Lake Agassiz
August 2024 Newsletter

Dear families,
We have had a beautiful fall, with students enjoying recess and the fresh air of being outside daily, but we all know that winter is around the corner. Please make sure to review the winter procedures for storm days, late starts due to weather, included below.
Keep in mind that all classes go outside for recess each day as long as the "feels like" temperature is 0 degrees or above. Make sure that your child has winter gear every day: boots, snow pants, hat, gloves/mittens, and a warm coat. The fresh air, physical movement, and peer time are valuable, and we take advantage of those 'warm enough' days as much as possible.
School Cancellation and Postponement Procedures
Click here for school cancellation and postponement procedures.
Remote Learning: Snow Day information
Our school calendar includes a cushion for two snow days this year. If a third snow day is needed, we will use a Remote Learning format for that day. If we are approaching a third snow day, your child will have a Remote Learning packet sent home. We will send an announcement via SeeSaw if and when it becomes necessary to send those packets home in preparation.
Upcoming Dates November 2024
Wednesday, November 6th
- Early Release - 1:30 p.m. Dismissal
Monday, November 11th
- NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day
Wednesday, November 13th
- Caulfield Picture Retake - 8:45 a.m. - 9:15 am
Thursday, November 14th
- Turkey Bingo card sales begin at 5:30 p.m. - games begin at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, November 20th
- Early Release - 1:30 p.m. Dismissal
Wednesday - Friday, November 27th , 28th & 29th
- No School - Thanksgiving Holiday
HRS Parent and Family Survey
We invite you to participate in the HRS Parent and Family Survey. Your feedback is important to us and will help improve our school and support your child’s education. The survey is quick and easy, and your responses are confidential. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7SFjfe-F4QCstOxRFn1jsfXxzt0nJSjWh1zYwZJS65xmPzA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Picture Retake Information
Wednesday, November 13th
If you are having your child take their school picture because they missed the original picture day there isn't a retake fee -- make sure to bring your order packet along with payment.
Notes From Our PTO
Lake Agassiz PTO will be hosting Turkey Bingo on Thursday, November 14th! Card sales will start at 5:30 PM and games will start at 6:00 PM sharp. Each bingo card is $3 and will be used for 6 games. We will play an additional 3 games just for kids and it will be $1 to play all 3 of those games. The first winner from each bingo game will win a prize and a turkey! Pizza will be for sale for $1 per slice as well as some other treats.
You can also try your luck at our 50/50 raffle or buy tickets for our prize baskets.
Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser
Looking for delicious bread for Thanksgiving or just any day? Consider supporting your Lake Agassiz PTO by ordering Texas Roadhouse bread dough and butter. Our PTO will receive 50% of sales from bread and butter and 10% of gift card sales. Use the QR code to order through November 18th. You will need to pick up your order on November 25th at Texas Roadhouse. Any questions? Contact us at laptomustangs@gmail.com
Notes From Our Nurse
Reminders From The Nurse
As the weather gets cooler, I wanted to share a few reminders with parents:
*Please send your child to school with appropriate cold weather gear including a winter coat, hat, gloves/mittens, snow pants, and boots.
*If your student has a fever of 100.4 degrees or greater, is vomiting, or has diarrhea, the student must stay home for a minimum of 24 hours after symptoms resolve or until there is no fever for 24 hours (without the use of Motrin or Tylenol).
*Please remind your child to wash their hands frequently and cough into their elbow when sick to prevent the spread of viruses.
If you have a new phone number, please let the school know so that we are able to reach you in case of emergency or sickness. Please put the Lake Agassiz phone number (701-746-2275) and the Lake Agassiz nurse number (701-317-3625) in your contacts so that you know we are trying to get in touch with you. Also, another number to add to your contacts is our Lake Agassiz attendance line (701-746-2277) -- if you child will be absent or tardy you can call this number at any time to leave a message
Immunization Landing Page
School Health Newsletter from Grand Forks Public Health
Social Work Corner
Santa Day
Registration is open for the Red River Community Action (RRCA) Santa Day. Please read the flyer and click here for the link where you will find the application. You can also pick up the application at the RRCA building. For questions, you will need to reach out to April from RRCA and her contact information is listed.
Message From Our Deans
Conflict vs. Bullying
Conflict can be defined as a struggle between two or more children who are in a disagreement. Most conflicts arise in the moment because children, of the same relative amount of power, see a particular situation from two different points of view. What differentiates conflicts from bullying is that conflict is usually resolved, doesn't develop into a pattern, and both children are equally upset.
Typically, bullying can be defined by three specific characteristics:
1. A pattern of behavior
2. An imbalance of power
3. Purposeful with intent
Check out this article to read more about the difference between conflict and bullying!
Read Every Day!
RED Day Presentation
Click here to view our RED Day presentation.
Volunteers Needed For Kindergarten & 1st Grade Reading Intramurals
We are excited to offer an opportunity for parents and guardians to come and read to our Kindergarten and 1st-grade students in the mornings. From 8:00 - 8:20 AM, volunteers can help kickstart our students’ day with a story as they wait for school to begin. If you'd like to sign up for a morning to read, simply click on the purple box below to register. We appreciate your support in fostering a love for reading!
Lake Agassiz Spirit Wear
Click HERE to order your Lake Agassiz Mustang Gear!
Each Friday is school spirit day. Wear your purple and gold!