Thomas Community Newsletter
October 30, 2024
Dear TMS Community,
Thank you, TMS PTA, for a super awesome Activity Night! The students had a blast! Check out this newsletter for more exciting events at TMS in the days ahead...
- Tomorrow, 10/31, is Halloween ~ If you have not already done so, please read the Essential TMS Halloween Information linked HERE and summarized below. These details provide instructions to help ensure we have a safe and fun day of learning on Halloween.
- Friday, 11/1, marks the final day of the first quarter, and at 8 a.m., Parent/Teacher/Student Conference sign-ups will close. Please click HERE for specific details on conferences.
NEW Information in this Newsletter:
PowerSchool Parent Drop-In Sessions during Conferences
1st Quarter Behavior Data ~ Let's Celebrate!
TMS Calendar
Lost & Found
Care Solace Community Resource
All-Stars Spirit Wear Shop
Erin's Law Information
TMS Variety Show
TMS After School Club Reminders
- Veteran's Day Celebration - Monday, 11/11/24 *Click HERE to invite a special service member!
- WildStang Robotics Program - Engineering Career Night TMS Jr.
TMS Parking Lot Reminders
- Spirit Squads Workshop Information
Repeat Newsletter Announcements:
Glenbard Parent Series
- Health Office Information
- After-School Academic Support
- PTA Information
- School Resource Office Information
- Safe2Help Illinois
- Bus Information
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in TMS! Wishing everyone a safe Halloween!
The TMS Administrative Team
Lori Naumowicz, Principal
Greg Keadle, Associate Principal
Jeremy Fischer, Associate Principal & Epsilon Teacher
Allie Yoder, Associate Principal & TMS Student Services Coordinator
TMS Goal ~ 100% of our Parents Accessing PowerSchool by 1/15/25
- PowerSchool can be a helpful tool for parents to support their middle schooler by viewing grades and attendance.
- Starting in January of 2025, TMS parents will have the ability to report Daily Attendance directly in PowerSchool. In order to do this, parents will need to log into their PowerSchool accounts.
- To request parent codes for PowerSchool and/or Schoology, please fill out this form.
- NEED HELP WITH THIS? On Monday, 11/4, during Conferences, parents can stop by room 120B and get assistance logging into PowerSchool.
TMS Calendar
Thursday, October 31 - Halloween NO ACTIVITY BUS
Friday, November 1 - 1st Quarter Ends
Monday, November 4 - Parent/Teacher Conferences NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, November 5 - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, November 6 - 2nd Quarter Begins
Friday, November 8 - Report Cards Issued
Monday, November 11 - Veteran's Day Celebration
Thursday and Friday, November 14 and 15 - Variety Show at 7:00 PM
Lost & Found Items
TMS currently has an enormous amount of items in our Lost & Found. These items are now displayed so that they can be claimed. All unclaimed items will be donated on 11/11/24.
Care Solace Community Resource
Care Solace for North Cook ISC students, staff, and their families is a free, confidential 24/7/365 Mental Health Care Coordination Service. Call 888-515-0595 or go to caresolace.com/site/northcook to complete a brief screening to be matched with a provider. Note that this is available to staff and their families as well as students - feel free to include this information in an upcoming staff newsletter or email as well as in family communication.
Erin's Law
Erin’s Law is an Illinois Public Act that requires us to provide child sexual abuse prevention education for children in early childhood through 8th grades. As a reminder, at TMS we present these lessons during the quarter that your child has Health class. Additional information and the opt-out form can be found on the D25 website.
All-Stars Spiritwear Shop
The All-Stars spiritwear store is now open through November 10th. $2 from the sale of each item goes to the team. Place your order HERE!
Veteran's Day 2024
Veterans Day honors all of those who have served our country in war or peace — dead or alive — and to thank living veterans for their sacrifice. At Thomas Middle School we take great pride in hosting our annual Veteran's Day Celebration and we hope that you'll join us!
Please complete THIS FORM by Monday, November 4th, 2024 for each "guest of honor" at our Veterans Day celebration - breakfast and assembly.
TMS Variety Show
The T.M.S. Variety Show is on Thursday and Friday, November 14 & 15 at 7:00 p.m. Come and see Thomas students share their many talents. Tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased during lunch periods or at the door.
After School Clubs
This is just a reminder to check in with your student each morning to see if they are staying for a club or help with a teacher after school. Students are supposed to fill out a google form when they attend a club which then alerts the office staff as to which students are still in the building until 3:30. Also, if your student is involved in a club on a weekly basis, there is always information on that club's Schoology page that your student can view.
WildStang Robotics Program - Engineering Career Night
The WildStang Robotics Program, a D214 high school class and program where students design and build robots as part of FIRST Robotics Competitions, is hosting our second annual Engineering Career Night! The event will be at the D214 Forest View Educational Center in Arlington Heights from 7 to 8:30 pm on Wednesday, November 13.
The attached flyer has information on the event - which is free and targeted to all area middle and high school students potentially interested in a career in engineering, and their parents.
The objective of this event is to encourage students to consider engineering degree programs and careers. Speakers will describe engineering careers, typical engineering jobs and salaries, and getting into and studying engineering in college. The event will conclude with an opportunity to tour the shop high schoolers use to design and build robots for competition.
See the FLYER here!
TMS Parking Lot Reminders
Please follow the drop off and pick up expectations that are put in place to ensure the all of the students and staff stay safe.
DO NOT park in the parking lots when dropping off or picking up students.
TMS Jr. Spirit Squads Workshop
The TMS Poms and Cheerleading Squads host a workshop that is open to any District 25 child who wishes to gain Poms and Cheer experience. Each participant partners with a current TMS Poms or Cheer student athlete, learn technique and a routine, then perform the combination during halftime at a TMS Basketball game.
WORKSHOP: Saturday, 12/7/24 at 9:00 am-11:00am @ TMS
PERFORMANCE: Wednesday, 12/11/24 during halftime of the 4:30 pm Basketball Game @ TMS
DETAILS: Click HERE to learn more!
8th Grade Graduation - SAVE THE DATE
WHEN: Tuesday, June 3rd at 7:30 PM
WEHRE: Forest View Education Center 2121 S. Goebbert Rd in Arlington Heights
Community Partner Glenbard Parent Series
- District 25 is a partner in the Link Together Coalition which gives our community access to the Glenbard Parent Series.
- Please check out the various Glenbard Parent Series presentations that work to engage top experts, parents and school staff to become proactive and informed in pursuit of the mutual goal to strengthen our communities.
- Programs are free and open to the public - registration is NOT required.
TMS After School Support by Team is available to ALL students on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays!
- Please encourage your child to attend Office Hours/11th Hour/Homework Club and to reach out to teachers if they need help or just want a place to work on their academics after school. This support is FREE and can be extremely helpful.
- Click HERE for more details on options for your child to get help from staff at TMS.
- The activity bus departs TMS at about 3:35 PM.
TMS PTA Information
The TMS PTA has a lot to offer this year! We are excited for all the activities we have planned!
- MEMBERSHIP: Join the TMS PTA and help support the TMS community! Check out the TMS PTA Website Each membership includes 1 TMS yearbook.
- MEETINGS: If you are interested in getting involved in the PTA or simply checking out a meeting @ 7:00pm in the TMS Library. Everyone is welcome!
- Tuesday, January 14, 2025
- Wednesday, March 12, 2025
- Tuesday, May 13, 2025
- 2024-2025 Executive Board Members
- President: Kristen Dugan
- President-Elect: James Moncada
- Vice President: Sara Hess
- Treasurer: Diane Beardmore
- Secretary: Jocelyn Katz
School Resource Office Information
Social media concerns, incidents that occur after school hours/on the weekends, or outside of school can be reported to the SRO or you can contact the Arlington Heights Police by calling 911 or the non-emergency phone number (847) 368-5300. You can also go directly to the Police Department located at 200 E Sigwalt Street in Arlington Heights. It is open 24 hours. The SROs can be contacted as well:
SRO: John O'Leary joleary@vah.com Cell Phone: (847) 344-2330
SRO: Chris Seebacher cseebacher@vah.com Cell Phone (847) 368-5393
Safe2Help Illinois
Safe2Help Illinois is a 24/7 program where students can use a free app, text/phone, and website (safe2helpil.com) to share information on school safety issues in a confidential environment. Once vetted, the information provided will be shared with local district and school officials and/or local 911 call center, depending on the nature of the information shared. Safe2Help Illinois is a long-term initiative to change the school culture in Illinois by helping students reach out when they have concerns. To learn further about Safe2Help Illinois, please see the videos below. More information can also be found on their website at safe2helpil.com. Video for Middle School Students
Bus Information
Bus Evacuation Drill - Thursday, 10/24/24 during PE/Health Classes
- Click here for the Bus Safety Guidelines and Rule as well as details on lost items on the bus.
- Please direct bus transportation questions to the District 25 Transportation Specialist: Laura Comastro as she can answer your questions and resolve issues. lcomastro@sd25.org. Phone: 847-758-4888
- Bus Company Questions: Contact Cook Co. School Bus Company at 847-439-0923
TMS Administrator Team
- Principal - Lori Naumowicz (Alpha & Delta Teams)
- Associate Principal - Greg Keadle (Beta, Gamma & Zeta Teams)
- Associate Principal & Student Services Coordinator - Allie Yoder (All things related to Special Education Services)
- Associate Principal & Teacher - Jeremy Fischer (Epsilon Team)
If you have any questions you can always call the school office, 847-398-4260 or email us directly.
Allstar Administrative Assistants:
- Anna DiStaola - adistaola@sd25.org
- Ryan George - rgeorge@sd25.org
- Colleen Wytmar - cwytmar@sd25.org