March 17, 2017 / March 20, 2017
Stipend Purchasing - Deadline Approaching
- Purchases should benefit students, whether directly or indirectly.
- When you receive your items, please check with your bookkeeper regarding whether or not your item needs to have a Fulton barcode.
- The items belong to Vanguard. If you leave Fulton County, they must be returned.
VanCon 2017 - June 9
Last year we hosted our first MAJOR VanCon at the Georgia Hotel and Conference Center. This year, we're back in the same location, but we're going to have an entirely different experience. Instead of inviting outsiders, it's just us - Vanguard and Vanchise - getting back to our roots.
We won't be focused on sessions about personalized learning, or even showcasing the latest and greatest tools. Instead, VanCon will be about coaching, conversations, communication, and connections. We're going to define who we are, what we do, and how we're going to do it. The team will have more input than ever before as to what Vanguard means, what it takes to be a Vanguard member, and how we want to charge into the 2017-2018 school year.
I've never been more excited about a Vanguard event and I hope as many of you as possible will be able to join us.
And because these things matter too...
- Light breakfast, snacks, and lunch are included all day.
- Parking is free.
- This counts as a 2016-2017 off-contract Vanguard event.
- YOU WILL GET PAID FOR ATTENDING. (Approximately $20 an hour, but I'll have to verify for sure.)
Off-Contract Events
For a list of all previous events, as well upcoming events, please check the link below.
- If you presented at GaETC, this WILL count as off-contract because of the prep work.
- If you presented at Bear Creek's RLC, this WILL count as off-contract because of the prep work.
- If you attend OR present at Summer Summit, this WILL county as off-contract.
Vanguard Voice: Face-to-Face & Phone Calls
If you've been with Vanguard long enough, or you've talked directly to me on multiple occasions, you'll know that our entire goal is to continually improve at meeting the needs of our members to best help you meet the needs of your students, schools, and our district.
Because of that, I've been on a mission to meet either face-to-face or have phone conversations with the school lead from all one hundred schools. (I'm scaling back on the face-to-face because it was, metaphorically, running me directly into the ground.) Before we meet, each school lead is provided an assortment of questions about Vanguard - mostly directed on what we can do better.
So far, these chats have been nothing short of INCREDIBLE. Sure, there are plenty of suggestions, and thankfully, they match closely with problems about which we were already aware. I've made it through almost all NELC schools and am beginning SLC/AZ schools. CLC and NWLC, I'm coming for you next. :)
Applications to Present at GaETC are Available
The Vanguard Team VERY STRONGLY encourages you to apply to present at GaETC in November! The application deadline is rapidly approaching and we would love to have huge Vanguard numbers representing us this year!
Things to consider:
- Present with someone else. No one says you have to do it alone! The KSU iTeach coaches are a TREMENDOUS resource and would be thrilled to partner with you.
- You don't have to be an expert. You're doing amazing work in your classrooms and schools. Submit an application to present on something that's gone well for you or something you're passionate about!
- Reach out for feedback or advice. Talk to you Vanguard school members and get their thoughts on your presentation, reach out to a KSU coach for advice, or send something my way!
Applications are due on April 1, 2017.
Bear Creek's RLC & the Georgia State Technology Fair
That is Vanguard. That is going above and beyond to share the work, support the work, and put students first. THANK YOU for your time, energy, and efforts.
PERSONAL PD: #fcsvanguard Chat
Reliable Information Sources
I couldn't be there unfortunately, but NWLC lead, Beth Miller, led a great chat about information sources and their reliability. It's a very timely topic and though the crowd participating may have been small, the conversation was not. Take a look at the transcript below!
Open Hosting Positions
About Us
Our mission as a Vanguard team is to build the capacity of FCS educators and leaders to provide innovative instruction which meets the needs, skills and interests of all students.
Email: heather@ksuiteach.org
Website: fcsvanguard.org
Phone: 678-902-5782
Twitter: @FCSVanguard