USD116 BOE Update: August 6, 2024
from Superintendent Dr. Ivory-Tatum
Study Topics
School Improvement Plan Presentations
The Director of Equity and School Improvement gave an overview of District and School Improvement Plans and Goals.
What's New:
The district shifted to a new template for Continuous School Improvement for the 2024-25 school year. This new template is being used across the state with schools that have received an intensive designation. We made the shift as a collective because we have at least one school designated as intensive.
In addition to planning for future SMART Goals, we’ve also incorporated Inclusivity and Equity to create SMARTIE Goals.
- Goals with equity and inclusion included
- Goals that specifically promote and advance equity and inclusion
- Goals that will focus on closing the achievement gap
Urbana School District Academic and Attendance Goals SY24-25 (Fall to Spring Goals)
Priority Goal 1: MAP Growth
- By Spring of 2025 students in grades 1st through 10th will have an overall increase of 15% of students meeting or exceeding their growth goals in ELA based on NWEA
- By Spring of 2025 students in grades K through 10th will have an overall increase of 15% of students meeting or exceeding their growth goals in Math based on NWEA
Priority Goal 2: Priority Group Proficiency
- By Spring of 2025 we will increase by 15% the proficiency in Math determined by IAR for grades 3rd through 8th for African American students and increase by 10% the proficiency in Math determined by IAR for grades 3rd through 8th for Latine students
- By Spring of 2025 we will increase by 10% the proficiency in ELA determined by IAR for grades 3rd through 8th for African American and Latine students
Priority Goal 3: Chronic Absenteeism
- By Spring of 2025 Chronic Absenteeism in the district will decrease from 49% to 34%
In addition to the District goals, each school has an individual ELA goal, math goal and chronic absenteeism goal. View those goals in the full presentation: USD Improvement Presentation
Tiger Academy and Alternative Education Update
The board was given an update on the programs housed at Tiger Academy, including Alternative Education programming and the Freedom School Program.
The Alternative Day Time Program at Tiger Academy served 34 students during the 2023-24 school year: 13 middle school students and 21 high school students.
Benefits of the alternative day time program include:
- Low student to staff ratio
- Fewer peer distractions than in a larger traditional setting.
- Individualized schedules designed for students that meet their specific needs.
Curriculum and instruction
- Credit Recovery (APEX Learning)
- In-person classes include math, social studies, science, and ELA.
- Other courses are a hybrid model using Google Classroom & UMS/UHS instructors
Student Outcomes
- 64% of high school students attending Tiger Academy improved their overall GPA from Fall 2023 to Spring 2024.
- Two seniors graduated this year
- 2 students recovered enough credits to be caught up and on track to graduate on time; all others recovered credits but are still short of being caught up to their actual graduation year
School Year 2024-25
- The Freedom School Grant has ended, so there will be reduced after school program options.
- Based on current staffing, we can serve 40 students in the day time program. We anticipate having 26 to start the year.
- Tiger Academy Staff are working on plans to implement AVID
- There will be a focus on improving student attendance and academic performance
Q: What are the operating costs?
A: Roughly $800,000 -- That includes the Freedom School after school program. The Tiger Academy Programs are largely grant funded.
Q: Will you look at other funding or other grants to support this program?
A: We are actively looking for grants to write.
Administrative Reports
Preliminary Design for Update of UHS Lighting Tower to Add Cell Site
An initial proposal was discussed for adding a multi-carrier cell mast on one of the light towers at the high school athletic fields. This would improve cell phone service at the high school.
The timeline for completion is sometime in 2025. Construction will work around sports schedules and student events. (Construction will most likely be in the winter or summer).
All of the cost is covered by the construction company. We still need to negotiate the long-term lease, but there will be a payment to the District every year as a result of this cell mast.
Action Items
Approval of Continuous School Improvement Plans
The Board approved the continuous school improvement plans as required for designated schools by the Illinois School Board of Education.
Memorandum of Understanding - Champaign Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD)
The Board approved a Memorandum of Agreement with Champaign Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD) - for services provided by CUPHD’s Child and Teen Dental Clinic.
Superintendent Report
Dr. Ivory-Tatum facilitated a conversation around Board Member representation on district standing and ad-hoc committees for school year 2024-25.
Dr. Ivory-Tatum's Superintendent Report is available here: August 6, 2024 report
- DPW Community Walk is August 7 at 6 p.m.
- UMS cell phone policy changes: UMS will be a phone free space beginning this year. Each student will secure their phone in a Yondr pouch when they arrive at school. Students will maintain possession of their phone in the locked case throughout the day. There will be a community roundtable for feedback on this initiative on Wednesday, August 28 from 5-6 pm.
Board Report
The Board discussed Board goals and Study Session Topics for the next year. Those topics include a social media policy review, starting the strategic planning process, and a review of the citizen statement policy.
Location: 1101 E University Ave., Suite B, Urbana, IL 61802
Phone: (217) 384-3600
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