Sea Lion Spotlight
Malibu Elementary Parent Newsletter #16 - November 25, 2024
Table of Contents
2. Highlights - Photos of Recent Events
3. Important Dates - Coming Soon
4. Looking farther forward - Events to anticipate farther out in time
5. Articles - Timely information for parents
6. More Highlights
7. Useful Resources and Links
Principal's Pen
Hello MES Families,
Thanksgiving week is upon us and I want to express my sincere gratitude to the teachers and support staff at MES, to you, and for the wonderful students I am privileged to work with. The teachers and staff are so very positive, intelligent, caring, and hard working. The parent community is generous and thoughtful, and truly partner with us to help our students grow. Similarly the students are so fun-loving, industrious, and committed to their growth. As principal I feel so grateful to be surrounded by the synergy you are all creating everyday for the children. Thank you!
It's also election season at MES. PTA elections for next school year begin now by establishing an elected PTA Nominating Committee. Please read all about the election process here and consider serving on the Nominating Committee: MES PTA Nomination Committee Procedure / 2025. The Nominating Committee has great influence on the future of the MES PTA.
Here is the election sequence:
November: Nominating Committee Recruitment begins
December 19: Deadline for candidates for Nominating Committee to get their name on the Ballot (Sample Ballot) / 10 am
January 16 / 8:30: Nominating Committee Election Conducted at PTA Association Meeting (MES Parliamentarian runs secret ballot elections and appoints two tellers)
January 23 / 8:30: Nominating Committee reviews their charge, the offices they hope to recruit for (see Article V, Section 2 and Standing Rules 5 on page15), and selects a Chairperson. The five (5) member committee starts to recruit Officer Candidates.)
February 6 / 8:30: The five (5) members meet. All candidates for the ten (10) offices are discussed. The committee may interview candidates. The five (5) members decide which candidates will be placed on the Slate, one person per position. (See the CAPTA Nominations website for “Do’s and Don’ts.)
February 20 / 8:30: Nominating Committee submits Slate (Nominating Committee Report) at PTA Association Meeting
March 20/ 8:30: Election of Officers at PTA Association Meeting
Election Script to be read by the outgoing President, Parliamentarian and Nomination Committee Chairperson and Nominating Committee Report read by the Nominating Committee Chairperson.
A HUGE thank you to Malibu Pacific Church for their generous $5,000 donation 😍 to both Webster and Malibu Elementary PTAs. Your support has a tremendous impact on our school community! We are grateful for you too!
Thank you for your partnership,
Proud Principal Chris Hertz
Important Dates Coming Soon
24-25 Academic Calendar
24-25 PTA Calendar
24-25 Malibu Community Events Calendar
Now: PTA Nominating Committee Recruitment begins
Mon 11/25 - School Resumes
Nov 1 - Nov 26 - Annual Parent Climate Survey
- November 27, 28, & 29, 2024 -- Thanksgiving Break (No School)
Looking farther forward...
Tues 12/03 - 4th Grade Music Performance / 8:30 @ cafeteria (Flier)
MMS Visits MES - 5th grade Parent Orientation / 1:15 - 1:45 @ library
Fri 12/06 - "Responsibility" Student Assembly with Whitman & Estela / 8:30 @ blacktop
12/09 - 12/13 - Book Fair (Literati) / Parents may visit the book store after school / 2:45 - 3:15
Tues 12/10 - 5th grade Music Performance / 8:30 @ cafeteria (Flier)
Wed 12/11 - Kindergarten Field Trip / 12 - 1:30 @ Little Dume
SSC Meeting / 3:30 - 4:45 @ cafeteria (Agenda)
Fri 12/13 - Zoe Lunchtime Theater "Nutcracker" / 9:10 - 9:40 am @ cafeteria
Thur 12/19 - PTA Members Meeting / 8:30 - 9:30 @ room 16 (Cafeteria busy with Holiday Show Rehearsal)
Deadline for candidates for PTA Nominating Committee to get their name on the Ballot (Sample Ballot) / 10 am
- Fri 12/20 – Holiday Show! / 8:30 - 10am K-2nd & 10:30 - 12pm 3-5th @ cafeteria
- Bake Sale (5th grade EOY Fundraiser) / 8:30 - 12 @ library courtyard
- Last Day before Winter Break
- Lost and Found to Charity / 2pm
- Mon 01/06 - School Resumes
- Fri 01/10 - Jaxx Performance / 6pm @ cafeteria
- Sat 01/11 - Jaxx Performance / 6pm @ cafeteria
- Thur 01/16 - PTA Members Meeting / 8:30 - 9:30 (Agenda: Elect Nominating Committee)
- Thur 01/23 - TK/Kindgarten Round Up / 1:30 - 2:30 @ Kindergarten Yard
Articles for Parents
Bingo Niight Earns $12,111 for 5th Grade
Thank you to the amazing 5th grade volunteers for organizing Bingo Night. Thank you to the community for coming out to support. Our 5th grade class now has $12,111 to put down towards the Promotion Ceremony on June 10, the end-of-year celebration fieldtrip on June 11, and perhaps even a 5th grade "gift to the School". Wow!
PTA Reflections Contest Winners Announced
We would like to thank all of the students who entered the Reflections Art Contest this year. We had 48 entries! Everyone showcased their incredible creativity in this year’s competition. Thank you to the PTA for organizing a successful year. There will be a photo shoot with our winners after the thanksgiving break on December 2nd.
This year’s Reflections theme, "Accepting Imperfection," was the inspiration for art, music, dance, writing, filmmaking, and photography. Here are our MES winners:
- Visual Arts K-2: Clay DiPaola
- Visual Arts 3-5: Shea Strauch
- Choreography K-2: Luna Thompson
- Choreography 3-5: Olivia Provissiero
- Literature K-2: Jax Dayeh
- Literature 3-5: Reyan Shah
- Music Composition K-2: Ciel Grundman
- Music Composition 3-5: Rumi Raymond
- Photography K-2 - Bickleigh Copperfield Slosser
- Photography 3-5: Leva Magna
Congratulations to these talented students for their outstanding work! We are so proud of you for representing our school. And we are proud of everyone who entered.
We will hear how our school fared in the greater district competition after the break. We are excited that you are representing us. Stay tuned for a showcase in the New Year of the incredible work!
Picture Day - Pictures Ready
Original and Make-Up Day portraits taken by Cornerstone Photography are both available for viewing and ordering! To view your portrait, click the link below and enter your online code which is MLBU and your Student ID. If you do not know your child’s student ID, please contact our school office and we will provide it for you.
Online Code:MLBU+Student ID (For Example: MLBU123456)
For additional questions, you may contact customercare@cornerstone.photo or (805) 529-1635.
Malibu Middle School Orientaion for 5th Grade Parents and Students
MMS Counselor Lorene Whitehouse and Principal Greg Shellenberg want to welcome 5th grade parents and 5th grade students to Malibu Middle School. Below are key events to anticipate:
- December 3rd - Parent Initial Orientation / 1:15pm @ MES Library
- February - 5th grade parents MES/Webster tour MMS campus
- February - Whitehouse & Schellenberg visit 5th grade classrooms
- March - 5th graders take field trip to MMS
5th Grade End-of-Year Celebration Field Trip
Our 5th grade teachers are grateful to our 5th grade parents who worked to develop several options for an EOY celebration field trip. The teachers have selected the Malibu West Beach Day trip. Thank you to the parents who organized the Bingo Night fundraiser that is financing both the Promotion Ceremony and the field trip.
Upcoming event: Friday November 22nd 1:15-2:15pm
➡️ Malibu Jiu-Jitsu Beginner Studio Class ⬅️
Hosted by the Donfeld Family right here on the point on Heathercliff Dr.
Check out the link for more details!
🥳 Interested in hosting your own Party Book? These are privately hosted events that raise funds for MES 💙!
There are so many ideas you can do for the upcoming holidays and it can be for adults and/or kids! Some ideas:
- Gingerbread house decorating
- Ornament creating / decorating
- Class on flower arranging
- Mimosas and Tablescapes (?! ) a how-to for the holidays!
- Mindful Movement into the Holidays - yoga and meditation
- ???
The list is endless and the world is your oyster on what kind of event you'd like to host. Reach out to emilyrreynolds@yahoo.com with the following info:
short description of event (specify if its for adults and or kids)
cost per person
host name(s)
host email
MBGC Information - Annual Holiday Drive is On
We would like all fifth grade students to complete the CA Healthy Kids Survey sponsored by the California Department of Education (CDE). This is a very important survey that will help promote better health and well-being among our youth, improve the school learning environment and combat problems such as drug abuse and violence. To allow your grade 5 student to participate, you must OPT IN by submitting this form before October 31, 2024. More information can be found here. Here is the student survey for your preview.
Parents, SMMUSD would like you to share your thoughts on our school which will help guide district and school efforts to promote safety, enhance learning supports, and improve student achievement. This survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey window is from November 1 - November 26. For more info, and to take the survey, CLICK HERE.
After-School Program Interest Survey
The City of Malibu, Community Services Department and the Boys & Girls Club of Malibu are distributing a community survey for Afterschool Programs at Webster and Malibu Elementary schools to provide feedback for future sessions to meet the community’s needs. Please complete the survey here: https://malibucity.org/FormCenter/Parks-and-Rec-Forms-8/Community-Program-Interest-Survey-266
Volunteering at MES
Literati Book Fair - December 9-13
Get excited for this year's MES Book Fair, running in person the week of December 9 - 13, and online starting today! To streamline the ordering experience, this year's fair will be cashless. Literati gift cards are preferred, though Venmo will be accepted as well.
The Book Shop will be set up in the library for shopping and will be write up your alley. This is a great opportunity to take care of your holiday gifting needs and to stock your children's bookshelves ahead of the winter break. All proceeds benefit the PTA and our library.
For those interested in volunteering, please stay tuned for an email from your room parent. Volunteers receive 20% off their purchases. This year's event is cashless, so don't forget to set up a digital wallet for your child! Also, parents may drop in on the book fair Monday through Thursday from 2:45 - 3:15.
More Highlights
Useful Resources and Links
Principal Chris' Past Newsletters
PTA Website and Store
PTA Spirit Wear "Akaway Collection"
Student Services Registration Documents
Volunteering at MES: Information and Signup form
Medications at School Form Send to School Nurse Marion Mayer: mmayer@smmusd.org
Connect with Chris Hertz
Email: chertz@smmusd.org
Website: malibues.smmusd.org
Location: 6955 Fernhill Drive, Malibu, CA, USA
Phone: 310-457-9370
Twitter: @hertzinator