Lakeview Review
March 25 Newsletter

March News
March is here, and with it comes a month full of exciting opportunities for our students and families! We are thrilled to celebrate literacy this month with our Family Read-Along and a fun-filled Literacy-Themed Spirit Week—a great way to encourage a love for reading in creative and engaging ways. Be sure to check out the details so your child can participate!
We also invite you to join us for Family Movie Night, where we’ll enjoy a movie based on our family read-aloud, Mr. Popper's Penguins—creating a wonderful connection between reading and storytelling. The book and movie are different in many ways, which could lead to some very interesting discussions!
In addition to these exciting events, spring also brings an important academic milestone: spring testing, which will begin for our 4th and 5th graders in late April and others in May. We appreciate your support in ensuring students are well-rested and ready to do their best.
Thank you for your continued partnership in your child’s education. We look forward to a fantastic month of learning and fun together!
Kristi Bateman
Counselor Corner
From the Counselor’s Corner
We work very hard here at Lakeview to help children understand the importance of feeling safe at school. This includes helping them learn how their behavior affects others around them. It also includes treating others respectfully so they feel safe as well. These are important life skills to learn.
Every classroom uses the Zones of Regulation to help students understand their emotions. You can google this term to learn more about the tools you can use at home or click this link for various resources.
Our district has adopted the Second Step Curriculum for social emotional learning, bullying prevention, and personal safety. Every teacher is required to teach the social emotional component and school counselors teach the bullying prevention to every class. First graders receive the personal safety curriculum as mandated by the state. School counselors teach this curriculum. Feel free to click the link to learn more about this curriculum.
We work at recognizing positive behaviors every day and encourage students to work through their mistakes with responsible actions and repairing the relationships that were impacted. It is normal to make mistakes and it’s important to learn from them. Every situation is different and even though reasonable consequences are given, students are still working on following expectations. We appreciate your efforts in helping your child learn to manage their emotions and behaviors. We are a caring staff dedicated to well being of all our students and you are their primary teacher. Thank you for sharing your fabulous kids with us!
Feel free to contact to contact Ms. Ebel if you have any questions about any of this information: rebel@mlsd161.org 509-766-2653 ext. 1391
Devices in the Night
It has come to our attention while talking to various students that many are using their devices in the middle of the night. This disrupts their sleep cycle and their behavior. If you’ve wondered about your child’s challenging behavior, this could be part of the reason. We are also finding that students are using the chat features in some of the games they play at home, Roblox being one, to send very inappropriate messages to one another. Some are of a bullying nature, and some are sexually explicit.
To combat these issues, some parents have all devices in their bedrooms or in a secure location after the child's bedtime. Other parents turn off the internet at night so their children have no access. Still others have parental controls on their children’s devices. Here is a link to the Best Parental Control Apps in 2024. As the parent paying the bills, you have the right and responsibility to check what your child is doing on their devices. Professional groups recommend that you have access to the passwords on their devices and monitor what your child is watching, their chats on their games and other platforms as well as their social media accounts. I hope this helps you be empowered to help your child be responsible on their devices.
Lakeview Happenings
- March 3-7:-Spirit Week (see below for more information)
- March 5: First Responders at Breakfast
- March 14: 5th Grade HIV/Puberty lesson by nurses
- March 14: Early Release for mandatory staff training
- March -25: Family Movie Night 5:30 in our gym
- March 27-28-Early Release for Spring Conferences
Looking Ahead:
- April 3-Class photos
- April 7-11: No school for Spring Break
- April 21-25 Scholastic Book Fair BOGO sale
- April 22-25 5th Grade State Testing
- April 28-May 2: 4th and 5th Grades State Testing
- May 5-9: 3rd and 5th Grades State Testing
- May 9-Jogathon 1:30
- May 12-16: 3rd and 4th Grades State Testing
- May 21: Lakeview School BBQ
Family Read-along
An annual tradition at Lakeview is to hold a family read-along. Every child receives the same book and a calendar of activities that go along with it. We typically end with a family night to showcase projects about the book, and show a movie based on, or similar to, the book. The books and calendar of suggested activities should have already come home.
This year's selection is Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater, with illustrations by Robert Lawson. It was originally published in 1938, and won the prestigious Newberry Award. The book tells the story of a poor house painter named Mr. Popper and his family, who live in the small town of Stillwater in the 1930's The Poppers unexpectedly come into possession of a penguin, Captain Cook. The Poppers then receive a female penguin, and soon there are also 10 baby penguins. Before long, something must be done before the penguins eat the Poppers out of house and home.
We hope you enjoy taking some family time and reading the book together, as well as completing the activities that go along with the reading. We also hope you have many interesting discussions about the differences between life in the 1930's to now, almost 100 years later, as well as what it would be like to have penguins, or other exotic animals, as pets.
As spring approaches, students want to wear more warm-weather footwear. Please remember that sandals must have a back strap running in flip flops is dangerous. It is also important that they have the right shoes to participate in PE. PE will be outdoors as soon as the weather is a bit warmer and the ground is no longer frozen and a muddy mess. Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately. .
Pick-up and Drop-off reminders
Thank you to all of those who are using our parent pick-up
and drop-off area as designed. It is designed to keep
our students and staff safe. The number one crisis in schools
is accidents when kids are arriving or leaving school. You can help
us keep our students safe by following pick-up protocol.
Thank you again for your cooperation!
Please do not pick up your child while parked along Lark, especially in line with the cars waiting to use the lane properly.
Please only turn right into the parent pick up area.
Please respect our crossing guards. They are trying to keep everyone safe.
If you are walking in, please use the crosswalks. We are trying to model safety for our students. Your help is appreciated.
Please do not use the area in front of the office for pick-up and drop-off.
School Meals
Please use the app Nutrislice to stay informed about the school meal menus. Just download the app to your smartphone or click the nutrislice logo to go to the website!
Parent Volunteers
Looking for something to do in your spare time? We would love for you to volunteer here at Lakeview!
Ways that you can volunteer:
- Work in classrooms reading to kids, listening to them read, or whatever the teacher needs (with teacher approval and 24-hour notice, please)
- Help prepare materials for the teacher
- Extra eyes on the playground
- Extra eyes at Parent Pick-up-especially afternoon
- PTA activities
- Beautify the grounds
- Lots of other opportunities!
Visitors to campus
Parents who wish to volunteer in their child's classroom or be on the playground must have passed a Washington State Patrol background check. The forms are available in the office, and take a week or so to process.
All visitors to campus, please enter through the front doors and sign in at the office. Thank you.