November 2024
Immaculate Conception School Newsletter
Mrs. Schrimpf's News
Dear IC Families,
As we enter the month of November, I am reminded of how much we have to be thankful for in our school community. The year is progressing quickly, and I am continually impressed by the dedication, kindness, and faith that is witnessed in our halls each day.
November marks the beginning of a season of reflection and gratitude. In our Catholic tradition, this is a time to honor the saints, remember our loved ones who have gone before us, and prepare our hearts for Advent. We appreciate the participation from our students and families with the recent Food Drive for the Samaritan Center. This was a wonderful opportunity for our students to practice their faith through service.
As we continue our journey of faith together, I want to take this opportunity to remind all families of the vital role that Mass attendance plays in the stewardship of our spiritual lives. Mass is a central pillar of our faith and offers us the chance to deepen our relationship with Christ and receive the grace that sustains us throughout the week. In addition to participating in school Masses, I encourage every family to make weekly Sunday Mass attendance a priority. This not only strengthens our bond as a Catholic community but also sets an example for our children about the importance of worship and stewardship. Stewardship involves sharing our time, talents, and treasure, and attending Mass is one of the most profound ways we can give back to God. By gathering as a community to celebrate the Eucharist, we express our gratitude for the many blessings in our lives and allow ourselves to be nourished by Christ’s presence.
In addition to your prayers and support for our students, I’d like to invite you to participate in our
parish’s Capital Campaign. This initiative is crucial for the future growth and development of our school. Through your generous contributions, we can ensure that our facilities and resources match the level of excellence we strive for. Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference in the lives of our students and helps us build a legacy that will benefit generations to come. Meetings are starting to take place and packets of information are being shared. I encourage you to prayerfully consider making a donation. Your support is truly an investment in our children’s future and our school’s mission.
As we journey through this month, let us hold in our hearts the call to be grateful, kind, and generous. May we, as a school community, continue to be a source of love and light to each other and to those around us.
Wishing you and your families a blessed month of November.
Heather Schrimpf, Principal
Food for Thought
Greetings School Parents:
As we move into this Capital Campaign, I ask you pray with us:
Father, give us the courage to make a leap of faith … co-creating with you a new school to serve our faith family for generations to come. Teach us how best to receive, protect, and build anew, the majestic Catholic Legacy which was given to us by the faithful generations of our founding members.
As we make this prayer, we ask the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Patroness of our Diocese, to pray with us:
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
In the union of prayer,
Rev. Matthew Flatley, Pastor
Nurse's Notes and Reminders
Help Nurse Debbie get a jump on 2025-2026 school year! Many of our 7th graders have already received the immunizations that they need for admittance into 8th grade. As Nurse Debbie begins to communicate with 7th grade families about needed immunizations, having updated records for each student will help her tailor her communications. Feel free to send your student's most updated immunization records so that Nurse Debbie can determine what immunizations are needed for your student to be in attendance 2025-2026 school year.
Middle School Announcements
- 11/01 - Samaritan Center Canned Food Drive Ends
- 11/04 - BAND
- 11/05 - BAND; IC Spirit Shirt Day
- 11/06 - Life Runners
- 11/07 - BAND; Donuts w/Dad & Grandpa; STUCO Meeting; Children's Choir Rehearsal
- 11/11 - Chad's Training (6th); Youth Group
- 11/12 - BAND; Picture Retake Day; DRESS DOWN DAY (HHF)
- 11/13 - BAND; Mathcounts
- 11/14 - Children's Choir Rehearsal
- 11/15 - BAND; 8-2 Religion Class Mass
- 11/17 - Confirmation (7th) @ 2:00pm
- 11/18 - BAND
- 11/19 - IC Spirit Shirt Day; COPE Program (7th)
- 11/20 - BAND; Scout Shirt Day; Art Club
- 11/21 - TEAM Program (8th)
- 11/22 - BAND
- 11/25 - BAND
- 11/26 - BAND
Home & School News
IC Home & School is hosting its annual Donuts w/Dad or Grandpa on Thursday, November 7th @ 7:00am - 8:00am in Kertz Hall. Please joins us and share a donut with your favorite IC Angels! You can RSVP through the QR code on the attached flier.
The SPRING FLING DATE has been set! Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 8, 2025!!
Please start thinking about businesses you can contact for monetary donations, as well as any items you can contribute to the online auction. If you have any questions or ideas, please contact Carla Brown at iccarlahomeandschool@gmail.com or Leah Pickering at lpickering@icangels.com. We are looking forward to another great event this year!!
Technology Tidbit
Did you know that students in grades 1-8 practice typing at the beginning of every computer class? We use a variety of resources and games such as Typing.com, Typing Club, Typetastic, Nitro Type, and Dance Mat Typing. Below is a list of skills that are taught. Proper Hand Positioning Key Recognition Proper Posture Touch Typing Common Shortcuts Speed and Accuracy
Jessica Stevens
Counselor's Desk
Counselor’s Desk
Wow, what an October! We’ve been busy with achievement testing and finishing up the first quarter. I must say I am very impressed with our students’ ability to buckle down and keep moving forward! In the month of October students learned about good manners, choices and consequences, drama, bullying, and conflict resolution! In November, students will focus on feelings, emotions, coping skills, and being true to ourselves. We’ve got several fun activities planned to help your students learn about these topics.
Tip for the Month:
I know most of you are starting or at least thinking about Christmas shopping. My number one tip to incorporate the idea of time into your gifts is giving an experience. Here are a few ideas of experience giving:
- Giving tickets to an upcoming sporting event.
- Giving a giftcard to a favorite clothing store. You were likely to spend the money on clothes there anyway so why not make a fun day out of shopping together.
- Giving a giftcard to a favorite restaurant. Have a fun lunch or dinner date.
- Giving movie passes or buying new movies with a scheduled time to watch together.
- Supplies to start a new hobby together- arts and crafts, a new game or puzzle to do together, or a new cookbook with recipes to try together.
**Reminder to check out my counseling virtual classroom! There are lots of resources and fun activities for families!**
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support
SW-PBS (Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support):
Have responsibility. Act safely. Live Christ-like. Offer respect.
SW-PBS Purpose Statement
We, the students, staff, and families of Immaculate Conception School, will create a climate of responsibility, safety, Christianity, and respect for growth in faith and learning.
October Character Trait Winners
Calendar and Menu
Administration Contact Information
Mrs. Schrimpf
Mrs. Boessen
Mrs. Wyrick/School Office
Mrs. Jennings/School Office
Mrs. Hilke/Nurse