New Mark News
May 13th, 2024
Our Students and Teachers Thank You.....
Thank you for helping students with our annual MAP testing. We appreciate everyone who sent in snacks for our students to enjoy while they were testing. Thank you PTSA and families for continuing to support our New Mark family.
ACE (After Class Events)
ACE activities are over for the remainder of the year. For those returning next year, look for next year's enrollment information at registration, or in communications the month of August.
Spring Pictures
7th Grade Summer School - REPEAT
7th Grade Families-Please see below regarding summer school enrollment. Note that New Mark’s in person summer program will be held at Antioch Middle School with transportation provided.
- Summer School takes an "everybody rises" approach. For example, if your child completes 1st grade this spring, they will be considered a 2nd-grade student for summer school.
- It is important to note that if your child completes 5th grade, 6th grade, or 8th grade this spring, they will transition to the next grade level and their new building for summer programming.
Enroll for summer school through the PowerSchool Parent Portal here. Click the link above or scroll to the bottom of the page for directions.
Look for more details to come via mail as we get closer to summer school. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to your school directly. We’re excited for the summer learning journey ahead!
In 2024, the June session will be offered four days per week, following this schedule:
- Week 1: June 3-6
- Week 2: June 10-13
- Week 3: June 17, 18, 20, 21
- Wednesday, June 19 is a holiday (Juneteenth) with no summer school. Friday, June 21 will be a virtual attendance day for students and teachers in summer school.
- Week 4: June 24-27
Middle Schools & Jacobs Center: 7:15 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Upon filling enrollment links, New Mark Counseling Staff will reach out if additional information is needed from you for summer learning.