Peek at Our Week November 11, 2024
Paonia K-8 School
Paonia K-8 School Info
Email: sam.cox@deltaschools.com
Website: pk8.deltaschools.com
Location: 846 Grand Avenue, Paonia, CO, USA
Phone: 970-527-4882
School Dismissal Procedures
As is often the case, after a few months, we need to revisit our dismissal procedures at parent-pick up. Please remember to follow these procedures to ensure the safety of our students and families during dismissal time:
- Follow the map below to ensure you are parking/moving through the parking lot correctly.
- Do not walk from a parked car to the sidewalk in the middle of the parking lot. Please come to the crosswalk where a staff member has a stop sign to cross in front of stopped vehicles.
- Do not try to drive out of the parking lot through the entrance.
- Do not use the bus lane to pick-up or drop off your students.
- Students should enter cars along the pick-up sidewalk, or when a car is parked in a white space.
- Do not stop in the middle of the moving lane to pick up your child.
- Please follow the directions of staff members that are controlling walking and driving traffic.
- Please share these procedures with other family members and friends that may pick up your child on occassion.
We are fortunate to have a short pick-up line. Please be patient and keep your eye out for children and adults. That way we will all make it home safely. Thank you everyone!
Knowledge Bowl Excellence!!
Congratulations to our 6th-8th grade Knowledge Bowl teams. This week both the 6th grade teams and the 7th/8th grade teams competed at the district level competition. For the second year in a row, the 7th/8th grade team swept the top of the awards!
The 7th/8th grade team of Emi Schroeder, Aaron Frazier, Joe Ward, Gideon Peters, and Ruben Hagaman took 2nd place!
The 7th/8th grade team of Alex Smith, Clinton Roeber, Myla Scherba, Ian Morris, Colin Pizey, and Alysia Beyette took 1st place!
Way to go Eagles!!
Upcoming School Events:
Veteran's Day Assembly
Monday, November 11th at 9:00am
PK8 students will be recognizing local Veteran's in honor of their service to our country. For more information contact Rene Adams at PK8.
MS Boys Basketball Games
Thursday, November 14th @ 4:00
7th Grade home games vs Columbine Middle School
8th Grade away games at Columbine Middle School
MS Boys Basketball A Team Tournament
Saturday, November 16th , Times TBD
7A Team away games at Olathe Middle School
8A Team away games at Gunnison Middle School
PPO Meeting
Monday, November 18th at 3:45 in the school library.
2nd Quarter Midterms Sent Home
Tuesday, November 19th
MS Boys Basketball Games
Tuesday, November 19th @ 4:00
7th Grade away games at Centennial Middle School
8th Grade home games vs Centenial Middle School
ALICE School Safety Drill
Thursday, November 21st approximately 9:00
We will practice our Lockdown procedures.
Annual School Thanksgiving Feast
Thursday, November 21st during student lunch periods
MS Boys Basketball Games
Thursday, November 21st @ 4:00
7th/8th Grade home games vs Delta Middle School
Panorama Student Perception Survey
Delta County Schools will administer a brief Panorama Education Survey to 3rd-12th grade students during the week of Nov. 18-22. This survey gathers feedback about students’ classroom experience and perceptions, to provide an important improvement tool for school systems and learning outcomes. For samples of student questionnaires click: classroom questions, and school-level questions. For more information about this survey you can access the Panorama Education User Guide.
A Peek at our Weekly Activities
1st Grade Election Choices
1st Graders at the Voting Booth
1st Graders Waiting to Cast their Vote
6th Grade Honor Roll
7th Grade Honor Roll
8th Grade Honor Roll
6th Grade Knowledge Bowl Team
7th/8th Grade Knowledge Bowl Team 2
Placed 2nd at the district tournament!
7th/8th Grade Knowledge Bowl Team 1
Placed 1st at the district tournament!
1st Grade Math Lesson
1st Grade Math Stations
Snow Much Fun on the First Snowy Day of the Year!
5th Grade Bridge Engineering
5th Grade Bridge Engineering
6th Grade Mathmagicians!
The Great Rake of Town Park
The Great Rake of Town Park
The Great Rake of Town Park
The Great Rake of Town Park
The Great Rake of Town Park
The Great Rake of Town Park
6th Grade Butterbraids Fundraiser
Our 6th grade students are raising funds for their annual trip to Denver to visit the Museum of Nature and Science as well as the Denver Zoo.
You can support these students by purchasing butterbraids. Click on the link below to visit the online store. You can select a 6th grade student to get credit for your order, and let that student know you ordered from them so they may deliver the butterbraids to you.
Thank you so much for your support!
Student Council Canned Food Drive
The Paonia K-8 Student Council is starting a food drive next week so that we can deliver canned and boxed food items to the Paonia Food Pantry before Thanksgiving. This will be a class competition, with the class collecting the most amount of items winning a classroom pizza party. Please send in cans or boxes of food and place them in your box by Thursday, November 21.
Paonia Parents Organization (PPO) Happenings
Next PPO Meeting: Monday, November 18th at 3:45 in the school library - see you there!
Friday Teacher Snack Sign-Ups
Parents, our PPO organizes a snack for school staff every Friday. Parents sign up and bring in treats for roughly 40 staff members on Friday mornings. There are still a few open dates in December. Please offer to help by signing up for one of the available Fridays at this link:
Help Wanted
Paonia K-8 School is looking for a 4-hour kitchen staff employee as well as bus drivers. These part time positions may be combined for more hours and benefits. If you are interested, please apply at deltaschools.com, or contact Mr. Cox directly.
Extra Clothing Needed
Our health room is looking for donations of boys pants for sizes small and medium (ages 5-8). If you have any hand-me-downs to share, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!