The Woodlands High School
Highlander Happenings December 6, 2024 - January 4, 2025
Senior Campus Administrators
Dr. Ted Landry, Principal
Ms. Beth Wyrick, Associate Principal Operations
Ms. Jaime Cassidy, Associate Principal Curriculum
Senior Campus Assistant Principals
Mr. Clint Rushing, A-Car
Ms. Paige Jeanes, Cas-Fue
Ms. Laura Braun, Ful-Jai
Ms. Stefanie Roland, Jam-Med
Ms. LeighAnn Wolfe, Mei-Ramd
Mr. Craig Harbin, Rami-Sto
Mr. Chad Lanham, Str-Z
Senior Campus Counselors
Ms. Julie Emmons, A-Bru
Ms. Brittany Darden, Brv-Dew
Ms. Lisa Algaze, Dex-Gou
Ms. Keisha Clarke, Gov-Joh
Ms. Monica Frank, Joi-Mas
Ms. Jane Iribarren, Mat-Pag
Ms. Elizabeth Bowling, Pah-Ros
Ms. Venitra Bradberry, Rot-Tay
Ms. Tiffani Jaqua, Taz-Z
Ms. Kristi Tabor, Lead Counselor A-Z
Ms. Kayla St. Romain, College & Career A-Z
9th Grade Campus Administrators
Mr. Dennis Muehsler, Principal
Ms. Shawne LeDee, Associate Principal
9th Grade Assistant Principals
Mr. Ryan Clapsaddle, A-L
Ms. Riqui Boyles, M-Z
9th Grade Campus Counselors
Ms. Vicky Woods, A-Gr
Ms. Allison Chambers, Gu-Pe
Mr. Matthew Kelley, Ph-Z
Naviance Presentation
The “Naviance 4 Year Plans and Pathways” presentation by Mrs. Tabor, you can view it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBRkRkg9cA4. Naviance codes were emailed to parents on Friday, November 1, 2024.
In the presentation, parents were given the opportunity to ask questions. Here are the FAQs. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kBrWVQGLEh74r8lXgy3sFzqtmUkLWRs4xMWhT__Hzd0/edit?tab=t.0
Dual Credit Important Information
Students who are interested in taking a dual credit course, must have a qualifying SAT, ACT, or TSIA2 placement test score. The qualifying score chart can be found here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PRb8Ptvg5Srx8XRZ8J3vdVK6gOgSq3uNp0PQNqga76M/edit?tab=t.0 Students who already have a qualifying score on file, whether it’s an SAT, ACT, or TSIA2 test they took last year, are NOT required to re-test. Students can sign up to take the SAT or ACT test through www.collegeboard.org and www.act.org. The PSAT test is no longer an acceptable qualifying test.
For students not wanting to take the SAT or ACT test, they also have the option to take the TSIA2 placement test. The Texas Success Initiative (TSIA2) is a college readiness test. The test includes reading, writing, and math. When a student takes the TSIA2 test, their scores are good for 5 years! In order for students to take the TSIA2 test, they need to create an Accuplacer account as well as complete a pre-assessment activity prior to the testing day. This test will be given during the week of March 24th. Instructions for creating your Accuplacer account and pre-assessment activity can be found here. https://sites.google.com/conroeisd.net/twhs-dual-credit/dc-steps/step-3-qualifying-test-scores/tsia-2-testing Students are not required to take the entire test, however, it is encouraged in case they choose to do another dual credit course at a later date.
SIGN UP FOR THE TSIA2 IN MARCH BY CLICKING HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeyVV6Xm1q_rkY9fl4N9G-nsKXbZMd6Hha88hunqVKSkJmScA/viewform or Scan the QR Code.
The deadline to complete all of the dual credit steps and submit dc paperwork as well as qualifying test scores is Friday, April 11th, 2025. Students are encouraged to sign up now for whichever test they choose. Having a qualifying score will help them to complete the remaining dual credit steps. Students are able to begin completing the dual credit steps https://sites.google.com/conroeisd.net/twhs-dual-credit/dc-steps January 6th, 2025, and this can be done prior to the student meeting with their counselor.
During the individual course request meetings with counselors, there is ample time to sign up for a dual credit course. However, the paperwork should be submitted completely to ensure placement in the courses. We only have a certain number of seats available for several of the dual credit classes, and they are assigned on a first come, first served basis.
SAT Testing Dates https://www.collegeboard.org/
SATURDAY SAT ADMINISTRATION AT TWHS: If your student plans to take the SAT at TWHS on any Saturday throughout the year, including December 7th, please know that you must bring your own testing device like a laptop or tablet. *Tablets and IPads do not work as well as a laptop for taking the SAT.*
TWHS does have some Chromebooks on hand for emergency purposes, but we do not have enough to supply to all testers. Communication sent out through College Board requires the student to download the "Blue Book" program to their device before arriving at the testing site.
ACT Testing Dates https://www.act.org/content/act/en-texas.html
BOYS BASKETBALL: Boys Basketball has started another season. Varsity is currently 4-6 overall and 1-2 in District. Our next game is at Aldine Davis on Tuesday, Dec. 10th at 7 p.m. Our sub varsity teams are busy as well. Sophomores will also play next Tuesday at Aldine Davis. JV and Freshmen Green are hosting a one-day tournament this Saturday, Dec. 7th at the main campus and games are starting at 10 a.m. Freshmen Red has a tournament at Alief Hastings on Saturday as well. Come out and support these boys!!!
FOOTBALL: 62 Highlander Varsity Football players were rewarded for their academic achievements in being named to the 13-6A Academic All District Team. This is a result of their commitment to academic success during the football season and to the hard work of our faculty. The 62 Academic All District members are:
HOCKEY: The Woodlands High School Hockey team season is in full swing! Come support our team as we pursue the championship. We’ve had an incredible season, and your presence at the games would mean so much to our players. Let’s cheer them on together!
SWIM & DIVE: The Highlander Swim and Dive team had a lot of excellent performances at the TISCA Invite! After TISCA, the Highlander Swimmers worked hard through Thanksgiving break to continue preparing for District meets. The JV District Meet is Dec. 14th and our swimmers are putting in the work to prepare for it!
TENNIS: The Highlander Freshmen and JV tennis teams competed in the Humble ISD doubles tournament right before Thanksgiving break and brought home lots of medals. The Freshmen won 14 medals and captured 1st in 4 finals and 2nd in 2 other finals. The JV won 42 medals and won 10 events, often defeating their teammates in an All-TWHS final. The Spring season will start in February and conclude in May for the Varsity and sub-varsity teams.
AUTOMOTIVE ENTHUSIASTS CLUB: Rev up your engines, Highlanders! The Automotive Enthusiasts Club at TWHS is hosting our annual holiday Toy Drive with Interfaith of The Woodlands! The Cars and Coffee event is FREE for all show cars and spectators! We will have free coffee and donuts as well as a vendor selling Hot Wheels cars and other collectibles! Come out and donate toys and check out some awesome vehicles! Contact Andrew Rogers for more information.
DECA: The Woodlands Highlanders Blankets! $40 pickup in Room 250. All proceeds go to our DECA Program. https://conroeisd.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/59023/195/False/True
HOSA: HOSA online testing is Wednesday, December 11th in room 249 and the College and Career center beginning 3rd block after A lunch. All students from each event must test at the same time. The expectation is for all registered HOSA online testers to attend this event. If you have any questions or concerns, please see Mrs. Baker in room 249 or Ms. Runnels on the 9th grade campus. Thank you!
JROTC: Congratulations to our Orienteering Team who competed at the Houston Orienteering Club’s Jones Forest meet on November 23rd. The following cadets earned medals:
Freshman Isa Buhigas, 2nd Place Beginner Females 14-15
Sophomore John Calder, 1st Place Intermediate Males 16-17
Sophomore Anastasiia Shymoliuk, 1st Place Advanced Beginner Females 16-17
Junior Joshua Juno, 3rd Place Advanced Males 16-17
Junior Alaeddin Sufan, 3rd Place Intermediate Males 16-17
Junior Holland Williams, 3rd Place Advanced Females 16-17
Senior Aubrey Harris, 1st Place Advanced Females 16-17
Congratulations also to this year’s JROTC Flight Academy selects. All three of our candidates were selected out of only 194 across all of AFJROTC worldwide! These cadets will travel to a partner university next summer to earn their pilot’s license at no cost to them—a scholarship valued at over $20,000. Good luck to junior Joshua Juno, and seniors Hayden Cianessi and Gabe Nuńez!
This week our freshmen cadets met a major milestone, receiving their blue AFJROTC uniforms. This is an integral part of our program we are very excited to share with our newest cadets. They will start wearing them to school once a month, beginning January 14th.
Our Raider Team and Drill Team will compete in the John Jay Meet in San Antonio on Saturday, December 7. Wish our teams good luck!
Our next Booster Club Meeting is Tuesday, December 10th at 6 p.m. in the Senior Campus JROTC room. Come learn about exciting parent volunteer opportunities coming in the Spring semester!
Come say Farewell to Chief Master Sergeant Clark Gilleo on Friday, December 13th from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Senior Campus Cafeteria. Chief Gilleo has taken a position with Global Strike Command at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. Cadets and families are welcome!
JROTC SPIRIT DAY AT KENDRA SCOTT: Sunday December 8th, 2-4 p.m., OR Sunday AND Monday (December 8th/9th) if purchasing online at kendrascott.com using the code GIVEBACK-GFGDQ. Let your friends and family out of town know they can order online and support our AFJROTC Booster Club--20% of your purchase price will come back to us!
MEET IN THE MIDDLE: Our mission is INCLUSION! Our next meeting is on Monday, December 9th from 2:45-3:30 p.m. We will have a holiday celebration with 3 stations: hot chocolate and a movie, cookie decorating, and gift exchange. If you’d like to participate in the gift exchange game, bring a $10 gift that is wrapped with your name on it. Ideas: fast food gift cards, candy, throw blanket, card game. Please contact dmaberry@conroeisd.net with questions. Everyone is welcome!
STUDENT COUNCIL: Our last meeting of 2024 will be on Monday, December 9 at 6:00 p.m. in the main campus cafeteria. We would like to encourage each member to bring an unwrapped gift item to be donated to the Texas Children's Hospital Candy Cane Lane Drive. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please drop off your gift items in room 240 on the main campus or room 207 on the freshman campus. If you wish to participate in our White Elephant gift exchange, please bring a wrapped gift ($15 value max) to the meeting. Our next meeting will be on Jan. 13th.
THE CLIMBING CLUB: Explore your sense of Adventure and Fun! The Climbing Club at TWHS provides hands-on experience. We climb for free once a month, at CLIMB Woodlands. Practice climbing, bouldering, or learn how to belay. Everyone is welcome to join, no experience is needed. Bonus: bring a friend! If you have any questions, please come to our next meeting on Friday, December 13th at 3 p.m. in room 243, or see our advisor Ms. Rogers-Wilson.
NEWCOMERS: I want to remind you that we have a department called NEWCOMERS, a welcoming center where Iytzia Cardenas, our Social Services Liaison, has been helping families for over 12 years! She assists newly arrived families or those planning to move to our school district with all their questions, making their transition smoother and less frustrating. Feel free to reach out to her at icardenas@conroeisd.net!
Also, please mark your calendars for January 22, 2025! She, along with another colleague, will present a conference in Spanish for newly arrived families with children in grades 7-12. This will help you better understand the educational system and address all your questions. From her own experience, she knows that choosing courses can raise many questions, and we want to ensure you feel confident and understand how things work here compared to your home countries.
CHINESE, FRENCH, GERMAN & JAPANESE AT TWHS: The German, French, Chinese and Japanese teachers at The Woodlands High School would like to show the lucrative careers in STEM, finance, travel, and government agencies that our languages offer, and show off our classrooms, activities, trips, and experiences that we offer with our language programs. See our monthly newsletter here: TWHS Chinese, French, German, and Japanese Newsletter
TWHS BAND & GUARD: TWHS Band sent select students to the Texas Music Educators’ Association (TMEA) All-Region Orchestra competition on November 19th. They competed against high school musicians from around the North Houston region to compete for the All-Region IX Orchestra status in order to rehearse and perform in a clinic & concert on November 23 at Klein Forest HS. These 14 students earned a seat placement in the following ensembles: Symphony Orchestra (also advances to TMEA 6A Area): Avery Sullivan - Flute; Evan Work - Oboe; Allen Minami - Clarinet; Lauren Fountain - Trombone. Philharmonic Orchestra: Nicole Fountain - Trumpet; Jacob Pagan - Trumpet; Carson Bonds - Trumpet; KK Amaya - French Horn; Caleb Cryer - French Horn; Bruno Pena - Bass Trombone. Percussion: Camden Clough, Alex Torres, Justice Dutchover, & Kai Chen. CONGRATULATIONS!
The Band doesn’t rest! Here are a few more ways to show your support:
Dec 6 & 7: TMEA Region Band Auditions are this weekend. Good luck to our students auditioning!
Dec 7: TWHS Band is hosting a Holiday Market at 9th Grade Campus, 9AM - 4PM. Come shop local vendors, visit some food trucks, and more!
Dec 7: Kendra Scott (Market Street) shopping event to support the Color Guard. Shop from 12p-2p in the store and mention TWHS Color Guard.
Dec 10: Support the Band by eating at The Stand. Just mention you are “With The Band”. Thanks for your support!
HOLLY JOLLY JINGLE: This is an annual tradition at The Pavilion - a festive performance opportunity for over 500 students from CISD! This year, we had 37 band students participate: Piccolo: Brenna Woitt; Flute: Avery Sullivan, Emily Fritsche, Jadynn Syer, Alyson Wagh; Oboe: Fernando Perez, Evan Work; Bassoon: Holly Swart; Clarinet: Sergio Rodriguez, Alex Thomas, Conner Anderson, Stanley Jaskot; Bass Clarinet: Marlon Escamilla; Trumpet: Carson Bonds, Nicole Fountain, Gabriel Fuenmayor, Colton Moore, Jacob Pagan, Jake Schumate; French Horn: KK Amaya, Stephen Swan, Caden Sample, Blake Berry; Trombone: Lucas Feng, Nicolaas van Poppel, Joshua Price, Lauren Fountain, Bruno Pena; Tuba: Chet Brown, Gabriel Nino Tarazona; Percussion: Camden Clough, Julia de Avellar Natal, Justice Dutchover, Blake Eaton, Miles Estrada, Sophia Reyes, Justin Teall, Alexander Torres; Piano: and Jordan Honore.
TWHS IMPROV: The Woodlands High School Improv Troupe is thrilled to host their 12th Annual Teacher vs Student Improv show THIS Saturday, December 7th at 7 p.m. in The Woodlands High School 9th Grade Campus LGI. Tickets are $5 and all money raised from the night will go to The Will Herndon Fund! Make sure to join us, and bring your family and friends, for a great time while helping an amazing organization!
VISUAL ARTS: The Woodlands High School's Visual Arts Department's Blank Cards Fundraiser starts Monday, December 9th!
Students, teachers, parents, and the public are welcome to purchase a set of five blank folded cards and envelopes for $10.00. TWHS's Visual Arts Students made the artwork displayed on all five cards. This year's selected pieces of student artwork can be viewed via the attached flyer.
Please consider supporting our Visual Arts Department by purchasing a set of cards. To purchase a set of cards, please bring cash or a check to room 122 at TWHS' Main Campus in exchange for a set of cards. Checks should be made out to "The Woodlands High School" with the memo line stating, "Visual Arts 7299." Cards will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis until sold out.
We are discussing a different medical condition relevant to our students in each issue of the Highlander Happenings. We hope you find this information helpful, but please keep in mind that we cannot give medical advice or make a diagnosis. The best source of information is always your child’s physician.
Dizziness is a frequent complaint among students we see in the clinic. This sensation–also sometimes called lightheadedness–can be caused by a multitude of factors, including injury, illness, inner ear disturbance, blood pressure changes, dehydration, hunger, or even stress.
Since sensations of dizziness or lightheadedness present differently to every individual, one of our first steps in determining the cause is asking students what the dizziness they are experiencing feels like. This helps determine next steps we take to care for students reporting dizziness.
If dizziness is noted when changing positions–such as moving from sitting to standing–it may help to try changing positions slowly and carefully, giving blood pressure an opportunity to acclimate. This can help when dizziness is described as seeing spots briefly when moving from sitting to standing. Dizziness caused by dehydration or hunger can present as fatigue, overall weakness, or feeling faint. Making sure to eat breakfast (quick choices such as granola bars are a great option during early and busy mornings) and drinking water as well as electrolyte-replacement beverages (such as Gatorade or Powerade) can help with this. A feeling of the room spinning may be indicative of an inner ear disturbance, infection, or vertigo. When dizziness is caused by an infection, sinus pressure, headache, nausea, or other symptoms of illness may also be present. Stress is also a frequent culprit. Simply acknowledging stress and anxiety, taking a few moments to relax and reset, and talking about stressors causing worry can help in resolving dizziness when stress is the cause.
When should you see a doctor for dizziness? You should seek advice from a health care provider if dizziness follows a fall or head bump, if dizziness is recurrent, severe, prolonged, or accompanied by visual disturbances, or if dizziness is accompanied by sudden, severe headache or chest pain. Additionally, to reduce risk of fall or injury, be sure anyone reporting dizziness does not walk unaccompanied.
ABSENT REPORTING APP: In an effort to make things easier for our families, CISD is launching an app to help you report your student's absences to our school when they are out. Documentation such as doctor's notes will still need to be submitted to our campus attendance office, but we are excited about the convenience of this new app. You will access it through the Parent Portal. The directions are included in the link. https://kb.conroeisd.net/kb/absence-reporting-system-app-parent-directions
ATTENDANCE: To report an absence, use the Student Absence Reporting APP or call:
9th Grade: 832-592-8025
10th Grade: 936-709-1236
11th Grade: 936-709-1233
12th Grade: 936-709-1234
Early Releases: If your student needs to leave early, please send them with a note to be delivered to the Attendance office before school. Doing so will ensure that the check-out process will be as quick and efficient as possible. There are only early releases before 2:00 p.m. Please feel free to call the Attendance office if you have any questions or concerns. We are happy to help!
SCHOOL CASH ONLINE: Attention Parents: Please be sure to check your child's School Cash Online account frequently. The website is www.conroeisd.schoolcashonline.com. Fees are added throughout the year for various activities. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the fees charged to your child, please contact the classroom teacher or club sponsor. Failure to pay fees listed as "required" or "overdue" may result in a student not being permitted to participate in some extracurricular activities. If you need assistance logging in to School Cash Online or adding and viewing your child's account, please visit schoolcashonline.com/Home/Support and view the resources available to help.
The students have voted! Once again, thank you to all the Texas artists who submitted work for consideration this year. Our student committee narrowed the initial submissions to 12 artists/artworks. These 12 nominated artworks were then displayed at the school prior to Thanksgiving and the students voted the week of November 12. We are excited to announce that we will be adding the following artists’ work to our collection as a result of the student voting: Jonas Criscoe (Houston), Daryl Gannon (Conroe), Ksenia Kozhenkova (Houston),
Elena Martino (Willis), and Drew McDonald (Austin.)
Visit our website to see the winning entries (and the entire collection of now 72 artworks by 59 established Texas Artists): www.twhsat.org The new artworks are being framed and will be installed at the school in January.
The artworks are purchased through funds set aside by Student Council from the Homecoming Dance, however, the framing, lighting and conservation of these pieces need funding. Consider helping with that funding and show your support for The Woodlands High School Art Trust by joining our "One Hundred Friends of Art." Our goal is to have 100 arts supporters make an annual donation to support our cause. Donations are tax deductible and start as low as $10!! Visit our website to make a contribution: www.twhsat.org.
The Woodlands High School Art Trust (TWHSAT) a 501(c)3 organization, was established in 2011 to help maintain, conserve and display the student-selected, student-purchased collection of established artists at The Woodlands High School. The vision for the TWHS Art Trust is to see the art collection grow each year and to have it extend through the hallways of the high school. The works are hung in 13 groups around the school, corresponding to the number of years we have been growing. We offer FREE tours of our collection to schools and other groups by appointment.
Other than the public sculptures around The Woodlands, this is the ONLY permanent collection of art available to the public. It is seen by THOUSANDS of people every day. Please consider supporting this unique collection that sets us apart from other public high schools and strengthens our goal of being one of the best high schools in the state and country.
For more information on The Woodlands High School Art Trust please visit our website: www.twhsat.org or contact Susan Cosculluela at twhsat@gmail.com.
December 6, 2024 - January 4, 2025
Friday, December 6, 2024
Lady Highlander Vars Tournament @ Little River Academy
Lady Highlander 9th & JV Tournament @ Magnolia
Science NHS Meeting 6:40 & 2:40 LGI 1
Wrestling Vars Meet @ Morton Ranch 3:00
Saturday, December 7, 2024
SAT Testing
Boys Sub Vars Basketball Tournament @ TWHS
Wrestling Vars Meet @ Morton Ranch 8:30
Improv Show 7:00 9th Campus LGI
Monday, December 9, 2024
Choir Officer Meeting 2:45 LGI 2
Student Council Meeting 6:00 Cafeteria
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Lady Highlander Basketball Holiday Party 3:00 Gyms
Soccer Booster Club Potluck 4:00 Cafeteria
Boys Basketball @ Aldine Davis 4:00
JROTC Booster Club Meeting 6:00 JROTC Room
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Model United Nations 3:15 LGI 1
Thursday, December 12, 2024
DECA Meeting 2:35 LGI 1
HIghsteppers Christmas Party 4:30 Gym 2
Friday, December 13, 2024
Vars Boys Basketball Tournament @ San Antonio
Lady Highlander Basketball v Oak Ridge 4:00 TWHS
Boys Soccer v Tompkins 4:30 TWHS
Wresting Meet 5:30 TWHS
JROTC Farewell Party 5:00 Cafeteria
Saturday, December 14, 2024
ACT Testing
Vars Boys Basketball Tournament @ San Antonio
Swim & Dive JV District Meet 8:00 Natatorium
Cars & Coffee 8:00 5000 Parking Lot
Wrestling Meet 8:30 TWHS
Boys Soccer @ Atascocita 12:00
Orchestra Concert 7:30 McCullough
JV District Meet is Dec. 14th
Monday, December 16, 2024
Choir Officer Meeting 2:45 LGI 2
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Lady Highlander Basketball @ Cleveland 4:00
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Model United Nations 3:15 LGI 1
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Lacrosse Parent Meeting 5:30 LGI 1
Friday, December 20, 2024
Science NHS Meeting 6:40 LGI 1
Wrestling Meet @ Legends 8:30
Lady Highlander Basketball v College Park 4:00 TWHS
Boys Soccer v Nimitz 4:30 TWHS
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Wrestling Meet @ Legends 8:30
Boys Soccer @ Kingwood 10:00
Friday, December 27, 2024
Lady Highlander/Boys Vars Basketball Tournament @ Brazoswood
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Lady Highlander/Boys Vars Basketball Tournament @ Brazoswood
Monday, December 30, 2024
Girls Soccer @ Stratford 11:30
Friday, January 3, 2025
Wrestling Meet @ Berry Center 8:30
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Wrestling Meet @ Berry Center 8:30
Lady Highlander Basketball @ New Caney 10:00
Boys Basketball v New Caney 10:00 TWHS
The Woodlands High School
The Conroe Independent School District (District) is an equal opportunity educational provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Active of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752.
Website:Main Campus http://twhs.conroeisd.net/
9th Grade Campus https://twhs9.conroeisd.net/
Phone: (936) 709-1200
Twitter: Main Campus @TWHSCISD 9th Grade Campus @TWHS9thCISD