Falcon Flyer
August 30, 2024
Principal Message
Thank you!!
It was fantastic to see so many kids and parents Thursday for Back-to-School Night. Hopefully you were able to get a sense of our school community, see the building improvements, and meet the incredible educators who get to spend time with your kids. We appreciate your time and hope you found the evening worthwhile.
Please mark your calendars! Our next school-wide event is Fall Conferences on September 17th (last names N-Z) and September 19th (last names A-M). This will give you an opportunity to meet with teachers regarding specific questions or concerns you may have. More information to come.
And finally, I wanted to put out one last call for volunteers. If you would be willing to join our School Accountability Committee or VOICES of Color group, or get connected with our PTCO, please shoot me an email at lkibbee@cherrycreekschools.org. As was discussed at BTSN, our goal is TEAMWORK and many hands make for light work!
I hope you all enjoy the long weekend and we will see the students back on Tuesday!
Take care,
Lara Kibbee
Falcon Creek Middle School
On Tuesday, September 3rd, Falcon Creek will be practicing a LOCKDOWN drill. Please check your email for specific information and details about this event.
Regular daily school attendance is a critical factor in school success. Students who are chronically absent from school are at risk of falling behind in academic learning. Poor attendance in early grades can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade. By sixth grade, chronic absence can be a predictor of whether a student is at risk for dropping out of school. Help us meet our goal of having every child in school every day. If your family anticipates an issue with attendance this year, please reach out to our office and we will make a plan to ensure your student gets to school. To learn more about why attendance matters, the new CCSD Policy and how CCSD can help click HERE.
Our school counseling team has been visiting 6th grade Advisory classes to conduct Minute Meetings. Minute Meetings are a quick check-in with students that last about one minute. This allows us to touch base with a large number of students in a short time. It also gives us a chance to connect with each student individually and catch needs that may otherwise go unnoticed. It gives us great data that is then used to plan interventions throughout the school year. We love connecting with your students, hearing how middle school is going and letting them know how we can help. Take a minute to ask your student about their minute meeting!
Mr. Woodward and Mrs. Hanson
Download our free school app to stay up to date on all things Falcon Creek. Features of the app include, reporting your student's absence, breakfast and lunch menus, school events and MUCH MUCH more. Download using the link above and inputting our school code of HWNVK.
Contact Us
Email: falconcreeknews@cherrycreekschools.org
Website: www.cherrycreekschools.org/falconcreek
Location: 6100 South Genoa Street, Aurora, CO, USA
Phone: (720) 886-7745