Heights Campus News
Vancouver Virtual Learning Academy @ Heights Campus
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Iká pwe ke mochen epwe wor emén epwe ánea ngonuk masowen ei taropwe nón fóósun fénúomw ren ómw kopwe weweiti, en mei tongeni kéri Dania Narruhn, 360-772-7494
Thoughts from Principal Hogan
Welcome Height Virtual Learning Academy Families!
We cannot wait to see our returning and new students. The summer has been great, but we are excited about the 2022-2023 school year.
There are important events coming up:
· Remote only students will need to pick up a laptop the week of August 22nd (schedule below). In person students can pick up a laptop the same week too or check one out during their first lab session.
· Students must attend an orientation before beginning regular scheduled labs. A link to sign up for orientation will be emailed next week and students can sign up during Tech Pickup.
- · Parents/guardians must attend orientation for Kindergarten-5th grades.
- · Parents/guardians of 6th-9th grade students must attend orientation with their student. Parents of all grade levels are welcome to attend orientations with their student(s)
· Not attending orientation will result in withdrawing the student from Virtual Learning Academy.
We look forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks!
Deanna Hogan and Kathleen Paradis-Heights Campus administrative team
Device Pick Up-Next Week
Parents/guardians of students in grades 6-12 will need to pick up a laptop next week on either Monday, August 22 or Tuesday, August 23. Times are 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00. Location is 6450 MacArthur Blvd. Student will need to log onto their deivce while on campus, so plan for at least 30 minutes. There will also be forms to complete and parent/guadians can drop of immunization records.
Parents/guardians of students in grades K-5 will need to pick up a laptop next week on either Friday, August 26. Times are 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00. Location is 6450 MacArthur Blvd. Plan for at least 30 minutes. There will also be forms to complete and parent/guadians can drop of immunization records.
Attendance Matters
For those VLA 6-12 students coming on campus for their weekly lab session, school attendnace is critical to student academic success. Strong school attendnace is built on at home habits. If your student is ill (Symptoms Flow Chart), do keep them home and then contact the attendance clerk, Jennifer Crooker, at 313-1476
Heights Campus Counseling Team
Ashley Anderson
Kelly Moore
Erin Sasser
Vancouver Virtual Learning Academy Staff
Principal-Deanna HoganAssociate Principal-Kathleen Paradis
Secretary-Larisa Romanchenko
Reception/Attendance Clerk-Jennifer Crooker
Enrollment Clerk-Brandy Clarno
Enrollment Clerk-Kelly Hatfield
Fiscal Clerk-Angella Lindsay
Counseling Clerk-Maureen Jarrett
Teachers K-5
Kindergarten-Colleen Chung
1st Grade-Jana Kandoll
2nd Grade-Lisa Bradstreet
3rd Grade-Nadia Lutz
4th Grade-Lucia Anderson
5th Grade- Heidi Merritt
Teachers 6-12
Maelynn Anderson
Sharika Kiefer
Shanda Karraker-Bigelow
Miranda Lanford
Kiera O'Brien
Nat Sampson
Jon Selby
Uzma Ahmad
Tim Dibble
Tracey Fischer
Joshua Hoover
Jillian Jones
Niki Vigereto
School Counselors
Kelly Moore K-6
Ashley Anderson 7-10
Erin Sasser 7-10
Heights Campus
Email: heightscampus.school@vansd.org
Website: heightscampus.vansd.org
Location: 6450 Macarthur Boulevard, Vancouver, WA, USA
Phone: 360-313-4990
Twitter: @VPSOcelet