St Teresa's School Newsletter
Friday 2nd August
Kia orana!
We were excited to begin this term with a warm welcome to 11 students through a special Mihi Whakatau. It was a memorable occasion, and we extend our gratitude to the senior students who led this event with such grace and mana.
We ask for your prayers and support for our 15 students who are preparing for the sacrament of confirmation this term. Confirmation is a significant step in their faith journey, marking the strengthening of their relationship with God and the Church through the Holy Spirit.
Thank you to all the whānau who attended our learning conversations last night. Your involvement in your child’s education is invaluable. If you were unable to attend, please reach out to your child’s teacher to arrange a time to connect.
Next week, we will celebrate Cook Islands Māori Language Week. The 2024 theme, ‘Ātui’ia au ki te vaka o tōku matakeinanga - connect me to the canoe of my tribe,’ reflects the overarching theme of Sustainability for this year’s Language Week Series. We look forward to the festivities and learning opportunities this celebration will bring.
We are also thrilled to announce our School Olympics next week. It promises to be a day of fun and healthy competition for all our students.
For caregivers with students in Year 0-4, we invite you to learn more about the Better Start Literacy Approach (BSLA) on Wednesday, 14 August, from 5.30pm to 6pm in the Wairarapa Classroom.
Lastly, Tauwharenīkau has an exciting trip planned to Cape Palliser next week. We wish them a fantastic and educational journey.
Ngā mihi nui,
Lindsey Dailly
Term 3 Community Calendar
Weeks 3 and 4
Monday 5th August
Cook Island Māori Week
Sacramental Programme
Tuesday 6th August
Board Meeting 6pm
Wednesday 7th August
Tauwharenīkau Trip
Friday 9th August
School Olympics
Monday 12th August
Sacramental Programme
Tuesday 13th August
Class Mass Tākitimu - Join us at 9am in the Hub
Wednesday 14th August
BSLA Hui 5.30pm Wairarapa Classroom
Thursday 15th August
Feast of the Assumption
Friday 16th August
Assembly Tākitimu - Join us 9am in the Hub
Celebrate Good Times!
Values Awards
Our Values Awards celebrate students who have shown our school values of Faith, Justice, Love and Humility.
Waiorongomai - Maddison and Luke
Wairarapa - Maisey and Connor
Tauwharenikau - Livni
Remutaka - Malachi and Fletcher
Takitimu - Zaan and Anika
Star Award
Our star awards celebrate success, dedication and progress.
Waiorongomai - Stella Rose
Wairarapa - Chloe and William
Tauwharenikau - Jaden
Remutaka - Elsie
Takitimu - Faithful
Hands of Christ
Our Hands of Christ programme is aimed at encouraging our students to exemplify the values of Christ in our community. Each student receives a challenge sheet filled with tasks to complete throughout the year. Those who complete all tasks will be awarded a special badge at the end of the year.
This term, we are introducing an exciting new initiative to further engage our tamariki in the Hands of Christ challenges. For every completed activity, students will earn a 'special token' worth 10 house points for their House.
Your support is crucial in making this programme a success. We greatly appreciate your involvement. Please review your child's Hands of Christ challenge sheet and help them earn valuable points!
Inspiring Futures
Last week, our Year 7 and 8 students participated in an Inspiring the Future Event, held in the Kiwi hall, alongside the Year 7 and 8 students from South Featherston and St Mary's Schools.
During this event the students got to engage with people from a range of careers and professions. There was an accountant, nurse, civil contractor, customs officers, agronomist, and a programme designer.
The first activity of the day was to ask 20 questions to try to guess what professions the role models were in, before getting the big reveal (some of the guesses were close, others... not quite so).
The students had a great time interacting with the role models and finding out more about what they do.
After lunch, the students split into two groups and played games in the sunshine on the field. They worked well in mixed teams, collaborating with others across the three schools.
This was a fantastically fun day, and one that we would love to do again in the future.
Contact Us
Email: office@teresas.school.nz
Website: https://www.teresas.school.nz/
Location: St Teresa's School Bell Street, Featherston, New Zealand
Phone: 06 308 9064
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/St-Teresas-Featherston/100057033717170/