District Digest
Volume 2.3 -- Published April 15, 2024
There have been a lot of great things happening in SJUSD schools! Check out some of the following highlights from January - April 2024!
Click HERE to read previous editions of the District Digest.
WARNING: Watching this video may bring a smile to your face 🙃
Tiger Media Network students produce Groundbreaking Celebration highlights video
Riverside County Principal of the Year!
During a surprise visit at Megan Cope Elementary on February 16, Dr. Edwin Gomez, Riverside County Superintendent of Schools announced that our own Dr. Emily Price (Principal, Megan Cope Elementary) has been named the 2024 Riverside County Principal of the Year. Dr. Gomez’s statement, “Out of 515 schools in Riverside County, YOUR Principal was selected as the SINGLE Principal of the Year” really resonated with the students and staff in attendance!
Congratulations, Dr. Price! We are all proud of you!
SJHS Student Featured for "Inspiring Brilliance"
SJLA Celebrates First Graduates -- The Class of 2024
Isaac will attend college in the fall
Sierra will enlist in the US Army in the fall
The Battle is Over!
A competition that began with 313 students and three teams in each SJUSD elementary school ended with one victorious team at the culminating District Battle of the Bookworm on March 26.
During the months of preparation, students read three required books and earned points by completing Google classroom assignments. Each school held a campus competition, allowing teams to earn additional points. The team with the most points from each school advanced to the District competition.
The Bookworm Battle strategy for the Family Feud style competition included working as a team to find correct answers. Congratulations to team “Super Seahawk Readers” from Megan Cope Elementary -- the 2024 Bookworm Champions! They received event prizes, their name engraved on a traveling trophy and, of course, bragging rights for the next year!
SJE, Record, Estudillo, Park Hill Site Competition Highlights
Now That's Talent!
Student creativity was on full display during the SJHS 4th Annual Fine Arts Festival on Thursday, April 4. The evening was filled with music, dance, live demonstrations and delicious food options! The talents of many students were evident in the displays featuring painting, drawings, and other artwork.
Attendees particularly enjoyed listening to the SJHS choir, watching Ballet Folklorico and drama students perform and observing mounds of clay becoming beautifully shaped bowls, blocks of wood being transformed and bare sidewalks being used as colorful chalk canvases. Even the dark, cloudy skies cooperated and showed off a rainbow rather than dropping rain on the festivities!
Let's Get Social!
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De Anza...........Facebook..... Instagram..... X (aka Twitter)
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Record............Facebook..... Instagram..... X (aka Twitter)
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Nutrition Services.................Instagram..............................
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Introducing the Griffins!
The San Jacinto Middle College High School mascot, logo and colors were introduced at the January 17 Board of Trustee meeting.
Follow them on social media!!
New Student Services Facility
Our Enrollment, Family Engagement, Attendance and Safety staff began serving families from their new offices on January 9 and held an Open House celebration on March 6.
Future Broadcasters
Community Survey
Please take our community survey! Your input will guide our efforts to improve local school facilities.
2024 Mountain Pass League Champs!
SJHS Girls Basketball Record
Overall 20-9
League 10-0
SJHS Girls Soccer Record
Overall 14-6-4
League 7-2-1
Award Winning Seasons!
SJHS Varsity Cheer
First Place Winners of the State Championship
SJHS Girls Water Polo
First team in school history to make CIF Playoffs
Water Conservationists
The Wyland Foundation Science Lab on Wheels visited De Anza Elementary on March 5 to teach students ways they can be water conservationists. A science field trip in their parking lot!!
Young Leaders!
Estudillo Elementary hosted a Leadership Day with students serving as campus greeters, program emcees, tour guides, photographers and more!
What's it Like to be Principal for a Day?!
The twenty seven community members who became "Principal for a Day" kept busy with classroom visits, monitoring recess, attending assemblies and greeting students and staff!
Each guest principal gave high praise to our staff and the work being done to educate our students!
Scientifically Speaking...
Congrats to SJLA student Michael Serrano -- a gold medal RCOE Science Fair winner for his "The Flight of a Fletching" project. He now advances to the CA State Science and Engineering Fair and the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge! READ MORE!
Mock Trial Outstanding Prosecution Attorney
The verdict is in and San Jacinto High School junior, Kayla Hancock has been recognized for outstanding prosecution skills during the mock trial! Congratulations!! Your dedication, preparation, and talent truly shined in the courtroom. We are proud of you! READ MORE!
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