Little Bolts News!
2023-2024 Trimester 3
It's hard to believe the 2023-2024 school year has come to end. We are so proud of the hard work and dedication from our students this year. We want to wish all of our 5th graders the best of luck as they move on to the Middle School. To the rest of our Little Bolts we cant wait to see you back here at ACES for the 24'-25' school year!
Upcoming Events...
Kindergarten Enrollment continues
Kindergarten Orientation- August 14th, Last Names A-M 5:15-6:00 Last Names N-Z 6:15-7:00
Back To School Night- Monday, August 19th 6:00-8:00pm
First Day of school- Wednesday, August 21st
Camping with Fifth Grade
Thanks to a grant from the Thunderbolt Foundation, fifth grade enjoyed two days of learning and camping. Camping Under the Stars was a surprise room transformation where the students worked collaboratively and read about and researched constellations, all in their cozy tents. I’m sure the kids would agree that the best part was roasting marshmallows and eating s’mores!
The second day was Camp Thunderbolt. At this one day camp, we started the day gathered around the camp flag where Mr. Howe played reveille on his trumpet. Then the students set up camp by pitching tents. Once camp was set, the students enjoyed rotating through stations where they had to collaborate and problem solve to accomplish a goal. By far, the favorite station was the math station where the students had to use their measuring skills to create and name a drink. Of course, after creating their drinks, they were able to taste each group’s creation. We ended the day tearing down camp and Taps being played by Mr. Howe. A camp picture was taken in front of the camp sign that greeted everyone as we started our day.
All in all, a HUGE thank you goes to the Thunderbolt Foundation for giving us the grant. These opportunities would not have been possible without their support. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Check out this room transformation, made possible by the Thunderbolt Foundation!
Making memories that will last a lifetime.
Fourth Grade ELA
Fourth grade ELA finished out the third trimester focusing on our Text-Dependent Analysis (TDA) writing unit. Throughout the trimester we gradually let the students take the reigns as they began to begin writing their own TDA’s independently by the end of the trimester. Though many of them may not have been perfect, the amount of growth was incredible. This type of writing will be focused on again in fifth grade, so this skill wasn’t expected to be mastered.
At the end of the trimester, we celebrated our writing by having our annual Captain Obvious Day! Captain Obvious is our TDA mascot who reminds us to be “obvious” in our explanations and cheers us on as we write!
Third Grade ELA/Math
It was a super productive trimester!
In writing, students developed their personal narrative writing skills. While drafting, revising, and editing, they learned the importance of narrowing their story to a small moment and the impact meaningful sensory details can have. Students practiced writing interesting leads that included when, where, who and what to introduce their story and conclusions that highlighted the meaning of the story.
In reading, students learned about informational text structures, completed an author study of Eve Bunting, compared and contrasted fiction texts written by the same author, determined the point of view of the author, learned techniques authors use to make texts interesting, and identified the author’s message.
In social studies, students learned about the history of Littlestown and spent a full day at Mud College immersed in the one room schoolhouse life.
In math, students learned about measurement, telling time, and graphing/data. We practiced measuring to the nearest ¼ inch as well as learning all about customary units of measurement, and the metric system. We also reviewed how to tell time on an analog clock and learned how to calculate elapsed time. We finished our last unit of the year on graphing and data analysis. Students completed a culminating graph project where they got to choose their own topic and survey classmates in order to create their graphs.
In science, we completed our last unit of the year on the sun, moon, and earth. We learned why these objects are the most important parts of our solar system. We learned the reason why we have day and night, why we have four seasons, and the phases of the moon. We collected data on the changing moon and analyzed how and why it appears to look different every night.
Second Grade
Our third trimester was extremely busy and fun! We went on our second field trip to the Baltimore Zoo and saw a variety of animals. On Earth Day we walked around collecting trash and we also were able to see a Stonesifer Trash Truck up close and ask questions. Beach Day, Pilot Bash and the ABC Countdown were a ton of fun. Our wonderful high school helpers were amazing. Finally, we created time capsules that we will open on the day of graduation 2034! Students and teachers created fond memories this year that will last a lifetime.
First Grade
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM! Mrs. Rynard's 1st grade class wrapped up the end of the year with an outdoor picnic and ice cream party!
"I've learned my ABCs and 1,2,3's; to tie my shoes and when to say please. It's time to move on; I've had lots of fun"-Anonymous. Click on the picture to watch the Summer Quest video from Adams County Library.
From the Nurse’s Office:
Few reminders from the Health Office as we all get ready for summer break.
Kindergarten will need a physical.
Kindergarten & 3rd grade, need a dental exam.
When returning to school, put an extra set of clothing in your childs backpack in case of spills or accidents.
Please take the summer to enjoy the outdoors and each other.
Have a safe, fun and relaxing summer.
Health Office