Jenkins Journal
Herschel V. Jenkins High School

H.V. Jenkins Journal, Monday, March 3, 2025, 2nd Semester Week 9
#Attendance Matters #MissSchool #MissOut
Herschel V. Jenkins High School
"Herschel V. Jenkins believed that education was the key to improving lives, the cornerstone of a strong community, and the path to a better world."
1800 E Derenne Ave,│ Savannah, GA 31406
Tel:(912) 395-6300
Dr. Justin Durham, Principal
Mr. Alfred Williams, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Faria Polite, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kristen Wilson, Assistant Principal
Ms. Kaney Ballance, Dean of Students
Greetings Warrior Nation!
In 2024-2025, the Georgia School Climate Surveys (GSCS) for students, teachers, staff, and families will replace the Georgia Student Health Survey (GSHS), the Georgia Parent School Climate Survey (GPSCS), and the Georgia School Personnel Survey (GSPS). This new suite of surveys, aligned with Georgia’s Systems of Continuous Improvement, will provide more actionable data for district and school leaders, reduce the number of questions for students, and eliminate most other GaDOE survey requirements.
Student Survey: https://survey.gadoe.org/HS?sid=08DF43E2
Family Survey: https://survey.gadoe.org/FM?sid=3973A0A2
SCCPSS GSCS Administration Dates: February 3rd to March 31st
Warrior Pride
A Season to Remember
Congratulations are in order for our Lady Warriors Basketball team and our coaching staff for making it to the final four and 3.3 seconds away from playing in the State Championship Game. These amazing talented student-athletes have no reason to hold their heads down. They will be back next year using this experience to reach their ultimate goal. Great season and super effort by all.
Jenkins Student Spotlight
Upcoming Choral/Drama
Monday (3/3), the students below will be competing at the Region GHSA Literary competition.
Oral Interpretation
Duo - Sakiah Adams, Saniah Adams
Trio - Alyssa Rogers, Kylie Farmer, McKenzee Smith, Gissell Garcia, Alexis Parker, Madison Mike
Personal - Livette Tatsinkou
Tuesday (3/4), our Chorus will present their Spring Mid-Semester Concert. The concert starts at 6:00pm.
National Shakespeare Competition
Leland Gillard- 2nd place! He is also the staring as Romeo in the school play!
National History Day Regional Contest Winners
We are thrilled to announce the outstanding results of the Coastal Region History Day! We are beyond excited to share that the following students have been selected to compete at the prestigious State History Day Contest, which will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025, at LaGrange College in LaGrange, Georgia.
In an incredible show of talent and hard work, each student who earned FIRST place has been awarded a remarkable $3,000 scholarship (renewable annually) to attend LaGrange College. Those who placed SECOND will receive $2,000, and THIRD place winners will be awarded $1,000. Altogether, this amounts to a generous total of $47,000 in scholarships! We couldn’t be prouder of these brilliant students and their exceptional achievements!
Thank you to everyone who helped and we look to you to help prepare the students for the State Competition in April.
Senior Papers
First Place Aranza Pereira The Women’s Suffrage Movement: The Demand for Government to “Remember the Ladies”
Second Place Alexander Larson War Reporting: The Power and Risks of Journalism in Conflict
Senior Group Documentaries
First Place Dennis de Rijck, Henry Nguyen, Brendon Hill and Anthony Willis
Prohibition’s Prelude: The Creation of the Volstead Act
Second Place Manav Patel, Advay Iyengar, Nathaniel Ramnat Kashmir: State of Conflict
Third Place Ketcy Diaz, Arah Maningas, Jaila Speaks Burning Passion for Women’s Rights: Homa Darabi
Senior Individual Exhibits
First Place Brooklyn Baldwin Invisible Realities: The Evolution of Rights and for Students with Hidden Disabilities
Second Place McKenzie Murphy The 1833 Factory Acts in Britain
Senior Individual Websites
First Place Rahi Patel The Scream for Rights Along with Duty: The Uprising of May ‘68
Senior Group Website
First Place Shamiah Ellis, Koture Rivers, Londyn Alston The Rights and Responsibilities of the Gwangju Uprising
Second Place Jazzmyn Johnson and Paitin Thornton Silent Cries: The rights and Responsibilities lost in the Stories of Uganda’s Child Soldiers
A special thank you to Miss Muskin, the Regional Contest Coordinator, for her hard work in arranging a fantastic day of celebration for our students and their families.
Capturing Greatness
Important Student Reminders
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Mu Phi Chapter ACADEMIC AND NEEDS-BASED SCHOLARSHIP
Academic Scholarship Application
1. Chatham and Effingham Counties high school senior only
2. Completed application, signed, and dated
3. School Counselor Form
4. GPA of 90 on a 100-point scale
5. Scholarship option is indicated on document
6. SAT or ACT Scores
7. Proof of admission to an accredited college/university
8. Current academic/biographical resume
9. Sealed letter of recommendation from a teacher, school counselor, or school administrator
10. Official Sealed Transcript
11. Essay (See Enclosed Sheet)
12. Formal Senior Picture (head shot only)
Gulfstream Application Packet (Only Rising Juniors and Seniors may apply) Items to include in Packet:
- Resume
- Cover Letter – at least (3) paragraphs typed and emailed to Ms. Washington
- Tailored for Gulfstream position--why would you like to work there/your skills
- One-page application—See Ms. Washington in room #2322
(3) Letters of Recommendation—See Ms. Washington in room #2322
Email Resume and Cover Letter to Ms. Washington at Daisymae.washington@sccpss.com
Few Reminders:
- Students may apply for 3 positions at Gulfstream
Students will have to be enrolled in the WBL class next school year and work a minimum of 15 – 20 hours per week.
- This apprenticeship is a priority. Performing in sports and extra curriculum activity will may lower your chances in getting hired
*After the student returns all of the items in the packet then students MUST apply for the Gulfstream online in the presence of Ms. Washington in room #2322*
LAST Day to apply is Thursday March 14th
College Applications Fees Waived in March!
Class of 2025 Students and Parents!
Georgia Student Finance Commission is partnering with University System of Georgia, Technical College System of Georgia and private universities across the state to provide Georgia high school seniors application fee waivers during the month of March.
Please see the link below for a list of colleges in Georgia that have waived college applications, allowing students to apply for free to colleges during the month of March.
Submit your essay to dopeinc210@gmail.com or khalilah.watson@sccpss.com
Scholarship Reminder!
This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for the Marshland Credit Union Scholarship is fast approaching! The final date for your students to submit applications is next Monday, March 3rd.
Marshland Credit Union will be awarding five (5) $2,500 scholarships to individuals entering higher education in 2025. These scholarships are available to students pursuing any form of post-secondary education, including college, university, and trade schools. We will notify students on the results in mid-April.
Scholarship Details:
- Award Amount: 5 scholarships of $2,500 each
- Eligibility: Open to individuals entering higher education in 2025
- Application Deadline: March 3, 2025
How Students Can Apply:
- Visit our website at marshlandcu.com
- Navigate to the Tools tab and select the Forms and Applications button.
- Click on Scholarship Application to access the application form.
- Visit the URL marshlandcu.com/scholarship-application
Currently on our website home page there is a direct link to where the application is located.
Should you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!
Thank you for helping us support your students' educational journeys!
Amy Fritchman
Chief Marketing Officer
After School GMAS Math Tutoring
Mrs. Silva will have GMAS tutorial in her room every Monday starting 3/3/25 from 2:30pm-3:30pm.
Community Service Opportunity
Compensatory Programs is seeking dedicated students to help assemble 400 hygiene kits. This is a wonderful opportunity to earn volunteer hours while giving back to the community.
If you have any students in need of Community Service Hours for graduation, please have them contact Mrs. Monica Daughtry at (912) 395-1405 for more information.
Legit 2 Lit-Jenkins Chapter
Please join 2 Legit 2 Lit-Jenkins Chapter on the following dates to earn community service hours.
Dates: March 22, April 12 and May 3.
For additional information contact Heidi Friede at heidi.friede@sccpss.com
All supplies and refreshments will be provided.
Class of 2025 Community Service Requirement
Attention Seniors: Please remember per SCCPSS board policy that 20 hours of community service is a requirement for graduation. All community service documentation must be turned in to your assigned school counselor by Monday, April 7, 2025. Seniors who do not complete this requirement will not be eligible for graduation, including participating in the graduation ceremony. Community Service documentation logs can be picked up in the school counseling center.
Parent Information
Administrative Team
Mrs. Faria Polite, Assistant Principal
Ms. Kaney Ballance, Dean of Students
Mr. Alfred Williams, Assistant Principal
Two Way Communication
Our school mission is to ignite a passion for learning and teaching at high levels. Herschel V. Jenkins High Schools will provide a world-class educational that produces students of character prepared for the future. To ensure we communicate the necessary information to our stakeholders, I would encourage parents/guardians to contact me @ Justin.Durham@sccpss.com to share ways to improve our communication. We will correspond every Sunday via Bright Arrow (Parent and student email), JHS Facebook, the JHS webpage, and the SCCPSS webpage. Please let us know if you are not receiving this correspondence at (912) 395-6300 .
Email: Justin.Durham@sccpss.com
Website: https://spwww.sccpss.com/schools/jenkins/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 1800 E Derenne Ave, Savannah, GA 31406
Phone: (912) 395-6300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialhvj?mibextid=LQQJ4d