Avoca West News
May 16, 2024
Wrapping Up the School Year & Getting Ready for Summer!
We have a lot of learning and celebrating left to do before this school year is complete! Hopefully the AVOCA WEST countdown will keep our spirits high as the temps climb as well. Please keep an eye on your emails for information from school, room parents, the PTC, and other important District communication.
Returning Student Registration -- May 30th Deadline!
Registration for the 2024-2025 opened on April 15. This is for all students of Avoca -- not just new students! If you haven't received the registration email or have any questions, please email registration@avoca37.org. Each returning student will receive a separate email containing an embedded "snapcode" which is unique to that student. Please complete registration by May 30, 2024.
Moving out of District? If your student will not be attending an Avoca school next year, please let our awoffice@avoca37.org know. That will help make sure we don't send reminder emails!
F.A.N. Watch Party at Marie Murphy: Brave New Worlds: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (And Why That’s a Good Thing)
Whether we like it or not, the AI revolution is coming to education. Have you wondered...
- Will apps like ChatGPT hinder my child from learning?
- Should teachers ban ChatGPT in order to curtail cheating?
- How can teachers and parents use this new technology for the benefit of our kids?
We will have refreshments. Also, we have a FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY for the first 15 registrants who attend, we will give away 15 copies of his newly published book, Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (And Why That’s a Good Thing).
When: Monday May 20, 7-9pm
(7-8pm Sal Khan's presentation, 8-9pm VIP after-hour discussion with Sal Khan)
Where: Marie Murphy Community Room
What: Watch Party (7-8pm), and VIP After-Hours discussion with Sal Khan (8-9pm)
Register: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0F4DADAC2EAAFE3-49690038-fanwatch
May & June Need-to-Know Dates!
Friday, May 16th -- Last Day for Book Fair (students can shop in the morning only)
Thursday, May 16th -- Bike to School Day!
Monday, May 20th -- 7:00-9:00pm -- F.A.N. Watch Party at Marie Murphy (see above - must RSVP)
Wednesday, May 22nd -- 6:00pm -- Beginning Suzuki Concert
Thursday, May 23rd -- Band Concert (AWAY)
Friday, May 24th -- Field Day & Start of AVOCA WEST countdown!
Monday, May 27th -- Memorial Day -- NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 28th -- Rain Date for Field Day (if needed)
Friday, May 31st -- 5th Grade Party (afternoon)
Thursday, June 6th -- Last Day of School! PTC End of Year Picnic & Report Cards Home!
Follow Us for Daily Smile-Makers!
Questions? Comments?
Website: http://avoca37.org/avocawest/
Location: 235 Beech Drive, Glenview, IL, United States
Phone: 847-724-6800
Twitter: @AvocaWest37