February 24, 2025
- Thursday, Feb 27 | Athlete Dress-Up Day, show your school spirit! Wear your favorite sports gear or represent your favorite team to earn points for your school team!
- Credo's Middle School Drama Club is proud to present the accumulation of all their hard work with their musical The Grunch! Directed by Natalie Hoogstra, The Grunch tells the story of a drama group as they answer the question of what it really means to say, 'The Show Must Go On!' Come on out to the gym on Saturday, March 8 for our 7:00 PM performance. The doors will open at 6:45 and admission is free. We are excited to see you there!
- Thursday, Mar 13 & 14 | Parent-Teacher Conferences | A letter with conference details and booking instructions will be emailed to parents on Thursday. Conference booking will open on Monday, Mar 3 @ 12:00 PM.
- Thursday, Mar 13 | Parent-Teacher Conferences | 3:30 - 8:00 PM
- Friday, Mar 14 | Parent-Teacher Conferences - No Regular Classes | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- March 17 - 28 | Spring Break | No School
- Monday, Mar 31 | Classes Resume!
Upcoming Field Trips
- Friday, Mar 7 | Grade 4A & 4B | Vancouver Aquarium (https://permission.click/0KeGn/ca)
Grade 6/7 Girls Volleyball Development Camp
When: March 17-20 (Spring Break)
Where: CCHS Gym
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Bring: Knee Pads & Waterbottle
Cost: $25.00
Coach: Renee Leffers
*24 Girls Max
To Register: Email rbleffers@gmail.com
Payment: Etransfer rbleffers@gmail.com (password: volleyball)
Grade 6/7 Boys Volleyball Camp
When: March 24-26 (Spring Break)
Where: CCHS Gym
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Bring: Knee Pads (optional) & Waterbottle
Cost: $20.00
Coach: Jason Togeretz
*24 Boys Max
To Register: Email aprilh10@hotmail.com
Payment: Etransfer to jason.togeretz@hotmail.com
Credo Aid
Neufeld pick-up this Thursday!
- Pick up your Neufeld order this Thursday, Feb. 27, at 2:15 in front of Langley church! (Please note the 2:15 time -- the refrigerated Neufeld truck will be there for a limited time only.)
- Eco cloths ($5) and dish brushes ($20) will be available for sale at pick-up (exact cash for payment appreciated).
- We raised over $1000 with this fundraiser -- thank you!
Cedar Rim/Devan gift cards: order now through March 5!
- Spring is coming (really)! Order your Cedar Rim and Devan nursery gift cards (available in $25, $50, and $100 amounts) now through March 5.
- Submit your order to Georgene VanDelft (778-549-7538 or georgenebouwman@gmail.com)
- Payment options are cash, cheque (to Credo Aid, earmarked "nursery"), or e-transfer (subject line "nursery") to credoaidpac@gmail.com.
- Order pick-up will be March 12th and 13th, 2:30-3 PM at the elementary school, or arrange with Georgene VanDelft.
ShopEasy - Gift Cards
Reps:- Sue Schouten (Langley) mattandsueschouten@gmail.com
- Brenda Beukema (Refuge) bmbeukema@gmail.com
- Meagan Vandergriendt (Aldergrove) meaganvdh@hotmail.com
- Belinda Dykstra (Cloverdale/School office) belindadykstra@gmail.com
Kindergarten - Mrs. Van Dyke (KA) & Mrs. Stebbing (KB)
- KA - Monday, Wednesday & Friday
- KB - Tuesday & Thursday
- Captains this Week:
- KA: Mon - Noah, Wed - Pierre, Fri - Renae, Mon (Apr 3) - Samantha
- Please email a picture of a family trip you went on (a holiday or a day trip) and Show N' Tell
- KB: Tues - Ally, Thurs - Autumn
- Please bring a picture book (or email a book title) that you enjoyed reading and Show N' Tell
- LA: q is for queen, r is for rainbow, s is for snake
- Math: two-dice games, patterns
- Social Studies: families unit
- Bible: Miracles of Jesus
- Author Study: Berenstain Bears
Grade 1 - Ms. Scholtens
- Last grade one day off this week Wednesday! Please do not send your child - enjoy the day together!
- Memory work: Ps 116:1
- On Thursday we have athlete day. Dress sporty!
- Thursday is our 100th day but in light of athlete day, we will celebrate 101 days of school on Friday!
- What we are busy with this week:
- Math: addition, subtraction and doubles
- Socials: community
- Gym: gymnastics
- Bible: Samuel
Grade 2 - Mrs. Onderwater (A) & Ms. Wu (B)
- Did you send a picture of your house for our community bulletin board? Please email them to each teacher. Thanks!
- Memory Work: Hymn 10 verse 1, audio version here: Hymn 10:1.
- Bible: Easter week
- Math: Place Value & Double-digit addition
- Socials: Community needs and wants
- Show and Tell every Tuesday and Thursday. Feel free to send pictures through email for show and tell!
Grade 3 - Ms. Visscher
- Memory Work: Hymn 111:1, due Friday, February 28.
- Bible: We are learning about the Israelites in the wilderness and how God cares and provides for His people.
- Writing: In writing, students are selecting one of their drafted paragraphs to revise and publish, focusing on refining their ideas and strengthening their writing.
- Reading: We are reading Stone Fox and focusing on understanding new vocabulary and identifying important details.
- Math: We have a multiplication and division test on Wednesday. After that, we will begin our new unit on sorting and data management.
- Socials: Students are researching their provinces land and economy for their big provincial projects!
- Art: Finishing our concentric hands.
- PE: Gymnastics
Grade 4A - Mr. Vandergugten
- Bible: Kings of Israel – Ahab and Elijah
- Memory work: Psalm 128:1 due Friday February 28
- ELA Reading: Snow Treasure novel study
- ELA Writing: Sentence Fluency; building and rearranging sentences
- Math: Division
- PE: Badminton
- Social Studies: The Age of Exploration: Artifacts of Exploration; Cause and Effect of Exploration
- Science: How animals sense and respond to the environment
- Art: Vanishing point perspective drawing
- Spelling – Unit 6 – double letter words
- Music (NS): Wrapping up our unit on Black History Month and nailing our cup rhythm game!
Grade 4B - Ms. Vantil
What an exciting week we had last week! I was very impressed with the students’ work in preparing for our Math Pie Sale to review all we have learned about fractions, and they seemed to really enjoy “buying” from and “selling” their pies to one another. There is much to look forward to this week too including Athlete’s Day on Thursday, as well as all of the below:
- Memory Work: Deuteronomy 16:15b due this week Friday, February 28
- Bible: Our Bible stories this week cover several more of the last kings of Israel, as we hear stories from Jehu to Pekah and are constantly reminded of God’s great plan and the ways in which he provides day after day for his people.
- Math: This week we start our new unit all about Financial Literacy (ie. Money). This unit provides an amazing opportunity for students to connect their learning to their day to day lives as well as reinforce what we have been learning about Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction.
- Social Studies: This week we will be learning more about what specific animals were involved in the Fur Trade as well as about the Trade Wars that unfolded as trading companies fought to have those animal furs traded to them.
- Science: This week as part of our newest unit all about how humans, animals, and plants sense and respond to their environment, we will be going on a Nature Scavenger Hunt to see, hear, smell, touch, and (imaginatively) taste what we can sense in the great outdoors. We will also be further discussing specific animal adaptations and the predator and prey relationships we see in the wild.
- ELA: In Reading this week we begin our newest novel study: Snow Treasure, a story about Peter Lundstrom and the children of Riswyk in Nazi-occopied Norway. In Writing this week our paragraph topic will be a feature article all about the interesting people in our lives.
- Reading Ninja Logs are due next week Monday!
- Gym: Gymnastics!
- Music (NS): Wrapping up our unit on Black History Month and nailing our cup rhythm game!
Grade 5 - Mrs. VanSpronsen & Mrs. Vanrhee
- Bible: Jesus heals the man born blind, The Good Shepherd, The Good Samaritan
- Memory Work: Ps 108:1
- Reading: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. This is our first fantasy novel. This novel study will focus on reading comprehension, critical thinking, and vocabulary. We have already listened to chapters 1-4. This week we hope to complete through chapter 8. We will have a vocabulary quiz on Thursday. It will be matching.
- Math – Number Sense (LSVS): Fractions – denominators and numerators, equivalent fractions and mixed numbers
- Science: The Digestive System. The Cracker Challenge – 6 crackers – 1 minute, no water, just saliva! We are learning all the organs and the roles they play in digestion.
- Art: Emily Carr ~ our 2nd painting in her same style. Art is on Wednesday!
- Church History: Slide project assignment focusing on saints of the early Christian Church
- Writing: Paragraph development and organization
- Math (NV): Wrapping up on unit on Financial Literacy with review and test on Friday
- Socials: Immigration considering residential schools and reconciliation
- PE: New unit in Badminton
- French (SP): Students are working on creating a French calendar for one of the months of the year.
- Music (NS): Wrapping up our unit on Black History Month and nailing our cup rhythm game!
Grade 6A - Ms. Krikke
- Another busy week ahead! Personal progress reports (blue paper) were sent home on Friday. Please sign & return them by Wednesday. This is a great opportunity to have a discussion with your child about how things are going at school. Students love receiving an encouraging note from their parents in the feedback section on the backside of the page. 🙂 This week is our final week to work on Genius Hour projects. A reminder that the Open House is Friday, March 7th from 1:30-2:40 in the gym. You are invited to come check out the hard work!
- Memory Work: Hymn 68:1 due on Friday, February 28th and Psalm 91:1 due on Friday, March 7th.
- Bible: We are finishing our Exodus unit this week and working on a few wrap-up activities.
- ELA: We are working on a final project for The Cay this week.
- Math (DJ): This week we will begin our next unit on Patterns and Algebra. This week our focus will be on balancing simple equations.
- Socials: We begin our unit on poverty this week.
- Science (KN): We are looking at Newton’s 2nd and 3rd laws of motion this week, and discussing what it means to have balanced and unbalanced forces.
- French: Unit 3 Comics are due on Thursday. We begin review for our Unit 3 test.
- ADST: Genius Hour is one week away! Keep working hard on your projects - make sure you have something to present/ display on your table for our Open House. Parents and grandparents are invited to come view grade 6A and 6B’s projects from 1:30-2:40 on Friday, March 7th in their respective classrooms.
- Art: We continue work on our Bird Mosaics this week.
- Music (NS): Beginning our unit on attributes of music, singing & body percussion
- PE (SP): This week will be a combination of fitness and handball!
Grade 6B - Mrs. Noort & Ms. Snyder
- This week, personal progress reports are being sent home on Wednesday, Feb 26 and asked to be returned by Friday, Feb 28. The progress report is a great way to check in with your child about how things are progressing academically for them. We have one more week to work on our Genius Hour projects! Genius Hour Open House is Friday, March 7th from 1:30-2:40 in the gym. You are invited to come check out the hard work!
- Memory Work: Hymn 68:1 due on Friday, February 28th and Psalm 91:1 due on Friday, March 7th.
- Bible: Exodus 31-40 and reviewing Unit 6 material.
- ELA: Finishing our unit activities for ‘The Cay’ and beginning our final project.
- Math (DJ): This week we will begin our next unit on Patterns and Algebra. This week our focus will be on balancing simple equations.
- Socials (NK): We begin our unit on poverty this week.
- Science (KN): We are looking at Newton’s 2nd and 3rd laws of motion this week, and discussing what it means to have balanced and unbalanced forces.
- French (NK): Unit 3 Comics are due on Thursday. We begin review for our Unit 3 test.
- Art: Bird Mosaics
- ADST: Genius Hour is one week away! Keep working hard on your projects - make sure you have something to present/ display on your table for our Open House. Parents and grandparents are invited to come view grade 6A and 6B’s projects from 1:30-2:40 on Friday, March 7th in their respective classrooms.
- Music (NS): Presenting our composer biographies in small groups, beginning our unit on attributes of music, singing, and body percussion.
- PE (SP): This week will be a combination of fitness and handball!
Grade 7 - Mr. Pruim
- Memory Work: Psalm 103:1 due Friday, February 28. Psalm 16:1 due for Friday, March 7.
- Bible: Students are working to complete their timelines of the last 12 kings of Judah. This project is due for Thursday, February 27. Then, we will focus on the kings of Israel.
- English: We have begun our literary circles! The groups have completed their first meetings and are going to be powering through their books this week. Students are required to be aware of what they need to read and which assignment they need to complete prior to each of their group meetings. The second meeting is on Tuesday, the third one on Thursday. (These schedules are available on Google Classroom).
- Math: Our focus is on circle graphs and data collection and interpretation this week.
- Science (NS): Physical & Chemical properties of substances, observable properties of substances and preparing for our Chemistry Unit Test on Friday, March 7, using the memory palace/method of loci approach.
- Socials: The Ancient Civilizations groups are independently working to complete an assignment on a leader from their civilization. This assignment is due for Friday, February 28.
- French (AV): Continuing in unit 4, working with family vocabulary and possessive pronouns, as well as reviewing RE and IR verbs.
- Art: We are working on Pointillism paintings.
- Music (NS): Due Feb 26: MakeMusic #84. New music coming their way this week.
- PE (SS): Badminton & Fitness
Grade 8 - Mrs. Jackson
- Memory Work: Amos 9:11 - 12 (Due Friday, March 7)
- Current Events: Keziah (Tuesday); Susan (Wednesday); Scott (Thursday)
- Bible: Continuing our focus on the book of Acts.
- English (NK): We are reading Chapters 10-13 of The Giver this week. Students are reminded that if they miss class, they are responsible for catching up on reading the chapters and completing their Powerful Quotes Journal on Google Classroom. Students can complete this work from home as the full novel is also found on the assignment page in Google Classroom.
- Math: We will begin working with our groups to complete a floor plan of an apartment building
- Science: We have a test scheduled for Friday on Geography
- Socials (KN): Review worksheets for the High Middle Ages were completed last week. A review answer key is posted in Google Classroom along with a Blooket to help with studying. We will have a review game in class today and the TEST is tomorrow, Tuesday Feb. 25. On Thursday we will begin our new unit on the Late Middle Ages.
- ADST: Students took home an assignment package last week Friday. They have 2 weeks to cook a meal for their families 🙂 Enjoy!
- French (AV): continuing in unit 4, working with “parts of the body” vocabulary and reviewing some irregular verbs.
- Music (NS): We’re at the polishing phase with ‘Maskepetoon’. Well done, Gr. 8! Keep up the hard work of consistent practice. This week, diving into ‘Skedaddle’. Due Feb 26: SOE #107, Due Feb 27 @ midnight, Skedaddle: m. 1-27
- PE (SS): Badminton & Fitness
Grade 7 Girls Basketball
Tuesday, Feb 25 | Game @ CCES | 3:15
Grade 7 Boys Basketball
Tuesday, Feb 25 | Game @ Yorkson Creek | 3:15