point of view
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Sun Worship
In Greek mythology, there was a maiden who fell in love with Apollo. Every time he passed overhead in his fiery sun chariot, she stood in her garden & gazed at him longingly, even though she had chores & tasks to attend to. Apollo, who made a point of shining brightly so people on earth couldn’t actually see him, eventually got fed up with the girl’s foolishness. He flung one of his sun arrows at her, & she turned into a sunflower on the spot. To this day, she faces east in the morning & west in the evenings, following the path of Apollo. In some versions of the story, it was not Apollo but the other gods who took pity upon her & turned her into a sunflower.
week of August 14th
Monday, 4PM - Capital Improvements Committee
Tuesday, CITY HALL SELFIE DAY; 3PM - Public Safety Sales Tax Committee
Wednesday, noon - Chamber Luncheon
Thursday, 6PM - Clay Council Commission discuss status of 911 Fees
Friday, 7:30 AM - Council Work Session; 9AM - Review of Special Fund Budget; Whiskey Walk
Saturday - BBQ & Fly-In on the River, Home Brew Contest
making a difference
- Celebrating work anniversaries this week: Janet Morehead, PR Adminstrative Assistant - 37 years; Scott O'Dell, Deputy Fire Chief - 35 years; Darrien Burnett, Fitness Attendant - 4 years; Shantele Frie - 1 year, Planner; & Randall Langdon, CC Custodian - 1 year.
- City Hall Selfie Day is a celebration of public service showcasing pride in local government institutions. The 8th annual day returns on Tuesday. Take a picture of yourself, with a group, or with a community member in front of your local government building. Use the hashtag #CityHallSelfie when posting the photo to social media. Tag ELG
- Community Grant applications are available on city website & are due 9/15. Successful applications represent projects that assist, City accomplish strategic goals or festival /events that provide significant social value or economic growth to the community, building pride & community interaction/spirit.
upcoming agendas
- Capital Improvements/Transportation Trust - Review of Financials, Budget, upcoming projects
- Public Safety Sales Tax - Discussion regarding 3% marijuana sales tax with collections beginning 10/1/23, Police & Fire annual requests
- Clay County Commission - determine device fee for 911 service to replace landline fee & consider ballot issue in November
- Council - agenda items under development include purchasing policy revision, abolish 911 land line fee when voters adopt new fee; dedication of R/W @ 101 Crownhill Rd., outdoor pool change order; donation of property for park near Benton & Temple; occupied rental inspection fee structure, purchase of Fire PPE & used greens aerifier, Mayor declares board vacancies to be filled by September 30
- Budget Review - Transportation Trust Sales Tax Fund, Capital Improvement Sales Tax Fund, Public Safety Sales Tax Fund, Construction Services & Cemetery, Elms TIF & Event Fee, Golf Clubhouse TIF, Grants Management Fund, E-911 & Federal Forfeitures
small town vibes
- Street improvements are scheduled to start this month, when the weather clears. Crosswalks have been painted getting ready for the 1st day of school.
- Neighborhood meetings are a great way to address common concerns, learn about programs that can help make improvements, & just get to know each other. Laura, our neighborhood specialist, is looking forward to helping you arrange a meeting.
- Fire Department just purchased a new pumper, using Public Safety Sales Tax funds. We appreciate so much the availability of these funds to purchase police & fire equipment & just as importantly, to keep our salaries competitive with similarly sized communities.
- School District is getting ready for school to start with temporary classrooms set up until the new Lewis is ready for students. Our Development Team has been working with school officials to make sure their safety goals are met.
choose your attitude!
Visiting a REAL spa - where you wear the robes & spend the day & get truly pampered - has been on my dream vacation list for years. It finally happened & it was glorious! ES is small & quaint & the roads are twisty & windy, but that makes it different & fun. I can't say enough how beautiful the old hotel is. It's historic & charming, but isn't frumpy or dumpy in the slightest. If you're looking for a spot in the Midwest to go with your girls, or a couples weekend, this is it! Travel Blog
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752