Counselor's Corner - December 2024
Information about school counseling and local resources
School Counseling Classroom Lessons: December Re-cap
Our 7th and 8th graders participated in lessons on Executive Functioning skills where we discussed setting SMART goals, how to prioritize things, and the idea of backwards planning to help us achieve our goals!
SEL Skill of the Month: Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution is an essential life skill. Does your child know how to resolve conflicts in a peaceful way?
I-Statements are a simple way to practice conflict resolution. Use this fill-in-the-blank template anytime you’re experiencing a conflict at home. Perhaps even hang it on the refrigerator as a family reminder!
“I feel ___________ when you _________ because ________. Next time please _________.”
Examples: “I feel angry when you are distracted when I’m talking to you because I have something important to say. Next time can you please look at me?”
“I feel angry when you borrow my clothes without asking because it’s inconsiderate. Next time can you please ask first?”
In addition to I-Statements, there are many other ways to resolve conflicts such as walking away, taking a break to cool off, talking it out, ignoring, making a deal, apologizing, and asking someone to stop.
Coming up in January: Counseling Lesson Topics
Our counseling lessons for January will hopefully get our year started right! Our littles (Kindergarten) will have a lesson on self-control, our 1st - 6th graders will be focusing on goal setting and growth mindset, and our 7th and 8th graders will expand upon their executive functioning skills as we learn about procrastination, perseverance, and flexible thinking!
Statistics & Tips on Cyber Safety and Bullying Prevention
Positive affirmations to start your day!
Today will be a GREAT day
Mental Health and Human Service Resources in Our Surrounding Area
Hospice of Washington County
Bereavement Resources for families, teens and children: https://hospiceofwc.org/grief-support/bereavement-services
Contact information for Mrs. Fortney
Email: klfortney@iu12.org
Website: https://www.iu12.org/
Phone: (717) 624 - 4616 x 6237