The Monday Minute
Week of December 18th @ LVMS
As a reminder, Friday, December 22nd is an Early Dismissal Day at LVMS. School will conclude by 1:35 PM.
ALL Washington Township Schools will be CLOSED Monday, December 25th - Monday, January 1st. All schools will reopen on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024 with a normal schedule.
Wishing all of our LVMS Students, Families, and Staff a safe, relaxing, and long Winter Break. See everyone in 2024!
Highlights, Dates, & Reminders
MOVIE NIGHT: Thank you to the NJHS for hosting Movie Night last Friday!
TOYS FOR TOTS 2023: Thank you to all that supported supporting Washington Township Police Dept. in their annual "Toys for Tots" collection drive. Items were picked up last week! Picture included below.
DOOR DECORATING: Thank you to our students and staff for participating in our door decorating contest! This year our theme was Holiday Movies. Congratulations to Houses 8-2, 7-1, and 6-2 on their winning doors! See below for some highlights!
12/19- End of Quint# 2
12/21- Tape a Teacher Fundraiser: During Lunch Periods
12/22- WTSchools Early Dismissal
12/23 - 1/1- WTSchools Closed: WINTER BREAK
1/4- WTSchools BOE Meeting: 7:30 PM
1/15- WTSchools CLOSED for Students - Staff PD
1/30- Richard Guerry Responsible Use of Technology Community Presentation - More Information Coming Soon! - 7:00 PM LVMS PAC
LOST AND FOUND: Our Lost & Found bins, found in the LVMS front vestibule and 6th grade stairwell, are OVERFLOWING! Please check for sweatshirts, jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. Be aware! Unclaimed items will be donated after December 22nd.
Holiday Door Decorating
Toys for Tots Success!
Lunch Menus & Announcements
Daily Announcements
LVMS Live: 12/12/23
LVMS School Counselors - Managing Holiday Stress
Upcoming Spirit Days
Don't forget to participate in our next Spirit Days!
Tape a Teacher Fundraiser
TREP$ Club Sign Up
Calling all entrepreneurs!
Have you ever had an idea for an awesome product that you think people would love? Have you ever wanted to start your own business? Trep$, a new club at LVMS, can make your ideas a reality. You will learn skills to plan your ideas, create a budget, market your product, and then participate in a marketplace to sell your product for profit! Look for registration information on Clever, or reach out to Ms. Pickard or Mrs. Walsh for more information.
Sign ups have been extended to the end of the day TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19th!
LVMS Winter Sports 2023-24
Boys Basketball
Upcoming Schedule
Monday - Cancelled
Tuesday - Cancelled
Wednesday -Away Game vs. Copeland Middle School
Thursday - OFF
Friday - OFF
Girls Basketball
Upcoming Schedule
Monday - Cancelled
Tuesday - Practice
Wednesday -Home Game vs. Copeland Middle School
Thursday - Practice
Friday - OFF
Check out the LVMS Sports Portal for all schedules / sports team updates.
Any questions can be directed to individual coaches or to Mr. Mitch Schlesinger, LVMS Sports Coordinator
PTA Events & Information
January PTA Meeting
Thursday, January 11th at 7:00 PM in the LVMS Library (tentative)
Volunteers Needed!
The PTA will be looking for volunteers in 2024 for efforts including a Book Fair, Shoe Drive, and other fundraisers and activities! Please let us know if you'd be interested in helping - every little bit helps. You can email us at
Happy Holidays from the LVMS PTA!
Long Valley Middle School
Location: 51 West Mill Road, Long Valley, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-876-3434
Twitter: @WTSchools