Anderson Elementary Update
September 2024

From the Desk of the Principal. . .
Anderson Families,
We continue to move forward. We are now on the second round of both our literacy and math interventions/extensions. Family Literacy Night is coming in December. We also have an extra dress-up day and assembly coming next week. This issue of our update has lots of pictures of our students who are accomplishing great things!
Alanna Denton, Principal
Anderson Elementary
Our November Assembly will be on November 13. Our students will celebrate our Veterans! We will also recognize our leaders of the week and our leaders of the month. We are holding a school dress up day on November 13-we are planning to wear red, white and blue to honor our veterans!
Dress-Up Day
November 13, 2024 is red, white and blue dress-up day!!!
Question Of The Day
This week one of our questions was what would a perfect school day look like? Students suggested that a perfect day would start with recess, then gym, then music, then art, then lunch and then a really long recess!!! Here are some students enjoying a lunch favorite: meatballs!
Adopt-A-Service Person
Each grade level is planning to adopt a military service person for the month of December. We will be writing letters and putting together a care package for them! Contact your child's teacher for more information.
Counselor's Corner
November is "Gratitude is an Attitude" month, where we celebrate all the good things in our lives, both at school and home. Every day holds a bit of goodness if we take the time to find it! Our gratitude tree, where students write down people they appreciate, is blossoming with heartfelt notes and will keep growing throughout the month. Lunch Bunch is thriving, now meeting twice a week, and small groups for 1st graders and kindergarteners have increased to four times a week, focusing on building a growth mindset and understanding school expectations. As our first round of small groups concludes next week, students in the self-control groups will receive a special certificate to bring home, recognizing their efforts. Thankful tip for home: Each day, try sharing one thing you’re grateful for with your family—it’s a simple way to end the day on a positive note!
Family Literacy Night Is Coming!!!!
On December 3 , 2024 from 4:00-5:00 p.m. we will be hosting a Family Literacy Gingerbread Hunt Activity. Families are invited to come in and learn a little bit about literacy at each grade level. The evening's activities will include a gingerbread hunt and gingerbread cookie decorating and eating.
Weekly Leader Program
We continue to recognize students who are being leaders. We are excited about this program and hope to recognize all of our students who demonstrate leadership qualities throughout the year.
Leaders Of The Week
More Leaders Of The Week
IXL Most Correct Questions For October in Ms. Thompson's Class
Responsibility Room
Responsibility Room is a program we use to help students rethink some of the behaviors that have gotten them into trouble. We run it during part of our recess. Students who are referred to the responsibility room will spend time in restorative practices and rethinking their choices. We are excited about this program and hopeful that it will help our students make sound choices.
Health Fruits and Vegetables
Our school was awarded a grant for healthy fruit and vegetable snacks. With this grant we are able to provide a free fruit or vegetable snack to students. The program has a goal of providing students with an opportunity to try some unique fruits and vegetables. This week we had our first fruit snack which was dragonfruit. Most students were willing to try it!
Important Dates
November 13-Red, White and Blue Dress-Up Day, Student Veteran's Day Assembly
November 27-29-No School-Thanksgiving Break
December 4-Half Day-Teacher Professional Development
December 20-Half Day