Tiger Time
December Newsletter
A Letter from Mr. Vandell
Greetings HFMS Families,
And just like that we have almost completed half of our school year together! I hope that everyone had a nice Thanksgiving Break and the time was well spent with friends and family near. As we wrap up the first semester, please take a minute to review your child’s progress with them and discuss any potential improvements that can be made or new goals for the second semester.
I also want to take this time to wish all of our students, families, and the entire HFMS community Happy Holidays and brightest wishes for the coming New Year. It is my sincere hope that we all continue to work together towards our goal of providing all of our young people with the best education possible in a safe and caring environment.
As always, please do not ever hesitate to reach out to myself or our admin team if there are questions or concerns you have at any time throughout the school year.
Take care,
Eric R. Vandell
Principal, HFMS
Attendance Update
As we approach the halfway mark, I am THRILLED to share that we are at 93.3% for Daily Average Attendance. Our goal is to end the year at 95% and we are so very close! Keep up the good work Tigers!
Tips for ending the semester strong:
- Plan vacations/trips for school issued days off (two full weeks this year!)
- Stay healthy with hand washing habits and dressing for the colder weather
- Ensure sleep by going to bed at a decent time
- Have a backup plan for getting to school-winter presents many obstacles, so having a backup plan including planning with other parents to carpool, can take the stress off with winter weather
Let's Roar to Success, and Miss 9 Days or Less!
Volunteering Opportunity
Basketball season has started and our PTO is eager to run the concession stand. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents, guardians, students, and community members to come together in service. Please consider signing up for a 2 hour shift (only one day) to spend some time building up relationships with our school community.
Sign up HERE