Hall's Corner
December 20, 2024
Brighton Schools are closed for Holiday Recess Monday, December 23, 2024 - January 3, 2025.
School will resume Monday, January 6th.
I hope that you all have a wonderful and safe year ahead. We have so much to look forward to in 2025.
We have just under 3 weeks left in the 2nd quarter and 1st semester at BHS. Please talk to your kids and check the SchoolTool Parent and Student Portal for students’ updated grades. The 3rd quarter and 2nd semester classes begin on January 27, 2025. Contact your student’s teachers if you have any questions or concerns.
I can’t wait to share memories and experience all that the second semester brings with everyone.
Tom Hall
Seasonal Messages
Happy Hanukkah
We want to wish a happy Hanukkah to those who are celebrating the holiday! In 2024, Hanukkah begins at sundown on Wednesday, December 25, and continues through Thursday, January 2, 2025. Hanukkah is Judaism’s festival of lights. The holiday commemorates the rededication of the second temple in Jerusalem and the miracle of the oil that burned for eight days. The celebration includes lighting a nightly candle on the menorah, playing dreidel, and cooking foods in oil such as potato pancakes called latkes. Below are links for books about Hanukkah for kids, more information on the holiday, and a recipe for latkes.
Merry Christmas
We want to wish a Merry Christmas to those who are celebrating the holiday! The word Christmas comes from the Old English term Cristes maesse, meaning “Christ’s mass.” That was the name of the Christian worship service held on December 25. Christmas was traditionally a Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus, but in the early 20th century, it also became a secular family holiday, observed by Christians and non-Christians alike. The secular holiday is often devoid of Christian elements, with the mythical figure Santa Claus playing the pivotal role. Christians and non-Christians partake in some of the most popular Christmas traditions, many of which have no origins in liturgical affirmations. These customs include decorating evergreen trees—or, in India, mango or bamboo trees; feasting (picnics and fireworks are popular in warm climates); and exchanging gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Below are links for kids to learn more about Christmas.
Happy Kwanzaa
Sending warm wishes for a joyful Kwanzaa to all who celebrate! Kwanzaa celebrates African-American and African history, culture, and community. The holiday is celebrated from December 26 to January 1 and was created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga.
One part of Kwanzaa is lighting the kinara, which holds seven candles: one black, three red, and three green. During the weeklong celebration, family and other community members gather each day to light a special candle representing Nguzo Saba, The Seven Principles:
- Umoja (Unity)
- Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)
- Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility)
- Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)
- Nia (Purpose)
- Kuumba (Creativity)
- Imani (Faith)
Learn more about the cultural expressions of Kwanzaa:
Kwanzaa books for kids:
Counseling Department
Senior Newsletter
Senior newsletter 12/13/24, https://secure.smore.com/n/cweh4
- College Rep Visits have begun. Visit the Web to see the weekly updates. https://bhs.bcsd.org/46742_3
December Counseling Corner
Students in the News
BHS Red Cross Club Blood Drives surpasses goal!
BHS Red Cross Club hosted a Blood drive on Saturday, December 14. success. Despite having a handful of no-shows, the group collected 11 units OVER goal! In total 39 units were collected, enough to impact 117 lives!!
You make BHS proud!
Ties Volunteer Opportunity
Program provides trained volunteers to support students with developmental disabilities
from grade 3 to the age of 21 so that they can successfully participate in any afterschool activity
or community event.Volunteers are students within our school district in grades 8 through 12,
who attend a workshop that presents valuable information about the importance of belonging,
disability awareness, friendship building, and effective support strategies. We rely on our
volunteers to make the TIES program successful. Contact Sarah Mehta to get involved at 518 626
1298 (text) or sarah_mehta@bcsd.org
June Exam weeks draft schedule is here! Please get the dates on your calendars!
** Math Updated 10/10**
ATTENTION BHS Families and Students
June 11 & June 17 – June 25
Students with scheduled exams are expected to be there for ALL EXAMS!
Peak Experience Adventure
Gunnison National Forest, Colorado
This summer, from August 1st through August 7th, Brighton students will have an opportunity to travel to Gunnison National Forest in Colorado for a seven-day adventure. Over the course of the trip, students will rock climb, participate in low and high ropes course activities, and backpack. Rope course activities include zip lines, power poles, repelling, and “The Screamer”. The three-day backpack traverses through the Gunnison National Forest where we will climb mountains over 13,000 feet high. Weather permitting, one of our peak ascents will be at dawn, which is a truly amazing experience. Current eighth graders through juniors are eligible for the trip, and spots are limited. If you are interested in joining the group and would like more information on the activities and cost of the trip, please contact Jamie Porta (the Outdoor Club advisor) at jamie_porta@bcsd.org.
Pictured, Alex Elkins, former student and current TCMS Technology teacher,
on the 2010 Peak Experience trip.
2024-2025 Tutoring Club Offers Peer Tutoring. Check it out!
Brighton Community Education News!
The SAT/ACT Boot Camp thoroughly reviews the essential reading, writing, math, and test-taking skills and strategies for the most current versions of both exams. We’ll also outline the additional content and action steps needed for greater progress toward the highest test scores. The next sessions after this one are February 1st and March 1st.
Register for these classes (and more!) at https://brightonschools.revtrak.net Questions? Contact the Brighton Community Education Office at mona_zamiarski@bcsd.org or 585-242-5200 ext. 5595.
Financial assistance may be available through the BCSD Student & Family Support Fund. Contact Ms. Ingle the BHS Counseling Center for more information.
The next session of the New York State Driver Education Course starts in January 2025. Registration for the class opened on Tuesday, December 3rd. Brighton High School - Driver Education - General Information
All information about the course is available through the Brighton Community Education website. You do not have to be a Brighton student to register. However, BHS students are enrolled and assigned to cars first. The class fee is $640. This class fills quickly; make sure you review the class information before registration opens so you can reserve your spot as soon as registration opens!
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
File Resources
Administrator and Counselor Information
School Tool/Parent Portal Link Changes
We would like to remind you that the link to access School Tool/Parent Portal has changed, and is now: https://monroeoneric01.schooltool.com/BCSD
For some of you who may have had the old web address bookmarked or saved to your password "keychain" on your devices, you may need to log into School Tool via this new weblink and reset SchoolTool in your devices or bookmarks/favorites to this new web address.
If you have forgotten your password, there is a password reset link right on the new login page.
School Pictures
Absentee/Retake day was Oct 17 2024.If your child(ren) was photographed on Absentee/Retake day and you would like to order a picture package from the absentee picture day, please see the online order info below.
Please call the Inter-State office with any questions regarding this. (585)310-7781.Website: www.inter-state.com/order Order Code: 89170M (retakes/absentee in October)
September picture's orders can be located by going to Website: https://inter-state.com/order Order Code: 89120QA (September dates). IDs and pictures from the September photo days that were not picked up yet are available in the Main Office.
Summer Back to School Information
Course Supply List - please see Resources at the bottom of this Hall's Corner to see a printable PDF.
Military Opt- Out, Photo Opt -Out, Supplies List, OTC Forms, etc. Click Here.