Schwarzkoff Friday Phone Call
Important Dates
Monday, April 22nd
Spiraled Vocab - Measurement and Data Monday
- M-Step Math 5th and 6th Grade
Tuesday, April 23rd
Spiraled Vocab - Taking time for Geometry
3rd-6th ELA M-Step
District Art Show
Wednesday, April 24rd
What's the Problem Wednesday - Check UPs3rd-6th Math M-Step
District Art Show
Thursday - April 25th
Thinking about Fraction's Thursday- District Art Show
- Take Your Child to Work Day
School Store
Friday - April 26th
ReadWorks , Fun Friday, & Recycling
Golden Paw for any student that visits with their family and takes a pic to share with Ms. Dickson
Video Game Bus Rescheduled to May 3rd
- All chocolate winners had prizes passed out this week.
- Our video game bus will be in May 3rd.
23-24 Parent Survey
- Please take this survey so we can create a plan to improve our school next year.
- The survey will be open until April 30th.
Best Fit Classroom Survey
- Due to the growth of our school and our work to create classrooms that are balanced in gender, behavioral, and academic needs we are changing our process of teacher requests.
- Any parent that would like to have the staff take a request into consideration for the 24-25 school year, should complete the classroom Best Fit Survey.
- This survey will allow the parent to provide input on the academic and behavioral needs of their student.
- Teachers will use the results of the survey when placements are created for the 24-25 school year.
- Please note our teachers will spend hours doing their best to create equitable classrooms based on gender, behavioral and academic needs.
- Only criteria related to behavioral and academic needs will be considered during placement.
Staff Shout Outs
Donuts with Dad and Muffins with Mom Updated to Pastries' with Your Person
- This year in place of our Mom and Dad event, we will host a more inclusive event called, "Pastries with Your Person."
- Each student will be able to bring a special someone to our event.
- This event will take place May 15th, from 7:30-8:15 and all students must have an adult person to attend the event.
- Click the link below to sign up to volunteer.
Yearbook Orders due by 4/15
Lunchroom Help Needed
Entering School at Breakfast Time (8:05)
- Students are allowed to enter the building from 8:05-8:15 AM to eat breakfast.
- All students that enter during this time must eat in the cafeteria.
- Please do not send your student into the building if they are not eating school breakfast.
No Smart Watches
Page 54 of the handbook states "Non-School Issued Electronic Communications Devices for personal use of non-school issued cell phones or other electronic communications devices (ECDs) by students is prohibited at any time while in school or in a district vehicle. Students may carry ECDs during the school day, but they cannot be displayed or used without permission from a teacher or administrator for educational purposes. Personal use of the device shall be limited to the time before and after the school day and only when students are outside the building. ECDs shall not be used during instructional time, lunch, passing time between classes or on any school bus without permission of a school official.
GSRP Pre-Application
Safety Reminders for Parents
- No parents on school playpads from 8:25-3:15
- All volunteers must have background check
- Parents with issues with students that are NOT their children, speak to the teacher so we may address these issues.
- No students may be dropped off BEFORE 8:05.
- Duty supervision begins at 8:15.
- Parents must supervise students that are not going to breakfast from 8:05-8:15.
Questions or Concerns – Who to Contact
When you have a concern it is critical to move through the steps below:
Step 1: Your Child’s Teacher
• Classroom curriculum, materials, instruction, and/or assessment questions
• Questions regarding your student’s progress
• Information that may impact your child’s learning
Step 2: Your Child’s Principal
• Program and classroom concerns, following conversation with teacher
• Discipline concerns
• Building management questions
• School and classroom curriculum, materials, instruction, and/or assessment questions
Step 3: School District - Executive Administrator of Schools
• If questions/concerns have not been addressed after speaking with the building principal, please contact the Executive Administrator of Schools Office at (586) 797-1114
• Parents and eligible students who have questions or concerns regarding pupil rights may contact the Executive Administrator of Schools Office at (586) 797-1114
Over the Counter Medications
- Our staff is unable to provide ANY cough drops, cough medicine, aspirin, Benadryl, etc. without a form being completed by your doctor.
- Please complete the form below, have the doctor sign, and bring ANY medications to the office.
Birthday Celebrations
The teachers and staff at Schwarzkoff strongly support and encourage the recognition of a child’s birthday during the school day. It is an annual milestone in every child’s life that should be celebrated not just at home, but in school as well, where children spend one-third of their day with teachers, classmates, and peers. While there are many wonderful and creative ways to celebrate a child’s birthday in school, birthday celebrations at Schwrzkoff will not include food treats. Instead, the focus at Schwarzkoff will be recognizing the day in a variety of special ways that do not include food treats. Some possibilities include:
· Class sings “Happy Birthday”
· Parent makes a donation of book to class library/read to class
· Student reads favorite book to class
· Student donates a special class gift for recess
Your child’s teacher will have more information on how birthdays will be celebrated in the classroom. As educators, caregivers and loved ones we all want the best for our students. Thank you for joining us in giving students healthy opportunities to celebrate important events and achievements.
Too Sick to Come to School?
Take a Peek at These Health Department Guidelines
When is your child too sick to attend school? The following guidelines, along with the advice of your family doctor, will help you decide when your child should stay home:
• Cold and/or cough – a child with deep mucus that causes a cough and heavy nose drainage cannot function at school.
• Fever – fever is a warning that something is wrong. A child should remain at home for 24 hours after the fever is gone without the use of medication.
• Rash – a rash, spots or blotches on the skin can be the first sign of many illnesses. Rashes require a physician’s release stating they are not contagious.
• Stomachache/Upset – a child who is vomiting or has diarrhea should be kept at home and may return 24 hours after the symptoms are gone.
• Head Lice – a child with head lice must remain at home until treatment is complete and school officials confirm he or she is free of lice. Check your child’s head before school begins in the fall and routinely during the school year or if he or she complains of an itchy scalp. Look around your child’s ears and back of the neck for nits, which are tiny, 8 white, oval-shaped lice eggs that are attached to the hair near the scalp. Nits may look like dandruff or scalp flakes, but nits do not move and are difficult to dislodge. Notify the school office immediately if your child has head lice. Begin treatment immediately by contacting your doctor or purchasing over the counter medication from the drug store. To prevent spreading head lice, wash all infested garments, hair accessories, bedding and other surfaces with hot water and disinfectant. You must sign your child in at the office when he or she is returning to school after treatment for head lice.
Policy on Personal Items
Any cell phones must be turned off and out of view during school hours or while on the bus.
Students should NOT bring toys, game boys, Nintendo DS or any hand-held electronic games, CD players, MP3 or IPods, PDA’s, memorabilia, special cards or other collectible or expensive items to school.
Schwarzkoff Elementary School is not responsible for personal items that are lost or damaged.
Such items will be collected and kept in the office. A parent must come and retrieve any items they wish to have returned.
Pet Policy
Utica Community Schools has a no pet policy on school property.
Students will have the opportunity to go outside with their classmates during designated times throughout the day. Recess helps to promote social and emotional learning and development for all children. Allowing time for our students to engage in peer interactions allows them to role play essential social skills. Recess also benefits our students by increasing their level of physical activity improving their memory, attention, and concentration. Each class will have a recess attached to the lunch program. We go outside whenever possible and stay inside if it is raining or the temperatures are below 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Students will have an optional second recess each day with their classroom teacher. Please have children dress for the weather.
Reminder there are NO PARENTS allowed in Recess Areas during School Day
Allergen Form for Special Dietary Needs
Students with food allergies that wish to use school meals must have a Special Dietary Needs form (11A) completed and signed by a physician. Forms need to be turned in to the office of Food and Nutrition Service. Without this form we cannot make accommodations. This form must be updated every year to ensure accuracy. Since all schools have vegetarian options, parents do not need to complete a form for that option.
Background Checks
A new volunteer is considered someone who did not volunteer for the 2022-2023 school year. (new enrollment, parent/guardian with opportunities to help this year that they didn't have last year).
Please remember that any person who is sanctioned to engage students on the district’s behalf (i.e., assistant athletic coach, Science Olympiad, Lego Robotics, chaperone, etc.) requires a cleared check.