corner DECEMBER ~ HOPE
This month we will celebrate the virtue of HOPE. A person with hope…
♦ Expects the best to happen for everyone
♦ Hold on to their dreams
♦ Always count on God to help them in tough situations
♦ Trust that things will work out in God’s way
♦ Look for something good to come out of problems
♦ Are looking forward to life’s blessings
♦ Set and stick to their own goals
We believe that God comes to us as a real human who can show us the way of life.
We understand that both the world and its people are from God and so are essentially good. Further more, God has given us this Advent season year after year in order to focus our minds and our hearts on the good all around us.
Year after year, we are reminded that God chose to send His Son to us because we are worth it. God knows how great we can be when we all come together.
The season of Advent begins with the fourth Sunday before Christmas. This year, the liturgical season of Advent began Sunday, December 1st.
“Advent” is a Latin word meaning “the coming”. Dur ing the season of Advent, Christians across the world prepare for the celebration of the coming of the Lord
into the world through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. Advent is a time to celebrate light in the midst of darkness, as symbolized best by the Advent Wreath.
At St. Jude, we emphasize the implications of the birth of our Saviour through our Christian actions. It is a time to prepare the way, to make God real each and every day through prayer, charity and social justice.
St. Jude Primary Christmas Concert
On December 17th at 10:30 a.m. and again at 6 p.m., St. Jude Primary students and staff will share a Advent celebration through song and laughter. This presentation will include readings and live songs from all Primary classes at St. Jude.
On December 17th, from 6 p.m to 8 p.m. families are invited to register and join us for our Christmas Carousel. Activities are filling up fast!
Christmas Holidays
Please be reminded that the school is closed for Christmas holidays Monday, December 23, 2024, to Friday, January 3, 2025 (inclusive)
The first day of classes in the New Year is January 6th, 2025.
From the entire staff at St. Jude, have a blessed and joyful Christmas!
Buone Feste Natalizie
Subha nath thalak Vewa
聖誕快樂 新年快樂
E ku odun, e ku iye'dun!
أعياد ميلاد سعيد!
Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce
Sretan Bozic
Boaz Festas
A'yaad meelad Saeedah
Joyeux Noel
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Natal
Gezur Krislinjden
Mitho Makosi Kesikansi
Nollaig chridheil
Kellemes karacsonyi
Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal
Khushi Natal
Wesolych swiat
Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah
Melkin Yelidet Beaal
Sun Tan Chuk Ha
Gun Tso Sun Tan'Gung Haw Sun
Chuc Mung Giang Sinh
Maligayang Pasko
Baradin ki shubh kamnaaye
Srozhdestvom Kristovym
Bringing Cheer to the Holidays
The holidays are likely to face some disruptions again this year given the evolving nature of the pandemic. The holidays this year will be unlike any we’ve experienced before. Unfortunately, that means they’re more likely to be a source of stress rather than what they’re meant to be: a chance to share the festive season with family and friends. That’s to be expected, especially during a year in which we’ve faced more than our share of hardships, challenges and difficulties. To help put troubles behind you and look forward to a prosperous new year, here are some tips for getting more cheer out of your holidays:
• Don’t be perfect; be you: Set realistic expectations for yourself. Keep your plans and activities simple.
• Pace yourself: Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza and New Year’s Eve can all be busy times. Remember, the season lasts for weeks. Get organized, and break your preparations into small steps.
• Budget wisely: It is easy to buy on credit and ignore the bills until after the holidays. Set your limit ahead of time.
• Get into the spirit: Deck the halls. Decorate the yard. Too often adults miss out on the simple pleasures of celebrating the
• Take time out for yourself: Unwind and pamper yourself. Try relaxation techniques, meditation, deep-breathing exercises or even just a bubble bath.
• Embrace family: Look forward to reuniting with relatives this holiday, even if it’s only over the phone or via video chat. Cherish the connection with loved ones, and make an effort to be as relaxed, positive and cheerful as you can.
• Celebrate safely: Give your body a gift this year by treating it with respect. Try not to overindulge in sweets and goodies.
Know your limits when it comes to alcohol. Maintain social distancing, wear a mask when called for and remember to wash your hands frequently
• Make New Year’s resolutions: Setting goals challenges us to aim for higher fulfilment and self-improvement as we look forward to a better and happier new year.
The safety and viability of student excursions heavily relies on the availability of vetted parent volunteers. In order to optimize the safety and well-being of our students Vunerable Sector Checks (Level 3) are a minimum requirement volunteers must have for all trips and events at school.
(formerly known as a Police Vulnerable Sector Check)
This check is intended for people who work or volunteer with vulnerable people (i.e., school teacher, coaches, parent volunteer). A vulnerable person can be a child under 18 years, elderly and/or disabled.
Please note that if the position you are applying to or volunteering for does not meet criteria for running this level of search, additional information will be required before we are able to complete your records check.
This check will show:
- Every criminal offence of which the individual has been convicted for which a pardon has not been issued or granted
- Every summary conviction if the request is made within 5 years after the date of the summary conviction
- Every finding of guilt under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (Canada) in respect of the individual during the applicable period of access under that Act
- Any conviction for which a pardon has been granted if disclosure is authorized under the Criminal Records Act (Canada)
- Every criminal offence of which the individual has been found guilty and received an absolute discharge within 1 year after the date of the absolute discharge
- Every criminal offence of which the individual has been found guilty and received an conditional discharge within 3 years after the date of the conditional discharge
- Every criminal offence for which there is an outstanding charge or warrant to arrest in respect of the individual
- Every court order made against the individual except: court orders made under the Mental Health Act or under Part XX.1 of the Criminal Code (Canada), court orders made in relation to a charge that has been withdrawn, restraining orders made against the individual under the Family Law Act, the Children's Law Reform Act or the Child and Family Services Act
- Every criminal offence with which the individual has been charged that resulted in a finding of not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder if the request is made within 5 years after the date of finding
- Any non-conviction information authorized for exceptional disclosure in accordance with section 10 of the LEARN Guidelines
Vulnerable Sector Checks cost $35.
Fingerprinting Fee Peel Police $27.
Fingerprinting Fee RCMP $25.
Payments can be made by cash, Debit, MasterCard or Visa.
No refunds will be issued.
Note to Volunteers: Bring in a volunteer letter from your agency and fingerprinting fees will not apply.
Parents/visitors are reminded that they are not permitted entry to classrooms. School personnel will assist with the entry of late students as well as the early release of students for appointments. All students leaving the school during the school day will only be released through the front office and we ask that parents please wait at the front door to receive their child safely.
Please be aware that dogs should not
be brought onto school property. If
your dog is escorting you and your
child to and from school please make
arrangements to meet your child on the
sidewalk in front of the school.
Kindergarten Registration- 2025/2026
DPCDSB offers the full-day Kindergarten program in 125 Catholic elementary schools in Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon, Bolton and Orangeville. Elementary school admissions are open to Catholic children and children of Catholic parents. Kindergarten students must be at least 4 years of age by December 31 of the school year for which they are registering.
- All elementary schools are currently accepting new online registrations for 2024-2025 ad 2025-2026 unless specified below.
- St. Sofia Catholic Elementary School: Similar to 2024-2025, enrolment at St. Sofia is paused for the 2025-2026 school year except for new Junior Kindergarten (JK) students. A cap of 60 students has been set for new JK students registering for September 2025.
- For information about Kindergarten Registration for the St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre, visit the St. James C.E.S. website.
- To find out which Catholic school is in your area, use the Peel Region and Dufferin County Find My School tools or contact the Planning Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24440
- If you are applying for admissions under 'Flexible Boundaries', please contact the school office directly.
- Elementary Student Transfer Request Form (for current DPCDSB students)
- Entry Planning Form for Students with Differing Abilities Form
Completion of this form should only be done after parents/guardians have completed the online registration process. This form should only be completed for students who have higher needs (e.g. a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, medical needs, needs requiring equipment or specialized services, speech, vision or hearing needs, etc.)
For more information about admissions and requirements, parents/guardians should contact their school directly or the Admissions Department at 905-890-1221 or admissions@dpcdsb.org.
- Create an account on the Online Application System.
- How to Create an Account: Quick Reference Guide
- Once you have created an account, complete and submit the Online Application Form.
How to Register Online: Quick Reference Guide - Receive email confirmation acknowledging receipt of the online Application Form with further instructions if supporting documentation was not submitted online. (See below for a complete list).
- Entry Planning Form for Students with Differing Abilities
Completion of this form should only be done after parents/guardians have completed the online registration process. This form should only be completed for students who have higher needs (e.g. a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, medical needs, needs requiring equipment or specialized services, speech, vision or hearing needs, etc.)
Applications for the 2025-2026 Extended French Program will close on December 4th at 3 PM.
Applications are available through the DPCDSB Extended French Webpage.
Indoor/Outdoor Shoes
Students are asked to ensure that they have a pair of
indoor shoes at school. As the weather gets wetter, we
ask that children change their footwear when they
come inside in an effort to keep our classroom floors
Change of Clothes
Children are expected to participate in Daily Physical Education activities and are reminded to dress for
the weather. It is recommended the children of all grades have a change of clothing at school in the event that they get wet.
*******Cold Weather is Here! *******
We also ask that students come prepared for their day in appropriate clothing. Students will be provided space to safely store indoor shoes as cold weather footwear becomes necessary. Please note, students spend a minimum of 2 periods outdoors for outdoor learning time, plus 20 minute lunch recess time. As such, it is critical that students come dressed for the weather. Here are a few helpful tips for dressing for the cold.
Before and After School Programs – Register Online Today
PLASP Child Care Services is now accepting registrations for their Before and After School programs, and Early Learning and Child Care Centre at this school. We encourage you to register as soon as possible. Available space is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
PLASP programs are licensed by the Ministry of Education and are adhering to strict public health guidelines. Highly trained staff facilitate fun, age-appropriate activities both indoors and outdoors.
Before School programs operate from 7:30 a.m. until school starts and include breakfast daily. After School programs begin at school dismissal, include a substantial daily snack, and run until 6:00 p.m.
The Early Learning and Child Care Centre provides full-day care from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for toddlers and preschoolers. Registered Early Childhood Educators and children engage in a play-based curriculum (High Scope) that supports learning and growth for children. Children receive a nutritious breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack daily.
PLASP Child Care Services is a charitable organization, operating on a not-for-profit basis, providing award winning programs for children, for more than 40 years.
Visit plasp.com to register, or contact the PLASP Support Services Centre at 647-484-4372.
Winter Weather Cancellations
Radio: TV:
860 AM Global
ROCK 97.3 CP 24
Z103.5 The Weather Network
99.9 FM
FOXY 88.5 FM
CFNY 102.1
CHIN 100.7 FM / 1540
93.1 FM 1250 102.7 FM (Caledon)
A bus cancellation and/or school closure message will also be available online at www.dpcdsb.org or by calling 905-890-1221.
Community Information Bus Cancellations.
BUS CANCELLATIONS During the winter months, inclement weather and/or poor road conditions may cause the disruption of bus transportation. If buses are cancelled in a certain Weather Zone, schools in that Zone will remain open to students and staff. There is no distribution of learning devices in anticipation of inclement weather-related bus cancellations. While students unable to attend in person due to transportation cancellations are not required to access learning materials in the Learning Management System (LMS), they can if they choose to. Learning activities posted in the LMS specifically for inclement weather days provide opportunities for consolidation, curriculum enrichment or practice of skills already taught. It is acknowledged that teachers will be supporting in-person students and therefore may have limited availability to support students who are not in attendance. For students unable to attend in person, no remote access to the classroom will take place. Learning for students will be self-directed. Please be assured that teachers have been advised not to introduce new concepts on days on which buses have been cancelled. As always, parents/guardians can contact their child’s teacher if they have any questions or require support using communication methods that have been established by the teacher. Fully remote classes will continue as usual on bus cancellation days. FULL SYSTEM CLOSURE If there is a full system closure, where all DPCDSB schools and facilities are closed to students and staff, there is no switch to synchronous learning for the day. Similar to bus cancellation days, students can access learning activities posted in the LMS specifically for inclement weather days that provide opportunities for consolidation, curriculum enrichment or practice of skills already taught. This also applies to students in remote-only classes. As always, parents/guardians can contact their child’s teacher if they have any questions or require support using communication methods that have been established by the teacher.
Peel Region Schools (Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon)
For student transportation purposes, schools located in Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon (Peel Region), which are served by Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR), are divided into three Weather Zones: ZONE 1, ZONE 2 and ZONE 3.
See the list of schools located in each of the three Weather Zones and the Weather Zone map to find in which zone your school is located. Dufferin County Schools (St. Andrew, St. Benedict, St. Peter Catholic Elementary Schools) For student transportation purposes, DPCDSB's three schools located in Dufferin County (Orangeville), St. Andrew, St. Benedict, St. Peter Catholic Elementary Schools, are served by Service de Transport de Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Service (STWDSTS). Although R.F. Hall Catholic Secondary School is located in Peel Region, a significant segment of the school’s student population is transported from Dufferin County by STWDSTS (see below for more information about R.F. Hall). NOTES
All Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School student transportation is cancelled on days when buses are cancelled in either STOPR Zone 3 or in Dufferin County (STWDSTS).
Families who reside outside of their school’s Weather Zone are encouraged to check the STOPR Weather Zone map to be aware of the Zone in which they reside. For families who reside outside their School’s Weather Zone, please be aware that their child’s transportation will be cancelled if student transportation is cancelled in either their school’s Weather Zone or in the Zone in which they reside.
Please visit the STOPR website for additional information related to Student Transportation in Peel Region schools, including STOPR’s recent newsletter.
Bus cancellations and school closure notices are posted by 6:00 a.m. or shortly afterwards in the following ways: Websites
Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR)
Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services (STWDSTS)
DPCDSB Website (Yellow Alert Banner)
Social Media
X (Formerly Twitter): @STOPRinfo or @STWDSTS
X (Formerly Twitter): @DPCDSBSchools | Instagram: @DPCDSB.Schools | Facebook: @DPCDSBSchools Recorded Phone Message 905-890-0708 or 1-800-387-9501
QUESTIONS? If you have questions related to bus cancellation days, please contact your child(ren)'s school.
Term 1 Report
Term 1 Report Cards will be sent home on February 11, 2025
Term 2 Report Cards will be sent home on June 24, 2025
No School - Christmas Break
Don't forget to mark your calendars - This year, Christmas bread will officially begin on Monday December 20, 2024 and end on January 3, 2025. Students will resume classes on January 6, 2025.
Parent Teacher Interview
Term 1 Student Conferences/Interviews will be on February 15, 2024 and February 16, 2024. Please ensure that you return the interview request from sent home.
School Organization
Head Office Administrator - M. Finelli-Kiru
JK/SK - Piacente/Valvert
1/2 - M. Santoro
2/3 - A. Eneh/A. Karabulut
3/4 - A. Patimisco
5/6 - B. Embrack
6/7 - A. Palmieri
7/8 - T. Migliaro
5/6 FI - A. De Sario
6/7 FI - A. Markic
8 FI - J. McLeod
FSL - O. Anihouvi
CARE - M. Stonious/Ercolani (CYW)
SERC - F. Hough
Planning Time - S. Lanzalone
Planning Time/Library - H. Egwuenu
ERW 1 - C. Da Silva
ERW 2 - A. Wazny
CYW - K. Cropper
Social Worker - A. Garber
Psychologist - R. Jardine
Speech-Language Pathologist - M. Nella
ST. Jude Bell Times
8:30 - 8:45 - Soft entry of students to limit contact and congestion at entry points.
10:05 - 10:20 - Morning Recess (indoors)
11:43 - 12:43 - Lunch Recess (20 minute outdoor/mask break in assigned cohort. 40 min.lunch)
2:03 - 2:23 - Afternoon Recess (indoors)
3:15 - K-8 dismissal (for distancing)
Head Injuries
When a student receives an injury/bump to the head (however minor), it is a Board Policy that we inform parents. You will be contacted by phone, a phone message will be left at one of your contact numbers. This is precautionary only and we ask that you check your child when they get home for any signs of a concussion or illness.
Learning potential increases through small, frequent drinks of water throughout the day. Water is important for almost every process that takes place in the body. Drinking water regularly through the school day helps to:
Improve learning and concentration.
Prevent tooth decay.
Reduce feelings of thirst, tiredness and irritability.
Prevent short and long term health problems.
We can get H20 from beverages and food. Our bodies absorb water from beverages and from foods like yogurt, soup and watery fruits and vegetables
GUARDIAN. Thank you in advance for your support.
Personal Electronic Devices (P.E.D.s)
BYOD– Bring Your Own Devices
Our vision of education in Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools is rooted in the gospel values of faith, hope and love. All sectors of society, including the education sector, must work to keep pace with our rapidly changing world. Our teaching and learning environments - our schools and classrooms - must continue to change and adapt to ensure that our students continue to succeed. Our students and staff are already engaged as 21st century learners, living and shaping ways of being, becoming and belonging in our world. St. Jude School is a PED ready school. DPCDSB Personal Electronic Device Use form with Wi-Fi Network Student Agreement will be signed for all new registrations. It is also be available on our website for download. Please read it over and have yourself and your child sign it so that they may bring their devices to school to be used for educational purposes as directed by staff.
Personal Electronic Devices on Board Premises and/or Board Sanctioned Events for Educational Purposes:
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board acknowledges the value of the use of technology for learning. Students are permitted to register and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/or board sanctioned events for educational purposes, under the direction of staff and only with parent/guardian permission (GF 066, Network User Application and Agreement). Students may register their PED for the purpose of connecting to the board wireless network. Students are required to adhere to the student “Personal Electronic Device Used with WI-FI Network Student Agreement” and the “Network User Application and Agreement.” Please be advised that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will not be responsible for any cost incurred through the use of personal data plans.
PEDs are to be used responsibly and should not interfere with learning; their use must comply with the Catholic Code of Conduct, board policies and procedures. Any personal communications (i.e., phone calls, text messages, etc.) will continue to be directed through the main office. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a loss of PED privileges and/or any other consequences deemed necessary by school administration.
The school principal may authorize limited acceptable uses of personal electronic devices during school-sanctioned activities for a specific designated purpose outside of instructional spaces and/or in common areas.
Students are responsible for the safety and security of PEDs at all times and the Board assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen devices.
School CashOnline
MOVING to School CashOnline
Please follow the link below to register online - it takes less than two minutes!
You will need your child’s name and date of birth. Use of student number is optional.
Should you encounter any difficulties, you can use the parent help desk at 1 (866) 961-1803 or the support link on the school cash online website.
PAY WITH: Credit Card or Debit Card
1. Create Your Profile:
Go to https://dpcdsb.schoolcashonline.com/ and click on "Get Started Today".
2. Confirm Your Email:
Check your inbox for the email confirmation and click on the link inside. Sign in with your new login details.
3. Add a Student
Click "Add Student" and fill in the required fields with your child’s details:
1. School Board name
2. Select a school
3. Legal First Name
4. Legal Last Name
5. Birth Date (Month/Day/Year)
If your child has a medical condition, please ensure that the school is aware of it by submitting the proper forms and medication as soon as possible.
Monitoring and Responding to Reports of COVID-19 Symptoms
If a student becomes ill during the day and/or exhibits signs of illness, they will be required to enter into a separate health room/area designated by the school until the parent can pick them up. The student will be provided with a disposable mask to wear until picked up, and staff assisting the student will be asked to wear a face shield in addition to a mask. The separate health room/area will then be closed until it can be deep cleaned and sanitized.