SES Weekly Update!
May 13-17, 2024
God, teach me to love myself
as you have loved me:
to cherish myself, to delight in my soul,
to appreciate my journey, to care for my well-being,
to commit to my wholeness.
Give me grace to respect and nurture myself,
to offer myself both challenge and rest.
Teach me to forgive myself, to be gentle with myself,
to believe in myself and your hidden greatness in me.
Trusting in my belovedness, I am free and at peace:
in need but not not needy, not compulsive, not afraid,
not easily seduced by either pride or despair.
Teach me to love myself
even as you do.
Pastor Steve
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Cheers SES! Here's the lineup for the next 2 weeks!
Shining Jesus' Light!
- Our School Council, who brought treats and words of encouragement in celebration of Catholic Education Week!
- Ms. Keitlyn, who supports students and families at every opportunity, and who organized the Let's Chalk About it event on Thursday!
2024/25 Kindergarten Registration
Submissions officially opened on January 8, 2024, fill in your Kindergarten registrations now! Click on the link to go to the District registration page. We operate on a first come, first served basis- that is, the earlier your registration is in the better your chance of getting in the day program (Monday/Wednesday, Tuesday/Thursday) of your preference!
Next Week at SES:
May 14 School Council 7pm
May 15 Grade 5 Go Girls, Grow Boys event
May 16 Hot Lunch- Burger Boy
May 16 Grade 5 Middle School visits
May 17 Professional Development Day- No School for students
And On the Horizon:
May 20 Victoria Day- No School
May 22 KMWW Field Trip to Discovery Wildlife Park
May 22 Grade 5 Rosary Celebration at Notre Dame
May 23 KTTH Field Trip to Discovery Wildlife Park
May 23 Grade 5 Middle School Parent Info Night @ STF, SES, SLR (6 pm)
May 24 Pentecost Mass @St. Mary's (10:30 am)
May 24 Grade 5 Retreat @ St. Mary's
May 24 Hot Lunch- Pizza 73/ Booster Juice