NAHS Parent Teacher Conferences
January 28, 2020
Scheduling on Pickatime Opens Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
Dear High School Families,
Parent Teacher Conferences are an important part of the educational process. Meeting with your child’s teachers can highlight academic growth and determine areas for improvement. Teachers welcome communication at any time during the school year, and conferences offer specific opportunities to discuss your child’s progress.
The New Albany High School Winter Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 6 and Tuesday, February 11, from 3:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. As in the past, the school will use the on-line scheduling service pickAtime to schedule Parent Teacher Conferences. Scheduling on Pickatime opens Tuesday, January 28, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
The instructions for scheduling your appointment(s) can be found below. If you have questions about scheduling procedures, or if you do not have access to a computer to schedule appointments, please call Beth Johnston at 614-413-8303. We hope to see you on conference night.
- Go to the scheduling website at http://www.pickatime.com/client?ven=11604434
- Enter your email address and click "Login/Create Account".
- Fill in the required fields to register.
- For each child, create a student ID and enter student’s birth date using this format: 99/99/99.
- Scheduling opens on Tuesday, January 28 at 7:00 pm.
- Go to the scheduling website at https://pickatime.com/client?ven=11604434
- If you have previously registered, all you need to do is enter your email and password.
- Each colored square represents an available meeting time. The legend shows you which teacher corresponds to which color, and the times increase as you go down the page. (Note: you will not see all of the teachers at our school, just your child’s teachers). Click on a square to book that time.
- You will have the choice of setting a time when you would like a reminder email delivered.
- Click "Create Appointment. Repeat until you have scheduled a time with each teacher with whom you'd like to visit.
- At any time you can click on "printable schedule" and print the resulting web page to get a hard copy of your schedule. You will also have the option to receive a copy of your schedule by email.
- If you want to make changes to your schedule, you can log in at any time with the email address and password you used to create your account.
- Click on “Your Schedule” to display and hide your appointments. There will be links to change the time or cancel the appointment.
- If you wish to meet with a teacher that doesn't have availability, please contact the teacher directly via email which can be found on their classroom portal.
Ken Kraemer
New Albany High School