NPESC Gifted PD Catalog 2024-2025
Mark Your Calendars and REGISTER ASAP!

ALL NPESC GIFTED PD is FREE to members of districts that have contracted gifted coordination service through NPESC.
$89* per person is required for those attending from districts that do not subscribe to our gifted coordination service.
*Please note this cost is a change from last year.
Checks may be made payable to NPESC.
If you would like information about becoming an NPESC Gifted Services district, we would LOVE to have you!
Please CLICK HERE or contact NPESC Gifted Services Supervisor, Brandi Goodwin via email.
We're always adding & updating!
💡PBL Foundations: Building the Framework for Student Success
October 21st, 2024
9am - 3pm
Contact Hours: 6
Led by NPESCs Christine Danhoff & Brandi Goodwin
Competencies A, B & C
Unlock the key to student success with PBL! Designed for K-12 teachers, curriculum and tech/STEM leaders, and administrators, this dynamic session will equip you with the essential skills and strategies to establish a solid framework for Project-Based Learning (PBL). Dive into the fundamentals, learn best practices, and leave with the tools to create engaging, student-centered learning experiences that foster critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration in your classroom.
🧠 Neurodiversity University: Workshop #1
October 30th, 2024
Contact Hours: 6
Led by NPESC's Gifted Services Coordinators,
Susie Capucini & Geneen Morrison
Module 1: Foundations of Teaching 2E Learners
Module 3: Executive Functioning for 2E Students
Competencies D, E, H
In this facilitator-led course designed by Neurodiversity expert Emily Kircher-Morris, NPESC coordinators will lead participants through pre-recorded videos, group activities and discussion that guide educators to understand the unique needs and scaffolds to support students with multiple exceptionalities.
- Who are the 2E students in my school? What barriers are preventing them from receiving the services they need?
- Are considerations being made for culturally diverse, ELL, or economically disadvantaged learners?
- What service models could support 2E learners? How can WEPs, IEPs and 504s help accommodate the needs of 2E learners?
- What are executive functioning skills and how are they impacted in our 2E learners?
- How can I support 2E learners in building those skills?
- What is the Metacognitive Cycle and how can I utilize it to support 2E learners?
Intended Audience:
Any educator who supports twice-exceptional students will benefit from completing modules in this course. It is appropriate for elementary, middle, and high school educators.
• Gifted education classroom teachers
• Special education classroom teachers
• General education classroom teachers
• School counselors
• School psychologists or psychological examiners
• Administrators
PBL Master's Retreat: Take Your PBL Adventure to the NEXT LEVEL!
November 11th, 2024
9am - 3pm
Contact Hours: 6
Led by NPESCs Christine Danhoff & Brandi Goodwin
Competencies A, B & C
Ready to take your PBL skills to the next level? This hands-on professional development workshop is designed for educators looking to deepen their expertise in project-based learning. Discover advanced strategies to create dynamic, student-driven projects that foster critical thinking, collaboration, and real-world problem-solving. You’ll explore new tools and techniques to enhance student ownership, differentiate for diverse learners, and assess meaningful outcomes. Experienced PBL practitioners will love this workshop as we take a deep dive into advanced strategies, innovative tools, and best practices for creating even more impactful, student-driven learning experiences.
🧠 Neurodiversity University: Workshop #2
NOVEMBER 15th, 2024 - 9am-3pm
Contact Hours: 6
Led by NPESC's Gifted Services Coordinators,
Susie Capucini & Geneen Morrison
Module 4: Learning Disabilities in 2e Students (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, & Dyscalculia)
Module 5: Neurodevelopmental Diagnoses (ADHD and Autism) in 2e Students
Competencies D, E
In this facilitator-led course designed by Neurodiversity expert Emily Kircher-Morris, NPESC coordinators will lead participants through pre-recorded videos, group activities and discussion that guide educators to understand the unique needs and scaffolds to support students with multiple exceptionalities.
- What is the impact of having accurate identification and accommodations for gifted/SLD 2e learners?
- What are best practices to identify 2e students with LDs for gifted and/or special education services?
- What are signs of a SLD in gifted students?
- How can I accommodate gifted/SLD learners in my classroom?
- What barriers impede the ID of students with ADHD or autism?
- How do giftedness and ADHD manifest at school? How can we support and accommodate gifted and ADHD at school?
- How do giftedness and autism manifest at school? How can we support and accommodate gifted and autism at school?
Intended Audience:
Any educator who supports twice-exceptional students will benefit from completing modules in this course. It is appropriate for elementary, middle, and high school educators.
• Gifted education classroom teachers
• Special education classroom teachers
• General education classroom teachers
• School counselors
• School psychologists or psychological examiners
• Administrators
💡Beyond the One-Size-Fits-All Classroom: Differentiation & Student-Led Learning
DECEMBER 6th, 2024 - 9am-3pm
Contact Hours: 6
Led by NPESC's Gifted Services Supervisor, Brandi Goodwin
Competencies A & C
Unlock the Potential of Every Student - ESPECIALLY your gifties!
Join me for an engaging, hands-on day of professional, "Beyond the One-Size-Fits-All Classroom: Differentiation & Student-Led Learning," designed to equip educators with the tools and strategies needed to meet the diverse needs of their students.
This session will dive into practical techniques for differentiating instruction and empowering students to take ownership of their learning. Through a blend of theory, hands-on activities, and collaborative planning, you'll leave with actionable ideas to create a more personalized, student-centered classroom environment.
This session is perfect for K-12 educators seeking to enhance student engagement and academic success. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your teaching approach and inspire your students!
📌 JANUARY 2025
🧠 Neurodiversity University: Workshop #3
JANUARY 13th, 2025 - 9am-3pm
Contact Hours: 6
Led by NPESC's Gifted Services Coordinators,
Susie Capucini & Geneen Morrison
Module 2: Affective Needs and Motivation for 2e Students
Module 6: Anxiety, Depression, and Related Diagnoses
Competencies D, E
In this facilitator-led course designed by Neurodiversity expert Emily Kircher-Morris, NPESC coordinators will lead participants through pre-recorded videos, group activities and discussion that guide educators to understand the unique needs and scaffolds to support students with multiple exceptionalities.
- What factors uniquely influence the social and emotional needs of 2e students?
- How can I help 2e students learn to self-advocate?
- How can I support the motivation and effort of 2e students?
- How can I use the Metacognitive Cycle to help 2e students reach their goals?
- How does anxiety impact gifted learners? What strategies can I use to help students with anxiety manage their emotions?
- How can I support students with Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, or Obsessive-Compulsive diagnoses?
- How do I support a 2e student who is experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide?
Intended Audience:
Any educator who supports twice-exceptional students will benefit from completing
modules in this course. It is appropriate for elementary, middle, and high school
• Gifted education classroom teachers
• Special education classroom teachers
• General education classroom teachers
• School counselors
• School psychologists or psychological examiners
• Administrators
PBL in Action: From Idea to Engaged Learning
February 10th, 2025
9am - 3pm
Led by NPESCs Christine Danhoff & Brandi Goodwin
Contact Hours: 6
Competencies A, B & C
Get ready to take your PBL journey to the next level! This immersive workshop, designed exclusively for K-12 teachers, curriculum and tech/STEM leaders, and administrators, guides you through the practical application of PBL concepts. From brainstorming project ideas to fostering active student engagement, discover how to turn your PBL visions into vibrant classroom realities. Join us for a hands-on experience that will empower you to lead engaging, student-driven learning experiences that leave a lasting impact.
💡17,000 Classroom Visits Can’t Be Wrong - Shifting Traditional Practices
FEBRUARY 11th, 2025 - 9am-3pm
Contact Hours: 6
Led by NPESC's Gifted Services Supervisor, Brandi Goodwin
Competencies A, B & C
"Transforming Lesson Planning for Rigorous and Engaging Learning"
This workshop, inspired by the extensive research and insights of John V. Antonetti and James R. Garver in 17,000 Classroom Visits Can't Be Wrong, will help you reflect on your teaching practice. With over 17,000 classroom observations behind their findings, the authors provide invaluable expertise to ensure your lessons promote rigorous thinking, dynamic learning, and high-quality outcomes.
Most educators are skilled at planning instruction and determining what they will do during the course of a lesson. However, to truly engage students in worthwhile, rigorous cognition, a profound shift is necessary: a shift in emphasis from teaching to learning. Put another way, we know that whoever is doing the work is also doing the learning—and in most classrooms, teachers are working much too hard.
Join NPESC's Brandi Goodwin as she guides you through practical strategies and tools from this powerful text, helping you shift from simply planning what to teach each day to designing lessons that actively engage students in deep and meaningful learning.
📌 MARCH 2025
💡Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics: The Next Level!
MARCH 17th, 2025 - 9am-3pm
Contact Hours: 6
Led by NPESC's Gifted Services Supervisor, Brandi Goodwin
Competencies A, B & C
"Advancing Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics: Next Level Strategies"
Building on last year's introduction to Peter Liljedahl's Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, this workshop takes your practice to the next level. We previously explored how to set up your classroom environment and use questioning strategies to shift towards student-led learning. Now, it's time to dive deeper.
In this advanced session, we'll explore key strategies from Liljedahl's toolkits, including when, where, and how to introduce thinking tasks; reimagining homework to reinforce deep understanding; fostering student autonomy in learning; and effectively using hints and extensions to challenge and support students.
Join Brandi Goodwin to further transform your mathematics classroom into a dynamic space where students thrive as independent thinkers.
📌APRIL 2025
PBL Mastery: Elevating Student Achievement through Projects
April 7th, 2025
9am - 3pm
Led by NPESCs Christine Danhoff & Brandi Goodwin
Contact Hours: 6
Competencies A, B & C
Embark on the final leg of your PBL journey! This advanced workshop, tailored for K-12 teachers, curriculum and tech/STEM leaders, and administrators, delves into the art of fine-tuning your PBL expertise. Discover how to elevate student achievement, amplify creativity, and drive meaningful learning outcomes through mastery of PBL techniques. Join us for a transformative experience that will empower you to lead exceptional projects and inspire excellence in your classroom.
⏬⏬⏬ All new OPTIONS for THIS YEAR! ⏬⏬⏬
Our Self-paced on-demand PD options were designed for the teacher who can't get away for an in-person PD day and/or only needs a handful of hours.