Longhorn Stampede
January 7-14
Lone Star Elementary
Christopher Stowe, Principal
Mary Crismon, Assistant Principal
Sara Arnold, Counselor
Website: https://lonestares.misd.org/
Location: 16600 FM 2854 Road, Montgomery, TX, USA
Phone: (936) 276-4500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lsemontgomery/
Twitter: @lse_montgomery
Applications Required for Free and Reduced Meals
Car Rider Line Reminder - Be in Line by 3:50pm
On most days the car rider line is now ending at about 3:55pm. If you are using the car rider line, please be in line to be placed into the queue by 3:50pm. If you are not in the queue by this time you will need to park and go to the front office for a late check-out. Thank you!
Bus Tag Reminder
Please do not punch holes into the SMARTtag bus tags. They must go inside a clear plastic protector to attach to a backpack. When a hole is punched into the tag, the chip inside will not work and the tag will not read on the SMARTtag scanners.
Watch D.O.G.S. Sign-up Info
The Watch DOGS sign up genius for the fall semester will be emailed out towards the end of this week. It will be sent to those who have turned in both the Watch DOGS form and district background check. Please only sign up for ONE day- we want to be able to give everyone who would like to participate the opportunity.
Forms can be found below:
Stowe's Sticky Notes
Welcome back, Longhorns! I hope that everyone had a great break from school. I'm sure many moms and dads were excited to drink their coffee in a quieter setting this morning 😉. We were happy to see everyone's smiling faces as they came in. We had 7 new students join us at Lone Star today, so if you see a new family, please be sure to welcome them to Lone Star.
This month our students will take their Middle of the Year screeners for Math and Reading. We are excited for them to show what they know and to see the growth that they have made throughout the year! Once all of the screeners are completed and our data is reviewed, teachers will send home the results for you to review at home.
This month our 5th graders will get a chance to visit Oak Hills Junior High to tour and see a preview of some of the elective class offerings. OHJH will also have a curriculum night for our 5th graders and their parents on January 27th from 5:30-6:30pm. And finally, we'll have the 100th day of school on the last day of January.
Look forward to iReady Spirit Week and the PTA Spring Carnival and much more in February!
Mr. Stowe
Important Dates
January - School Board Appreciation Month
January 9-16 Middle of the Year Universal Screeners Reading and Math
January 15-22 Battle of the Books Intro in Library, Grades 3-5
January 20 - No School, District Holiday, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 23- Battle of the Books Reading period begins (through May 9)
January 27- 5th to 6th Grade Curriculum Night at Oak Hills Junior High 5:30pm-6:30pm.
January 28- 5th graders visit OHJH
January 31- 100th day of School
February 3- 101st Day of School - Dalmatian day for Kinder
February 3- Author Visit for Grades 3-5
February 10-13- iReady Spirit Week
February 11 - 5th Grade District Choir Performance at MHS (evening)
February 14- Tribe Day (no lunch visitors, please)
February 3- 101st Day of School - Dalmatian day for Kinder
February 17 - Student Holiday, District Professional Development, President's Day
February 22, Spring PTA Carnival
March 6- 2nd Grade Performance @ 8:30am for students and @ 6pm for parents
March 10-14 Spring Break
March 17- No School, Student Holiday
March 22- MISD Education Foundation Spring Soiree
April 1- Books Alive performance for Grades PK-2
April 8 - RLA STAAR for Grades 3-5 (closed campus, no visitors)
April 15- Science STAAR for Grade 5 (closed campus, no visitors)
April 17- Egg Hunt for PreK (12:20) and Kinder (2pm)
April 18- No School, District Holiday, Good Friday
April 21- No School, Student Holiday, Professional Development
April 23- Math STAAR for Grades 3-5 (closed campus, no visitors)
May 1-2 Book Fair Preview
May 5-9 Book Fair Shopping
May 12-16 Battle of the Books, Class Battles
May 12- All Library Books Due
May 16- Field Day
May 23- Last Day of School
Tentative End of Year Awards - Times will be coming ASAP
PreK - May 20
Kinder- May 19
1st-May 22
2nd- May 20
3rd-May 22
4th- May 20
5th- May 21
5th Grade Clapout- May 23
Tentative Dates for Field Trips (may change as booked)
Pre-K - April 11
Kinder - April 4
1st Grade - April 224th Grade - TBD
5th Grade - TBD
Nurse's Notes
Arrival and Dismissal Notes
Do NOT park in a handicap space for any amount of time unless you have a handicap sticker. We have families that need to use these spaces.
If you are parking and not using the car rider line, you must walk your children into the vestibule. Students can only be dropped off on the car rider line.
If you arrive after 8:15am, you will need to park in the parking lot and escort your children inside for a tardy pass. Students may not be dropped off at the curb.
Transportation changes can be made through PikMyKid up until 2pm each day. Click on the calendar to update your dismissal method. It's always a good idea to let the teacher know via email/dojo/bloomz just in case.
The last time to check out a student early is 3:00pm. If you have an emergency, please contact the front office.
School ends each day 3:40pm and dismissal begins at that time. Please keep these times and the time it takes to dismiss all students in mind as you register students for extra-curricular activities.
At dismissal, if you need to buckle a child into a seat for car rider, after your child is safely in the car, please pull forward into a visitor parking spot so that you can safely buckle in your child and keep our line moving.
Updated Snack Procedures from Child Nutrition
The MISD Child Nutrition department has updated the number and grade spans for snacks to be consistent across all MISD Elementary campuses. This means that technically Kindergarten students could purchase an ice cream every day. In the past we had limited lower grades to just one day per week.
If you need to place a restriction on your child's lunch account so that they aren't charging a snack (or two!) every day, please reach out to our cafeteria manager, Erica Cedillo, at erica.cedillo@misd.org.