Roland Hayes School
Community Notes ~ June14, 2024

June 14th, 2024
Our North Star
“When children and teachers feel engaged, safe, and supported we have room to grow and learn through collaboration and risk-taking with our peers.”
Previous "Community Notes" can be found here:
The "Community Notes" is sent every other week. Thanks for reading!
Dear Roland Hayes School Community
To begin, a huge shout out to Second Grade student Paula for the wonderful drawing of our school at the top of the Community Notes this week. Paula made this representation of our school as a part of her Artist's Portfolio, a showcase of student work focused on their study of great American artists like Georgia O'Keeffe and Jacob Lawrence. Such detailed work, Paula!
This will be the last Community Notes of this school year. With our Roland Hayes School renaming ceremony and today's Grade 8 graduation ceremony – along with the myriad end of year events so many of you have attended, complete – I am confident the very quiet last day and a half next week will mark the end of another successful year at our school.
You'll hear from me this summer with updates on:
Our new School Improvement Plan
Teacher assignments for students (look for this announcement around August 12)
Class supplies lists
Updates on staffing: new team members, any shifts in roles, or departures
The Family Handbook and Code of Conduct
and more!
Our New Land Acknowledgment
During our school renaming process, we learned a great deal about who our school was named after AND where our school is located. Working closely with members of Brookline's Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration Committee and a member of the Massachusett tribe, Thomas Green, we created this land acknowledgment so that we can keep our schools history alive and centered in our collective work.
Our land acknowledgment was read aloud for the first time at our school renaming ceremony. Here it is:
This parcel of land that our school sits upon is a special and sacred place.
Before this place was a Town, before our school was here, before this neighborhood was called “The Settlement” or “Chestnut Hill,” and before this land was a farm, this land was held by the Massachusett, the people Indigenous to this place. The Massachusett were the caretakers of this site, living full lives, raising families, and burying their dead right here. We recognize and honor this history, and seek to create thoughtful land stewards and citizens for generations to come.
As a public school, our primary objective is to ensure access, membership, and participation of all community members in our care; with this land acknowledgment we state our willingness to work towards that vision where all feel a true and abiding sense of belonging.
We hope you'll head to our website and access a ton of resources to help you and your children learn more about this parcel of land. Click here:
A Message from Our Principal(s) For a Day
Brothers Roman and Wood spent time this month as Principals for a Day. Welcoming students, cleaning and caring for our school lizard, serving lunches, delivering Spirit Wear to very happy kids, making announcements ... all a part of the gig. Both were wonderful helpers and received lots of admiration from others.
Each was able to share some things about themselves and the school. Read on to learn more from Wood and Roman!
Here is Wood's State of the School after his day in the hot seat:
- I like that our school is big with many floors, lots or rooms, and bright windows.
- In my class we have two doors and a classroom library that is good.
- I have lots of friends and love to play with them at recess and after school on the playground.
- I am excited and happy when I get to come to school. I like math the best and really like PE.
- I don't think I would change anything about the school if I could. It is good just like it is.
- The principal's job is taking care of people. I think I helped do that today.
Here is Roman's State of the School after his day in in charge:
- When I grow up I do not want to be a principal. It’s a really long day.
- What I like best about school are the fun activities like PE, field trips, and other special events.
- A great memory from this year is … today! Because I got to see so many people around the school, passing out spirit wear and serving lunch.
- After school, I play with my friends and go to the pool and other fun stuff with my friends. I have so many friend from here.
- If I could change one thing the school I’d change the lunch. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don’t.
- I am excited right now to find out who my new teacher will be next year and to see who is in my class.
A job well done by these amazing kids!
Notes From Our PTO
Check out our website for upcoming events, ways to support our school, and much more!
PTO Leaders for Next Year
Thank you to all the parents and staff that came out to vote last Friday. It was thrilling to see so many excited to participate -- 176 votes! Thank you to all the candidates for putting their names forward. And congratulations to Theodora Konetsovska and Lisa Yuen Rhoads who will be Hayes PTO Co-Presidents moving forward.
Volunteer with the PTO Next Year
Let's continue the enthusiasm from last week's vote by signing up to volunteer with the PTO for next year. Whether as room parent or event organizer or helping in some other way, the PTO needs your help. You can sign up online or just email us (
Movie Night & The Giving Tree
Thank you to everyone that came out last Saturday to our Outdoor Movie Night. It was perfect weather for an evening in front of the massive screen under the Little Field Park tree canopy. And thank you to all that donated to The Giving Tree, fulfilling a number of wishes for our teachers.
Summer Bookclub for Hayes Parents: The Anxious Generation
A large number of parents who filled out our Kids and Smartphones survey* expressed interest in reading and discussing Jonathan Haidt's The Anxious Generation together. In response, we invite you to purchase the book, read it over summer, and join us for a discussion on Thursday, Sept. 19 @ 7p. at Hummingbird Books in Chestnut Hill.
Please order your book using this link, to help us secure the venue and support our local bookstore!
Email Astrid, Erica, Theodora or Nathalie with any questions or if you'd like to connect on your reading over summer!
*(If you haven't yet filled out the survey but would like to, it's not too late! See survey below.)
Happy reading and happier summer!
Kids and Smartphones Survey
We are Hayes parents who have questions about smartphones' impact on our children's wellbeing. We would like to gauge interest among Hayes parents in discussing, learning about, and taking action around this topic (e.g., reading together Jonathan Haidt's The Anxious Generation, hearing specialists speak about Wait Until 8th and other campaigns, along with other initiatives.) To start, could you please help us learn how you approach your children's use of smartphones and smart watches by answering the questions in this survey between now and Friday, JUNE 14th? Your help is much needed and appreciated!
Thank you and please be on the lookout for next steps soon.
Astrid Allen
Theodora Konetsovska
Erica O'Mahony
Nathalie Roberts
Eli Silk
Summer Meals Kick Off Event
PSB Food Services, in partnership with the Massachusetts' Department of Education, Project Bread, is bringing the Summer Eats program back to Brookline this June.
To launch the program, we are hosting the Summer Meals Kick Off Event ‘Reimagining School Lunches the Sustainable Way’ on Thursday, June 20 from 11am to 3pm at the Brookline Avenue Playground. The event will feature activities, music, free food, games, giveaways and more! This year, we are featuring plant-based menu items as we partner with the Humane Society of America and pledge to make 50% of all school meals plant-based across the district. Kids and families will get an opportunity to provide feedback on menu items by voting for items they would like to see on future school menus.
From June 24 to August 16, free breakfast and lunch will be provided on weekdays to all children and teens age 18 and under at the Brookline Ave Playground (575 Brookline Ave). No identification or registration is required.
Summer Eats is a federal nutrition program designed to ensure that all youth (18 and under) have access to healthy meals and snacks during the summer, when school is not in session. For more information: or reach out to
Looking forward to you joining us at this fun-filled event.
Summer Reading
Hayes students are expected to keep reading over the summer to keep their brains active and engaged! Children who do not read during school breaks experience significant academic disadvantages and struggles over time. The good news is that the simple act of daily reading will avoid the "summer slide" and keep their skills sharp.
The Hayes Summer Reading website has everything your child needs: Suggested book lists, fun ways to track reading, resources for how to access free ebooks/audiobooks, and more. Students entering 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grades have strongly encouraged summer reading assignments from their future reading teachers and the high school librarians. If your child is entering 6th-9th grade, please make note of these assignments listed on the Hayes Summer Reading website.
Should you have any questions about summer reading or concerns about your child's ability to access reading materials over the break, please reach out to Hayes librarian Lindsay Anderson
HVAC System Upgrade: Mini--Split AC Units in Classrooms
The great news is that our classrooms will be outfitted with mini-split air conditioners this summer, ensuring a cool back to school in September. Currently, just some of our classes have AC units. I know many, many of you have been hopeful that we could add this comfort to our classrooms. We are so glad this is finally happening!
REMINDER: Withdrawing? Please Fill Out the Proper Paperwork Sooner Than Later
If we can receive this information sooner rather than later it will benefit us all by supporting balanced school assignments and section counts across the district (and all those class placement decisions, peer groupings, course availability, etc.).
Withdrawal forms are completed in Aspen, and a full guide for families who may need it is available here:
Thank you!
Upcoming Events & Field Trips
Monday, June 17th: Grade 5 Arcade, Cafeteria, 8:00am
Monday, June 17th: Rainbow Club!, 11:20-11:50am
Tuesday, June 18th: Last Day of School (Noon Dismissal)
Thursday, June 20th: Cycle 2: K-5 Progress Report Publish
Thursday, June 20th: Term 4 Report Cards Published for Grades 6-8
Field Trips:
Monday, June 17th: Grades 6/7 Trip to Showcase Superlux, 8:45am-12:00pm
Community-Based Opportunities
Nothing to share this week. Look for more community-based opportunities in the fall!
In Closing
Public education is, to me, precious. I argue that the most influential, most critical, and most necessary public institutions are our schools. Every one of you have made an investment in our school community this year – time, taxes, effort, expertise, love, donations, and so much more. Those investments are paying dividends, for sure.
I feel very proud to work with the finest teachers, the most compassionate staff, and extremely generous families. Our collective efforts make this a place in which children can grow and connect and learn.
As we close the year, I am filled with gratitude. Thank you.
Happy summer. I hope you fill your buckets with lots and lots of adventures (big and small) that bring you joy.
See you soon!
~ Asa
Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D. | Principal
Pronouns: he/him
Mr. Kirtan Patel | Vice Principal
Pronouns: he/him
Previous "Community Notes" can be found here:
The "School Name: History & Resources" website page is here:
Location: 100 Eliot Street, Chestnut Hill, MA, 02467
Phone: 617-879-4570
Roland Hayes School
The Public Schools Of Brookline | A METCO Partnership School
Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal & Mr. Kirtan Patel, Vice Principal