Toll Gate Tidbits
January 9, 2025
A Note from Mrs. Lauri
Happy New Year! I hope everyone's year is off to a happy, healthy start. Here at Toll Gate we rounded out 2024 with wonderful winter celebrations. Thank you to all of our parent volunteers for creating memorable experiences for our students.
Since returning from winter break academics are back in full swing. Our classroom teachers are busy conducting the winter literacy benchmark assessments. We are also focusing on learning all about perseverance through Character Strong and our 4th and 5th graders are preparing for their winter concert which will take place at the high school on Tuesday,January 14th at Timberlane. Please mark your calendars for our Day of Service on Friday, January 31st. We will be continuing our partnership with Capital Health Hospital and the Jared Box Project. More information regarding the specifics of the Day of Service can be found below.
Thank you to all of the parents/guardians that joined the PTO and Dr. Treece on Thursday evening to discuss the budget and the referendum. Please continue to be on the lookout for additional information about the next steps in the referendum process.
Toll Gate Day of Service- Friday, January 31, 2025
On Friday, January 31, 2025, Toll Gate is going to once again participate in a Day of Service. For this school year’s Day of Service, Toll Gate will be donating to The Jared Box Project.
Each grade level will be asked to donate materials, kind hearts, and creativity in order to create cheerful boxes filled with fun items for young local hospital patients
The following is a link to a signup genius for initial donations which can be sent to the school with your student(s) or directly via mail (Attention: Mrs. Lauri, Day of Service), starting today and ending on January 27: Toll Gate Day of Service Donations Needed. January 31, students and staff will assemble Jared Boxes for delivery to Capital Health Hospital.
Additional grade-specific requests for new toys and crafts that will go in the boxes (approximately $5-$10 total donation per student) can be sent from Mrs. Lauri, teachers, and/or applicable room parents.
Please have all items arrive at Toll Gate by January 27, 2025
Our goal is 100% participation in this school-wide service learning event.
Thank you for your help with this very special day!
Telesafe for Daily Attendance
It is pertinent that we have accurate daily attendance to ensure the safety of your children. If your child will be absent or will be reporting to school late, please call our Telesafe line at 609-737-4008, option 2. Please refrain from only emailing the classroom teacher and Ms. Smith, the school nurse, to report attendance. In the event a teacher or Ms. Smith is absent for the day, only Telesafe is checked for absences, their emails are not. Ms. Smith will continue to call home to ensure your child's safety, if your child is not in school and we did not receive a phone call through telesafe stating that would be absent.
Winter Attire
As the cold weather approaches, please be reminded that we will try to get the students outside for recess as much as possible. Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately with hats and gloves for recess.
During arrival, on frigid days, we will continue to bring the children in as early as 8:20am. The students are supervised by staff members in the gym until they report to their classrooms at 8:30am.
Municipal Alliance- Winter Parent Series
This three-part series of programs is created to offer insights and education on relevant issues impacting children, teens and families. Presented by clinicians and experts in their field, you’ll gain valuable tools to help your child build a strong foundation for a positive future. View flyer for program topics, dates and time. Click here to register. Space is limited so register TODAY! Questions? Contact the Hopewell Valley Municipal Alliance at hvmunicipalalliance@gmail.com
Upcoming Events
1/14- TG Winter Concert at Timberlane 7pm
1/17- Student Gator Gathering- Perseverance
1/20- NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/22- Parent Council Meeting
1/27- BOE Meeting at Bear Tavern @6pm- Honoring Ms. Weltz as Educator of the Year for Toll Gate
1/29- NO SCHOOL- Lunar New Year
1/31- TG Day of Service
2/6- Early Dismissal for students -Professional Development for Staff
2/7- Sports Day- Sponsored by Student Council
2/14- Valentine's Day, CHS Choir Performs for our students
2/17- Schools Closed President's Day
Save the Date- More information to follow
PTO Spring Social- April 26th
PTO Trenton Thunder Game w/ 5th grade choir performance- June 4th