DHS Orchestras September Newsletter
Welcome back parents and students!
Dear Parents and Students:
Looking forward to a great year!
-Mr. Deloria
Fall Orchestra At A Glance
- Orchestra Handbook The Concert and Chamber Handbooks are available via canvas for all students and parents to peruse. Students are expected to abide by all rules and expectations within. Students need to turned in the assigned Signature Page (with parent and student signature) by Sept. 16th
- Uniform Fittings Uniform fittings will be happening in the first couple weeks of school. New HS orchestra students (mostly freshmen) will be fitted for either the dress option or pant, shirt, tie option. Please discuss with your student which option they will be choosing. Returning students should try on last year's uniform to figure out if they need any new uniform parts or alterations.
- Uniforms can be paid for on Eleyo at the following link https://dexterschools.ce.eleyo.com/course/1070/dcs-24-25/dhs-orchestra-uniform-2024-25
*Note that prices have not increased from last year.
When uniforms come in, we will schedule an alteration session. Parents are welcome to use our seamstress ($20 fee) or get alterations taken care of on their own. All new uniforms will need alterations. Students/Parents needing help with uniform costs should contact the director as soon as possible so arrangements can be made.
Concert Calendar Students are expected to attend all performances and outside rehearsals listed on the performance calendar. Please put these dates in your family calendar and do not schedule conflicts. A student missing the performance has a negative impact on the entire ensemble! Here is the link to this year's calendar: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZeCJ-U2r7GUfKkpSeGtyDxvOxSt7EYE0VNXv9EKgdAM/edit?usp=sharing
Private Lesson Teachers: The private tutor list is online and accessible via the canvas coffee shop. Lessons are greatly encouraged and guarantee instruction at your child’s exact level. Students in chamber can use lessons to satisfy the lesson credit requirement. Students in concert that want to audition for chamber would greatly benefit from one-on-one instruction. Here’s the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/165badfw8GOA-1iN4M8gCeWMLgFlp2XX5ohEUvgTsa2k/edit?usp=sharing
Extra Opportunities This Fall
There are many other orchestras and events running this fall that our students can take part in. Here is a quick list. Contact Mr. Deloria if you are interested in any of these:
All State –MSBOA creates an All State Honors orchestra that performs each January at the Michigan Music Conference in Grand Rapids. Auditions for this ensemble will be held at Saline HS on Oct. 19th and 20th. Students perform a prepared excerpt and scales (available at msboa.org) as well as sight read. Interested students should turn in $15 (check to Dexter Orchestra) no later than Friday Sept. 20th. Please email with questions and/or interest. It is an amazing opportunity for those who are selected and attend.
Picture of Adyn Skowronski with Mr. D and Mrs. C at All State in Grand Rapids
Jackson String Consortium Orchestra Honors Orchestra - This is a one day event! Any interested 9th grade students can sign up to be a part of the JSCHO this fall. Several of our 8th and 9th graders attended last year. Students learn 3-4 pieces independently and then come together in Jackson for a day of music with students from other area orchestra programs. The day culminates with a performance under the direction of esteemed director Jed Fritzmeier. The event is Saturday Nov. 2nd From 9am-3pm. Registration is $20 (check to Dexter Orchestra) and should be turned in to Mr. Deloria no later than Friday Sept. 20th
Jackson Youth Symphony Orchestra Students interested in auditioning for the JYSO must audition on Sept. 8th between 1-5pm at Weatherwax Hall in Jackson. Students will be asked to perform 2 scales and a prepared excerpt demonstrating their current level and sight read. The JYSO is led by acclaimed director Jed Fritzmeier and performs twice a year. Cost to join the ensemble is $200 but scholarships are available to those with need. Let Mr. D. know if you’d like more information.
Cello Vortex - Cello Vortex is Michigan's only all cello performing ensemble. The group rehearses 4x during the course of the year at CMU and then gives a performance in May. The music they've selected this year is excellent and the leadership is top notch in this incredible ensemble. Click here for more info and to get registered. Best of all, it's free!
New York, New York!
New York City is a go! We still have some room on the bus if we have students that would like to join. I'd like to have a final roster by October first. If your son/daughter may be interested in joining, please let me know and I can provide itineraries, inclusions etc. It looks to be a fantastic trip!
Orchestra Booster President's Corner
Join our team and be part of the music!
Dexter Orchestra Boosters invites all 5th-12th grade orchestra parents/guardians to join us at our monthly meetings, held at 6:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the Mill Creek Orchestra Room! Our first meeting is Tuesday, September 10 - meetings usually run approximately one hour (first meeting of the year may be longer).
Boosters help with all concerts (set up, ticket sales, ushers, programs, etc.), raise and manage funds for orchestra activities and scholarships, coordinate student bonding events, chaperone field trips and festivals, and much more!
We welcome you to join us - meetings are open to all! :)
Melanie McIntyre, Orchestra Booster President
Our Next Performance
DHS Orchestras Halloween Concert
Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024, 07:00 PM
Dexter High School, North Parker Road, Dexter, MI, USA
Why Music Matters
- Students who participate in school band or orchestra have the lowest levels of current and lifelong use of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs among any group in our society. ~ H. Con. Res. 266, United States Senate
- High school music students have been shown to hold higher grade point averages (GPA) than non-musicians in the same school. ~ National Educational Longitudinal Study
- A study of 7,500 university students revealed that music majors scored the highest reading scores among all majors including English, biology, chemistry and math. ~ The Case for Music in the Schools, Phi Delta Kappa
- Music enhances the process of learning. The systems they nourish, which include our integrated sensory, attention, cognitive, emotional and motor capacities, are shown to be the driving forces behind all other learning. ~ Konrad, R.R., Empathy, Arts and Social Studies
- 95% of Americans in aGallup Poll believe that music is a key component in a child’s well-rounded education; three quarters of those surveyed feel that schools should mandate music education. ~ Gallup Poll, “American Attitudes Toward Music
Of course, the greatest reason to be a musician is music itself!
Mr. Deloria's contact info
Email: deloriam@dexterschools.org
Website: www.dexterorchestras.org
Location: Dexter H.S. 2200 North Parker Road Dexter, MI 48130
Phone: (734) 424-4240 ext. 7145
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dexter.orchestras