Meadows Message from Mrs. Krz
October 11, 2024
Dear Meadows Community,
This next week has a few notable events occurring, including a internet safety meeting for parents, a CyberCop assembly for our 4th and 5th graders, and the biggest earthquake drill of the year - the Great ShakeOut. Please see below for details.
I would like to thank our community for working so hard to keep our students safe during drop-off and pick-up each day. I realize that parking far away is not convenient, and I see how hard parents are working to follow the rules. Thank you!
Have you been following Meadows on Instagram? You may have noticed reels of all the fun activities happening on our campus. If you aren't already doing so, follow us today!
- Students in grades TK and K must be accompanied by an adult all the way to class and also during Run Club.
- Run Club is held Tuesdays - Fridays at 7:40 am.
- Students who are not participating in Run Club are not permitted on campus until 10 minutes before class begins.
- TK/K - 7:50 am
- Grades 1-5 - 7:55 am
Please be sure to see the events below so that you don't miss anything!
To ensure that you don't miss any school communication, please do the following:
- If you are not following us on Instagram , you are missing out! @meadowselementaryschool
- Subscribe to our weekly PTA Communication: “Mustang Minute” weekly newsletter HERE
- Subscribe to Mrs. Krz's safety text messages. Text TO:67587. In the text message, type: Y
Here's to a great week of school!
Michelle Krzmarzick
In this Principal's Newsletter:
- Join PTA today!
- Mon., 10/14 - Internet Safety for Parents at Grand View Elementary - 7-8:30 pm
- Tue., 10/15 - CyberCop Assembly for students in grades 4-5
- Thu., 10/17 - Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill
- Sun., 10/20 - Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk - see below!
- Thu., 10/24 - First Student Store of the Year!
- Mustang Parent Handbook
- No Place For Hate Pledge
- Meadows - Voted Best Public Elementary School in the South Bay!
Join Meadows PTA today!
Our membership drive for PTA is winding down, but we are still short of our goal of 100% participation from our families. Perhaps you simply forgot and this is serving as a reminder. In that case, read no further and click right here!
Perhaps you are not wholly convinced of just how important our PTA is to the success of our students. Here is a list of just some of the things that your PTA donation will help support:
- All classroom technology (such as Chromebooks, smart boards, iPads)
- Classroom supplies and instructional materials
- Library books
- Science lab supplies
- P.E. Equipment
- Office Supplies
- Young At Art (art) program
- Performing Arts program (Bollywood, Rainbow Fish, Hip Hop)
- Assemblies & school spirit events
- Social emotional wellness programs
- Professional teacher development
- Campus improvements, maintenance & beautification
- Local, state, and national advocacy
- ...and so much more!
The larger our PTA participation, the more resources we can allocate to improve the experience of all our Meadows students.
We're counting on you, Mustang Families! If you haven't already done so, please click here to join.
Did you know about Corporate Matching?
Corporate Matching Gifts are an easy way to contribute to your child's education. Click on the link above to learn more!
For any questions regarding Meadows PTA Membership donations, please contact our Membership Chairs, Lara Bender or Shirley Cramer
Internet Safety For Parents - 10/14 at Grand View Elm.
CyberCop Assembly for Students in Grades 4 and 5 - 10/15
Students in grades 4 and 5 will be attending an assembly on Tuesday to learn more about how to be safe online. We will be sending home information with them for parents to review with their children. In the meantime, please pay close attention to your child's online presence and how to best protect them.
Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill - 10/17
Next Thursday we will be practicing our biggest earthquake drill of the year. Please know that if you are on campus during the time of the drill, you will also be participating in this important statewide drill.
If you have not been receiving my texts to let you know when we have had any practice drills:
- Subscribe to Mrs. Krz's safety text messages. Text TO:67587. In the text message, type: Y
Here is a list of how many drills we practice each year:
- 9 Fire Drills
- 4 Earthquake Drills
- 2 Shelter in Place Drills (for environmental or safety issues near our school)
- 2 Lockdown Drills (for danger on campus)
These drills are practiced in accordance with our school board policies. Please know that in our drill practices, we take them seriously, but do not frighten our students. We simply need students to know "the drill" in the case that we actually needed to use it and with the hopes that we never need to use it.
Skechers Pier to Pier Walk - 10/20
Please join your friends, neighbors, and classmates on Sunday, October 20th either in-person or virtually for the Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk. The money raised supports The Friendship Foundation kids, and our own kids at Meadows. For 2024, our goal is to have 223 walkers (in-person or virtually) represent Meadows.
Your generous donation will go a long way toward making a difference for thousands of kids throughout our community; from helping children with special needs make lifelong friendships, to improving our schools with better equipment, programs, and additional material.
Please sign up today! Be sure to designate your contribution to MBEF so your registration supports our schools through MBEF and the Meadows PTA.
Thank you for your support!
Jennifer Zook Greene & Stephen Hodgson
Team Captain’s
Meadows Elementary School
Click her to join the Meadows Team for the Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk on Sunday, Oct. 20 at the Manhattan Beach Pier.
- 8:00 a.m. Check-in
- 9:00 a.m. Start
This supports a great charity, MBEF, and our school PTA!
Mustang Parent Handbook
This newly updated Parent Handbook has everything you'll need to have the best year ever! It includes calendars, information, resources, policies, and more. Click here to check it out!
Here's to a great school year, Mustangs!
Michelle Krzmarzick
Principal, Meadows Elementary