Parker Post
November 24, 2024
Dear Parker Families,
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, there will be no newsletter next week. The next newsletter will be on Sunday, December 8th. As a reminder, Monday (11/25) and Tuesday (11/26) are full days of school and Wednesday (11/27) is an early dismissal, with students being released at 10:45 am.
Please remember to call (781-944-1236) or email (WSPAbsences@reading.k12.ma.us) the school to report absences or dismissals.
Tomorrow is the last day to bring in food items for donation to the Reading Food Pantry. Students can bring an item from the list below to their homeroom:
Thanksgiving Items:
Boxed stuffing mix (like Stovetop)
Instant mashed potatoes in boxes or packets.
Jars of turkey gravy or dried gravy mix packets.
Dry macaroni.
Canned yams (canned goods should come with a pop-top lid)
Canned cranberry sauce.
Canned veggies (green beans, corn, peas)
Cornbread mix.
Other General Needed Items:
Microwave Popcorn
Cookie Packages (Chips Ahoy, Oreos, Milano, Nutter Butter)
Hot Cocoa Package Box
Tissue Boxes
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper
As we approach Thanksgiving, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the members of the Parker community. I am incredibly appreciative of the commitment from our wonderful staff. Their dedication to developing the academic, social, and behavioral skills in our students is unmatched. I am deeply grateful for the support and involvement of our families. Your partnership plays a vital role in the success of our students. And of course, I am thankful for our incredible students. You are the heart of our school! You inspire us with your curiosity, creativity, and determination. I am so proud of the effort and kindness you bring to our classrooms and hallways every single day.
As you gather with loved ones this week, I hope you find moments of joy, reflection, and connection. May your holiday be filled with warmth, gratitude, and the company of those you hold dear. Thank you for being part of our school family.
In partnership,
Jill Story
Upcoming Events
Early Dismissal (10:45 a.m. dismissal) - 11/27
Thanksgiving Recess: NO SCHOOL - 11/28 & 11/29
Become Your Dreams: History of Hip Hop Dance performance (in school enrichment) - 12/3
Early Release (12:30 p.m. dismissal) - 12/6
PTO Meeting - 12/9, 7 p.m.
Musical Auditions - 12/9 & 12/10
Musical Call Backs - 12/16
Grade 8 Concert - 12/12
Grades 6 & 7 Concerts - 12/17
Grade 7 Christmas Carol Field Trip - 12/18
Musical Tech Interviews - 12/20
Winter Break - 12/23/24 - 1/1/25
Author Visit
Author Jessie Janowicz visits 6th graders!
This past Wednesday, author Jessie Janowicz spoke to sixth graders about different types of literary styles and read from her latest book, All the Ways to Go. Thank you to the PTO for making this enrichment opportunity possible!
Staff Professional Development: PBIS
Parker's collaboration with the Social, Emotional, & Behavior (SEB) Academy
Parker is in the second year of a three-year partnership with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Social, Emotional, & Behavior (SEB) Academy to better align our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). As part of this work, staff took part in professional learning this past week aimed at implementing the Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS) framework. As a learning community, we are committed to supporting students in the development of skills and dispositions that are essential for continued academic success. Tier 1 represents universal supports, or what we do for ALL students; Tier 2 is what we provide for some who may need more support; Tier 3 is what we do for the few who need intensive support. As a school, we are working to more clearly define the Tier 1 supports, as well as clarify and/or improve the processes used to identify students who would benefit from Tier 2 or Tier 3 supports.
Private & Tech School Applications
Grade 8 Families:
Please see the attached document for information about how to request transcripts and letters of recommendation if your child is applying to private or technical schools.
Festival of Trees
Parker Middle School: December 7th and 8th
Kick off your holiday season on Saturday and Sunday, December 7th and 8th by visiting Reading Education Foundation’s (REF) 22nd annual Festival of Trees, a winter wonderland of decorated holiday trees donated by local families, organizations, businesses and schools that festival visitors can win for themselves! This signature REF fundraising event, held at Reading’s Parker Middle School, is a magical and memorable community holiday tradition for adults and children of all ages. Fun can be had for all ages while raising money that REF provides to the Reading schools through teacher-initiated grants. There is local entertainment throughout both days including live performances by school choruses, bands and local groups. Food trucks will be outside selling items at the event. Lucky winners of tree raffles will be selected at closing on Sunday night.
Tree Donations
REF has a goal of 100 donated trees this year – please consider donating one! We welcome trees from PTO’s, grade levels, groups and staff. This is a great way to showcase the creativity and curriculum of the Reading Public Schools. You don’t need to spend a lot on a tree – just a fun theme and a few gift cards or small tokens (especially from our local businesses) are all you need. Remember, you don’t even need a tree as we’ve seen hockey sticks, bookcases and other itemS serve as a “tree”. If you are interested in donating a tree please email us at reftreedonor@gmail.com and include the following:
- Name of Tree Donor
- Contact information & phone number
- Tree Name
Advanced Ticket Sales Are Open
Raffle tickets purchased in advance will be preprinted with purchaser’s raffle number on the back, saving patrons the time and hassle of entering their personal information. Visit readingef.org to purchase tickets.
REF, non-profit foundation, is committed to supporting innovation and excellence in the Reading Public Schools. REF’s goal is to enhance and increase educational opportunities for all Reading students by providing funds for projects that go beyond the scope of traditional classroom learning. To learn more about REF, advance sales, opportunities to donate a tree, and see a schedule of events, visit the REF website at www.readingef.org.
RMHS Drama Club
News from the PTO
đź“Ś PTO MEETING: Please join us for our next PTO meeting, Monday, December 9 at 7 p.m. at Parker Middle School and via zoom. Take a sneak peek at our upcoming agenda. All are welcome!
đź“Ś DONATION REQUEST: Check out what the Parker PTO accomplished last year! All of this was entirely made possible because of family donations.
đź“Ś THANK YOU: We appreciate the Parker families that have submitted their PTO donations for matching gifts through their companies totalling over $550 in extra funds for the Parker PTO! Please consider checking with your employer as to whether your PTO donation can be matched as this provides extra funds that the PTO can put towards enrichment and activities for this school year.
đź“Ś HOLIDAY PIE SALE PICK UP - THIS TUESDAY 11/26: Thank you to our Parker community for donating 50 pies to the Reading Food Pantry for Thanksgiving!! We are so grateful for your generosity.
All purchased pies can be picked up from the Parker Lobby Tuesday, November 26th, from 5pm to 7pm. This will be the ONLY available time to get your pies as we have no way to store them.
If you have any questions please contact Kate McLeod at kate.fugina@gmail.com
đź“Ś PARKER PTO FESTIVAL OF TREES DONATION: Once again the Parker PTO is participating in the 2024 Festival of Trees. This year's theme is based on the Parker Drama spring musical, "Curtains," which is a murder mystery comedy set in 1960's Boston. This is a fun theme to work with!
Thanks to everyone for supporting the Parker tree for Festival of Trees. Our Amazon wish list is complete! So far, we have raised enough for 5 gift cards at $25 each. If anyone would still like to contribute please consider a donation of any size through this givebutter link: https://givebutter.com/Curtains so that we can add some great local gift cards to our tree! We all know the gift cards are the real reason people put their tickets in those buckets! Thanks again to all who have contributed so far.
Please make all donations by December 1. We hope to see you at the Festival of Trees December 7th & 8th!
Thank you for your support,
Julie Sheeran & Alicia Weaver
đź“Ś CHARLESTON WRAP: The Charleston Wrap sale is open now through 12/4! https://tinyurl.com/ParkerCharlestonWrap24
Shop online for upcoming holidays, gift wrap, candles, eco-friendly items, personalized gifts, kitchen items, gourmet snacks and more. A portion of all sales will be donated to Parker. Shop now and items are delivered after ordering - no waiting for the end of the sale!
📌 PARKER STAFF HOLIDAY BREAKFAST: Every year the Parker PTO treats our wonderful Parker staff to a delicious breakfast, and we are looking for donations of breakfast items. Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/StaffBreakfast24. Or, if you’d rather, make a donation and we will do the shopping for you! https://givebutter.com/StaffBreakfast24
All donations must be dropped to Parker on F 12/6 between 7-7:15am, or dropped off to Jen Ray prior to 12/6 at 436 West Street.
As is tradition, we will also be gifting all staff a $10 Target gift card as a holiday thank you! Gift cards can be sent into the Parker Main Office at any time. Please sign up via the sign up genius (https://tinyurl.com/StaffBreakfast24), and mark the gift cards as for the PTO when sending into school. Thank you!
- SUN, 11/9 - W, 12/4 CHARLESTON WRAP SALE: Gift wrap for all occasions, candles, home decor and more! https://tinyurl.com/ParkerCharlestonWrap24
- PARKER PTO’S FESTIVAL OF TREES SUBMISSION: Help the PTO outfit our awesome Festival of Trees tree donation. Donate by 12/1. https://givebutter.com/Curtains
- T, 11/26, 5-7pm: Pick up purchased holiday pies in the Parker Lobby.
- F, 12/6: Parker Restaurant Night at Mandarin. Take out and dine in.
- F, 12/6, 7am: Parker Staff Holiday Breakfast. Donations needed: https://tinyurl.com/StaffBreakfast24 & https://givebutter.com/StaffBreakfast24
- M, 12/9: PTO Meeting, 7pm. In person and zoom.
- Email: parkerptopres@gmail.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/ParkerPTO
- Instagram: @ParkerMSPTO, www.instagram.com/parkermspto
- Parker PTO webpage: tinyurl.com/ParkerPTOpage
SEPAC Updates
To learn more about Reading SEPAC, please visit our website: Reading SEPAC Website
Should you wish to receive our monthly newsletter, please send an email to SEPACReading@gmail.com
Please note that Reading SEPAC IS OPEN TO ALL parents/caregivers and not only families who have a child with special needs as we offer various opportunities to connect with other families and provide learning experiences.
Reading SEPAC Board members for the 2024/25 school year:
Amanda Fitzgerald
Dilly Wilson
Eunice Kenyon
Jacyln Lee
Patricia Kiely
Zea Lennard
Recorded events that are still available on the Reading SEPAC Website:
- The Right to Read Panel Discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw_oIuqkUt0
- The New IEP Presentation
- MCAS & Students with Disabilities Presentation
- Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Presentation
***Should you wish to reach out to Reading SEPAC anonymously, please use this form
Friends of Reading METCO
Friends of Reading METCO invites you to join us for our third annual Holiday Brunch on Saturday 12/7/24 in Reading. Come meet other families over delicious food then continue to the Reading Education Foundations’ Festival of Trees nearby at Parker Middle School. This is a FREE event. See flier for more details and register here or via the QR code on the flier.
Friends of Reading METCO is a volunteer group of Boston and Reading parents, working together to make connections between families and support the METCO program in our District. Contact ilka@ilkawalkley.com if you’d like to know more.
About Reading SEPAC
SEPAC works for the understanding of, respect for, and support of, all children with special needs in the community (including ALL children on IEPs or 504 plans and children who may require specialized supports).
Reading Public Schools is a METCO District
METCO unites suburban towns with Boston to engage in a reciprocal learning partnership in support of all students. Because of this, every child who attends school in Reading Public Schools is a METCO student and every parent or guardian who has a student in RPS is a part of the METCO community.
General Information
Parker Teams
If you need to connect with your child's teachers, please reach out to the Team Leader as the primary point of contact. Team Leaders will be communicating regularly with families throughout the year.
Team Synergy - Jane Costa (jane.costa@reading.k12.ma.us)
Team Unity - Elisabeth Bean (elisabeth.bean@reading.k12.ma.us)
Team Justice - Andrew Spinali (andrew.spinali@reading.k12.ma.us)
Team Integrity - Steve Olivo (steve.olivo@reading.k12.ma.us)
Team Inspire - Julie Merrill (julie.merrill@reading.k12.ma.us)
Team Endeavor - Brian James (brian.james@reading.k12.ma.us)
Regular Day Bell Schedule
Advisory Day Bell Schedule
On Wednesdays, students will have Advisory. During Advisory, students meet in smaller groups with an assigned Advisory teacher. The goal is to foster a sense of belonging for all students through the implementation of curriculum that is designed to reinforce Parker's core values of kindness, community, and personal best.
Please be aware that any medication must be brought in by parents and signed in with a nurse, with the exception of epipens and inhalers which may be brought in by students. Please note that all medications require a physician order and parent consent. You may upload any medical documentation, including copies of orders and physicals, privately through the health portal here. Please see illness guidelines here. If you have any medical questions that you would like to discuss with the nurse, please contact kate.shmulsky@reading.k12.ma.us.
Health Services Updates: The Health Services Department would like to share some important reminders. Parents/guardians/caregivers should review the RPS illness guidelines here. If your child requires medication at school, including an Epipen or inhaler, ensure you complete and submit this form. Reading Public Schools utilizes the SNAP Health Portal for electronic health records, allowing secure uploading of medical documents and private messaging with school nurses; an email has been sent to parents with login details and the portal can be accessed here.
Resources for Parents
Access to the portal can be found on the Parker website (https://parker.reading.k12.ma.us/en-US) by clicking on the PlusPortals button. Your username should be your personal email. If you have questions about your account, please contact Linnea Frye: linnea.frye@reading.k12.ma.us
District News
About Us
Jill Story, Principal
Email: jill.story@reading.k12.ma.us
Beth Simpson, Assistant Principal
Email: beth.simpson@reading.k12.ma.us
Website: Walter S. Parker Middle School
Location: 45 Temple Street